Members Paul Raven Posted July 28, 2019 Members Share Posted July 28, 2019 Another problem with these firings is that legacy characters like Fen, Ana, Scott, Noah etc become'damaged goods' to future writers and are then forgotten completely , leaving holes in the canvas and potential untapped. The same fate awaits Chance if the casting is off or the story tanks. Although other factors do come into play as Summer and Abby could have easily been dropped also. Maybe being an Abbott or Newman earns bonus points... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted July 28, 2019 Members Share Posted July 28, 2019 Another thing I don't like is not only are they not giving these young people good storylines and are sending them, they aren't even getting good exit storylines. Or good reasons to explain their prolonged absences. Fen was sent on tour with one song that was a moderate hit, & they haven't talked much about him since. Michael and Lauren him mentioned him a little a while back and said that tour was a hard grind for him, and the pay wasn't that good. And Lauren encouraged Michael to support Fen's dreams. But that was months ago. Fen hasn't been mentioned since then, he can't stay on tour singing one song forever. It's like the show has forgotten he existed. Ana has now being sent away to be with Jett is who is dealing with issues with nodules on his vocal chords. It's understandable she would want to be with her father, but that is not something that should keep her away long term from the canvas. (Though it probably will). Right now, her, Devon and Elena are visiting Jett, but they will come back without her. And I could see them giving some type of excuse of being around Jett. She could be essentially giving up her career as co-head of LP and being a producers at Hamilton-Winters in GC, by staying away. Even though they may say she's doing work for Hamilton-Winters, while staying around Jett. But they way they wrote her off was very shoddy. Noah has been given the excuse of working for Dark Horse elsewhere, which is a better excuse/than what Fen/Ana have gotten. However it still would be nice if he were around, and he should have been brought back when his mother, grandmother and Aunt were on trial for JT's murder. And were sentenced to jail time. He should have been bought back then, if only for a short stint. But his presence could be used on canvas longer term and to help balance out the younger set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vee Posted July 28, 2019 Members Share Posted July 28, 2019 They don't invest in the younger generation bc the show either miscasts them or most importantly, are really never fully invested in them beyond the existing cash cow vets or played out characters. Summer escaped that fate despite being poorly written due to a fairly talented actress and having stories largely revolving around Phyllis and Nick, until more recently. Her stories are still bad and she has no real definition as a character, but HK is talented. Kyle was in that limbo until Michael Mealor and looked to be there forever before the new actor; now he is shackled to a character no one really likes. There is no reason not to invest in Ana, Fen, Mariah, Noah, Reed, et al. But they take for granted that these characters and many more, or the actors, are "Y" and not "X" - inferior due to either poor past performers, physical type, bad stories in the past, and race. Even if you can't get back Max Ehrich you can either use the new guy most people liked or find a solid one for Fen. Or try giving Ana, Mariah, etc. a story you'd normally try to give to Heinle or Lola or Summer or Abby, or dead end Chelsea or 50 year old Phyllis, and see what happens. God knows Ordway can't carry anything! Same goes with so many. Robert Adamson is serviceable but not amazing, but when was the last time he was written for and challenged? Ever? And if he doesn't work out, what stops them from recasting Noah on contract? They could move this show forward, but the truth is CBS is clocking time with Y&R and just trying to keep it afloat til it ceases to become cost-effective and they can cancel it. They don't want to revolutionize like it used to, because they want to coast on what is seen as always having worked. They don't have priorities beyond that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Broderick Posted July 28, 2019 Members Share Posted July 28, 2019 Yep, I'm afraid the days of a soap trying to revolutionize, to any extent, are long gone. Younger viewers are avoiding these shows like the plague, and older viewers are tuning out or dying off. No one is interested in taking a chance on anything new (not even a new character); they're just regurgitating the same old dinosaur characters and the same old dinosaur storylines, attempting to hang onto the status quo. Soaps have really become, unfortunately, an "alternate reality" that don't remotely resemble the real-life that most of us