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Meanwhile, my "Ignore Users" list continues to be a joke, as I keep seeing posts from posters I DON'T wish to see anymore.

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Since we haven't heard an official announcement (have we?), I'm going to go on ahead and assume (I know, I know what they say about assumptions) that the Off-Topics will return sometime soon, especially since it had a higher level of activity than many of the soap-focused threads.

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The Off-Topic Lounge and other forums mistakenly were placed under the Entertainment News and Editorials archive forum when I moved the Support Desk forum to the top of the page. I do not recall touching either forum, but that's what happened. They were not deleted and they were still (albeit less) visible on the SON Community forum index page, just not as prominently visible as it should be. This has been corrected. My apologies.

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I am getting sick and tired of your complaining about the management of the SON Community. If you think you can do better, please go right ahead and create your own place to vent. I will not have any more of it on this community. Going forward, keep your thoughts on the management to yourself or bring your complaints directly to me off the forum and I would consider addressing them. Constantly berating me on the forum or in Status Updates on how things are done or handled as if I don't give a damn and am just willingly ignoring things because you have not bothered to discuss an issue with me directly does not entice me in giving your complaints any credence or my time. If a valid concern, there are ways to address them. If not addressed appropriately, who will even listen?


With that said, if you are aware of people who claim they do not visit the website because of a malware problem. I think that would be something that warrants valid discussion, but this is the first you are saying anything about it and again, it's within a complaint that offers no solutions.

We do NOT have a malware problem. If people were aware of how to properly use the internet, and not closed up in a box looking for a place to blame for their issues with their computers, they'd know the difference between what is malware and what is not.

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I might've considered bringing them to you if you hadn't closed your last discussion in this folder to replies while talking to us like children. Just like you're doing right now.. And I have in fact brought it up before. The fact is this website is regularly besieged by considerable structural issues that go beyond the purview of one man with limited time to manage it. I've said that more than once. That's not your fault, but it is a fact and it's getting worse.


And if people are getting malware notifications in their browsers, not their computers - something I am not currently experiencing, but which I have before in years past - guess what: we're not all incompetents. I know exactly how to use the Internet in 2019. I'm not the only one. Whether it's a false positive or not it is a recurring issue. It's far from the biggest issue, as we have seen today and before.


The website is constantly beleaguered. I think we all know that. There's at least two to four other problems named in this thread alone. It's what a lot of people have been saying, not just me. It's your choice how you deal with it. Condescending to us and avoiding it is not going to help.


You can ban me if you like. I have other places to go. And it won't solve your problem or make people stop talking about it.

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Technology can be mysterious and weird.  As savvy as I think I am about it, I still get mystified by its inclinations (as you all probably have seen from my initial post, lol).



I'll just say a simple thanks @Errol.  I knew that it couldn't have been intentional and would be resolved soon.

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This is just so disrespectful and I don't get it.  For some odd reason, you are determined to make everyone you encounter on this board positively miserable.  Why?  Either enjoy the place or don't but keep the misery to yourself!  

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Allow me to say thanks as well.  I apologize for not knowing where the OTL had been removed to.  I was just afraid it had been removed permanently, since I know you had mentioned before that you were considering "streamlining" the boards.

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Again, my apologies over the confusion.


Just to delve a little bit more into what happened...while I was making changes to the forum to accommodate the Support Desk forum receiving better attention, considering my consistent calls for emailing me hasn't helped any, I had gotten interrupted/side-tracked by external factors. Until I got an email from Toups and the messages here, I hadn't realized I didn't finish what I had started. Thankfully, it didn't take too long to get the impacted forums back where they belonged and I didn't somehow delete them. I was really worried about that as I didn't see any of them in the backend until I did a search for them.


Beyond that, I do not want to fight with anyone, nor do I want anyone to think that I treat the members like children or that I do not care just because you may or may not receive a reply or find something still not working after informing me of a problem through alternative means. As I've said numerous times, I do not like banning people for any reason. And when it comes to ignoring people, the feature is turned on and there doesn't appear to be any known issues outside of this forum per Invision. If they have fixable solutions, I have fixable solutions. I didn't create this forum on my own. But clearly the longer we use it it has shown itself to no longer be the best forum platform like it once was.


I have inquired with third-party services as to better solutions, and have been presented with a couple that might work out, but that would be costly and would require us to abandon the SON Community as it currently exists.


Of all the soap opera website owners, I believe I'm the most transparent and the most accessible. As such, if the alternative is a new platform, would this be something some of you would be okay with us considering? Would you continue using the SON Community with a different platform and different mechanisms?

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