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Y&R: Popular Character Recast (Confirmed)

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According to Daytime Confidential, Adam has been recast. Link: https://daytimeconfidential.com/2019/03/27/rumor-report-is-mark-grossman-the-new-adam-newman


I know many will be excited, but I find this character so tired and I dread him returning to repeat the same story he always has. I’d much have preferred a Keemo return if they wanted to do a black sheep story and finally give Jack a fresh storyline. Now just gotta hope this doesn’t mean Chelsea boring ass is also back. 

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I agree. I'm so tired of hearing the name Adam. The stans frothing at the mouth for the character. I don't get it at all. The character was tired (and was absolutely bizarre under Muhney and that time frame; Hartley may have been more interesting and likeable in the role, but no thanks)


And now the stans are wanting Chelsea back. Lawd. One of the best things Mal did was discard her like she was nothing, because she was. Her character only exists for Adam and I don't get the stanning for her to come back. Of course she needs to for the story but kill her off and have Nick and Adam go after each other for the brat.


Maybe I need to see a better picture. I can kind of see him as Adam but at the same time ... not really. Meh.


I'd rather they bring Tinker back as Fen. Why did he just disappear?


I think we need to move on from Keemo. That seems like it will never ever ever happen. They'd rather beat the tired drum of Victor's black sheep son. So Braeden can yell and huff and puff and fans can stan Adam, who's been such a mess of a character. I don't get the appeal. Soaps need bad guys but it just never worked for me with Adam. (Adam reminds me of the years of being subjected to EJ on DAYS. I never understand the stanning)


And of course boring ass Chelsea will come back. Her exit was one I cheered. Sigh. MCE should have played Jill's niece. Chelsea only exists for Adam. She's a pointless character.

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Oh I know realistically Keemo won’t return, but that’s part of the reason Jack is such a dud. Whereas Victor is more or less written his age with adult kids and grandkids, you have Jack running around dating these young women and it’s like he’s in a time warp. Having a son in that Nick/Adam age range would open him up to being the patriarch of the family and put him more on equal footing with Victor. 


With Adam returning again it’s literally the same thing we’ve been watching, affecting the same exact characters. I can’t imagine what they feel this will bring to the show. 

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He's that young??!!


Why do I think this Adam is now cast to play Kyle's rival? Somewhere for Lola to land? 


And he's not very attractive. But, I see why the show feel it needs a younger Newman male. I'd much rather they'd recast Noah instead of Adam 

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Oh, I agree completely. I mean, they don't even seem to have Jack very involved in Kyle's mess. It's Abby (and I like them interacting). Jack's too busy sexing up someone way too young for him. WAY too young (and I'm someone who doesn't always mind a May/December pairing but this is pushing it. At least it's not Hilary .... under Mal it could have been). Jack and Bergman isn't 40. I agree it's very tired. 


And on an unrelated note, I'm still not getting the appeal of Summer, even in this go around. I mean, it's better than sexing up Billy just because, but still ... I guess I still wish Summer were Jack's, not Nick's, so I'm not caring about Summer and Kyle. I feel like with Chase on GH, with Kyle his stans just want him to have sex and be shirtless so they support the pairing (doesn't help that Lola and Kyle are massively underwhelming and their 'love' rings hollow; I laughed when they both started crying. Please stop). But, that being said, Kyle and Summer still works better, even if I don't really care about Summer (and I can't with Gina playing her mom. It's no wonder they often act like Daniel never existed)

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As someone who's only sporadically watched Y&R since 2010 but came back full-time in 2018, I liked coming back with Chelsea on the way out and Adam already gone. I just didn't care for the characters or that era. Does this mean Sharon will be ping-ponging around three men (if Rey lasts) or were she and Adam total history in the past few years?

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I'm with ya. I've watched on and off since 1997/1998 (the Cassie story drew me in as a pre-teen) and I've always felt they missed the mark with Adam. At least the actor looks more age appropriate for the role. Seems like they've de-aged him by about 10 years.


Honestly? I think Jason Thompson should have been the recast Adam instead of being Billy. Adam shouldn't look older than Nick and Victoria ... lol

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