inhabit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanessaReardon Posted July 29, 2019 Share Posted July 29, 2019 Remind me again why Kevin and Michael are having their scenes in the Chancellor Mansion? This show has gone to crap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BetterForgotten Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 This show is so bad. I swear Kyle and Lola have been having the same exact f.ucking scenes for 3 months now. Angelica, Josh, and Tony need to get a clue or get their asses fired for this sh!t. This is is one of the big reasons people are tuning OUT of this show in droves. It’s so bad, it’s BORING as hell. It’s not even bad in the way the that “it’s so bad, it’s good.” Griffith really wants to relive 2013 again, there is absolutely no reason for Billy to sudden get depressed over Delia’s death YET AGAIN. This is pure Griffith trying to write fallout for a story he never got to finish the last time around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 kyle and Lola should not have been on today. Their presence was not needed on today's show. Especially Lola. Lola was extra smug on today and Friday's show. All she did was display an extra smug, sanctimonious attitude and blame her and judge her own brother for her being put into a coma. Arturo shouldn't have cheated with Mia again, but Mia is the one that pushed Lola. And the only person that should be blamed for her falling into a coma. Yet Lola was talking down on her own brother and acting jealous of him. She was also talking bad about Sharon and on today's show blamed Summer for Kyle's behavior in NY. (Even though Summer had nothing to do with that.) Lola keeps judging and turning her nose up at people, and it's very off putting. And she's featured way too much. The show could have done without Nick and Chelsea today too. And it looks like that might be a new stable set they were on today. And Adam and his storyline has become stale and flat. He's not doing much of anything but threatening people and going around in a suit. And having people tell him he doesn't deserve to be a father to his own kids. He's not doing much beyond that. And Rey (who is the only Rosales that I like) overreacted to Sharon and her relationship with Adam. Nick was acting like Sharon was doing really bad stuff with Adam, when all's she done is not despise him and listen to him a bit. I didn't care for the way he talked to her on today's show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 God. What an absolute shame. Both were SO well received! And reading that Griffith interview ... lawd. LAWD. Fan favorites like Chelsea and Kevin? Seriously??? That's bringing the show back to being "iconic and recognizable"? LMAO. Please! I want what Griffith is on ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BetterForgotten Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 I can’t think of one story on this show that’s actually working or has any potential. It’s all so boring and lacking any momentum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 I agree. As someone who wanted Fen/Ana from the beginning, it's sad to see all of the potential that was there for them being wasted. But show didn't care about what a lot of fans wanted. A lot of people loved Loren and Zach and wanted their characters together. And at the very least to get some type of storyline. I know many of people kept saying on Twitter, that they wanted them to bring Zach back and the show never did. Even though he had chemistry with Ana and I think a decent amount of chemistry with Summer as well. Instead they shove unlikeable, sanctimonious, lethargic overpropped Lola down people's throats. It really is unfortunate, they would give that character awful writing & choose to focus too much on her. Over giving characters like Ana/Fen storylines. Someone on Soapcentral said that CBS has a new survey up for Bold and the Beautiful. Maybe another new one will pop up for Y&R. If so, I am going to going to leave some comments about them getting rid of characters like Ana and Fen. And still shoving Lola and other characters down viewer throats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 While the writing for Lola is dreadful (what on earth is their goal with her? It's neither compelling or interesting and she comes off as terrible and judgemental ... are they deliberately writing her like trash because they resent being forced to write for her? lol) but I think a lot of the problem is also the actress. A better/stronger actress could maybe make some of it likeable and make Lola more likeable. But Sasha Calle plays her strangely. Just smug and entitled and almost obnoxious. I don't get the propping, but I blame Angelica. Calle would also play "bitch" so much better .... and it'd BE BETTER if they acknowledged Lola is a bitch. Which she is. But they don't. It's just so bizarre. I used to get surveys from Sony/CBS but I wasn't interested in their wastes of time surveys on Dr. Oz and other shows so I didn't respond or engage in them. So I think they took me off of it as I haven't gotten anything in months and months. And yep, fans have been pretty clear on Twitter from what I can see that they liked Loren/Ana and they also liked Zach/Fen and wanted him back on the show. He knew it. We knew it. But the the show doesn't care. Yet their priority was bringing back Chelsea? Lord. Houston we have a major problem. Fans also wanted Victoria Rowell back after seeing her on the Kristoff tribute episode. But we all know the blatant reason for that ... but then people's minds move on to the next thing and no one is even talking about wanting Rowell back. It's a shame we can't stay focused on something for longer than a few days (or hours in some cases!) and actually make it happen. And why doesn't any of this get main stream attention? I mean, I know "why" but really ... the blatant reasons Victoria Rowell are kept off the show couldn't be more clear and especially after fans wanted her back ... and crickets chirp. They should be called out but they aren't. It's really annoying and frustrating. Everyone whines and complains but we never "do anything" about it. (And shows ignore it because they know, like I do, it'll fade in a week or two) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BetterForgotten Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 And Chole’s apparently on her way back too. Yet they couldn’t think of any story ideas for Ana? Yeah, OK.... Say what you want about Mal, but he did this show a favor when he dumped Kevin, Chole, and let Melissa Claire Egan walk without trying to keep her as Chelsea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 Yes on all of this! I've repeatedly said I hated Mal's tenure, but he did the right thing axing Kevin and letting MCE leave. I was so thrilled. So of course they're brought right back under Griffith. I also think Mal did better by the younger characters, minus blah and blank Tessa (I guess there's a soap mandate that one half of a gay couple must be completely devoid of any personality or life to them) and the out of the blue Summer attempting to whore herself to Billy. Also, Ana came on at the very end of his tenure, really (and at least he was smart to bring back Ana and Fen, who this regime has no interest in). I think he would have done more with both her and Fen. He was truly at least trying to put the YOUNG back into the show. Kyle was so much more interesting. Now look at him. Griffith sucks. (But I can often find things in hack regimes I liked or could have liked) It's frustrating how soaps are so terrible at developing younger characters. I've seen so many on many of the soaps, and this soap, that were completely wasted in one asinine story after another. When their focus is on Kevin and Chelsea returning, we really do have a major major problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 I have seen some people speculate on Twitter, that Josh is writing Kyle/Lola poorly because he doesn't like writing for them as a couple. A little while ago, he literally wrote a plot where they were digging through actual trash and ended up with tomato sauce on their faces. And Lola told Kyle he was stinky. It makes you wonder lol. And they have been given a lot of other bad plots. Maybe Josh is rebelling because Angelica is forcing him to feature Lola/Kyle and Lola a lot and he doesn't really like them or Lola. I agree Sasha doesn't portray Lola as even remotely likeable. I think that the writing doesn't make Lola likeable at all, and maybe Sasha is doing a very strict interpretation of the writing for the character. I don't know why they make her so sanctimonious and judgmental. Even towards her own family. And everyone having to sing her praises is ridiculous. Even Summer has to sing her praises, and she slept with summer's husband, called her an emotional vampire after she donated part of her live. And now she's blaming Kyle stuff that Kyle did in NY on Summer, who wasn't with him in NY. And who he admitted that he neglected when they together during that time. And Even when she does stuff like commit adultery and constantly berate Kyle for who he is. Including his background, his wealth, his present and now his past. It's way too much and I don't know why the show thinks painting her like this is a good idea. She is insufferable and one of the worst written young characters and characters in general, I've seen on a soap. Josh has managed to write her even worse than Mal did, and Mal started to write her poorly around Pursegate. I believe that Josh could write her better, but he won't for some reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted July 29, 2019 Members Share Posted July 29, 2019 Griffith is rehashing stories that were already told and finished with by previous HW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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