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Y&R February 2018 Discussion

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They were quite cute back in the day and apparently had a big following online.  I read that Y&R was hesitant due to the age disparity but the pairing became so popular with fans that they decided to pursue it.

Back then I had no idea how old TL was or any of the Glow By Jabot kids, TBH. 

I noticed that Y&R chose to highlight a clip featuring Lyndsy Fonseca and Thad before their episode, I think hearkens back to when their fanbase really was its strongest.


Have you ever since that CW series Nikita

This weekend I just found out that LF and TL again played a couple on that show.  I saw a few episodes on Netflix and they have obvious chemistry but while watching them I couldn't help but feel that this was some type of window into how the two characters could've been had Fonseca stayed on the show (but honestly, it was a wise decision at the time).

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I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it....but I tuned in and am completely not surprised that it's "Victor" is behind it with the money missing.  This show has completely made Victor the Stefano of Y&R.  Victor always knows all, finds out all, and is behind it all.  They just can't keep him out of a story for very long and I hate it. 

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No problem @GMac.  It actually seems to be an interesting show from what I've seen. 



This is why I'm wary of the whole Ashley vs. Victoria story just turning into yet another proxy war between Victor and Jack. This is why initially I had hoped that Ashley would build her own lab and work with whoever she pleased. 

The storyline still could've been that Jack would want to get her back to Jabot while Ashley wants to make Jack (and by extension Jabot) regret that he ever alienated her.

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Not a bad episode today minus the Victor being involved again in another climatic story.


I had to LOL at Phyliss telling Lauren that she had to continue to dig for the truth in the stolen money because Nick deserved better. Really? Is Nick some prize we don't know about? He is still smooching off of Chelsea. He doesn't work. He has completely forgotten about Faith. He looks like a bum and is weak as Victor pointed out. Whats so great about him? Do tell me Phyliss.

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I think it's the mature writing. They have JT acknowledge his mistakes, and his nod to history has been good. He's not overbearing, and Thad Luckinbell is sexy as!!!


Lol why are some of y'all taking credit for Mal work all of a sudden when you were non-stop hating. Sit down lol.


I might not like Cait Fairbanks, but cyber bullying is NOT OKAY. I really hope the director can help her improve if they are committed to keeping her.


Mal has been acknowledging history in a great subtle way over his predecessor, it's one thing he's definitely gotten right. I'm not surprised anymore, because it shows that he does have a respect for the show.


I feel sorry for Doug Davidson in a way. His character has been butchered for years. He really needs to retire from the GC PD and start getting better stories. It actually would be cool seeing him be the lead investigator, as police officers tend to go to corporate role after their career. I'd like to see Victor and Paul have a greater feud after Victor messed up his family.

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LOL Your Nick abuse is always good stuff, even if I don’t agree. 


I admit I’m a Josh Morrow fan, both of his looks and laid back and genuine portrayal of Nick. Nick DOES deserve better than a deceitful, lying partner.


(S)Mooching off Chelsea? Don’t think so. He gave away the money he sued Victor for. Doesn’t mean he lost other money he had....trust fund, etc. 


He doesn’t work? He’s rehabbing an apt. building, and that’s good enough for me. Besides, the people on this show with “real jobs” don’t work, either.


He's forgotten about Faith? Uh....we all know that when kids aren’t seen on soaps, we’re not suppos3d to assume the parents are missing or terrible. Time and time again, Nick has been shown to be a great and loving dad, and JM’s comfort level with kids and babies is obvious.


He looks like a bum? I think Nick is hot. If you don’t like him, take a seat. More for me. 


 He’s weak as Victor pointed out? Wow. Now we’re taking the word of VICTOR on a character’s worth LOL. Give me Nick’s supposed weakness before Victor’s supposed strength any day. 


So yeah, I think Phyllis pretty much nailed it.

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Soooo...apart from SS & KA leaving, were there any other changes to the writing team?  It looks like they still have the same breakdown and script folks from SS's tenure.  Anyway, I'm not sure it's the writing, as I tend to gravitate to the underdog/antagonist.  Although with Chel's story, Phyllis sure comes off as the antagonist lol


I don't think anyone here is "taking credit" for Mal's work.  They simply pointed out that they've posted a similar story idea as what is being shown and tongue-in-cheek said he read the forum and used it 

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  It's been done under every regime, not just Mal's.

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This!  Also, this happens in real life.  I've taken screenwriting classes where someone had an idea, writes the script, only to discover that a similar idea is under development.  Or someone goes to option source material for an adaptation only to find that someone else just beat them to the punch. Anyone who believes this to be uncommon knows nothing about how the business of creative development truly works. 

There's a phrase that says that "nothing new happens under the sun".  Knowing how this show operates, you pick up definite patterns and there are truly only half a dozen scenarios and directions in which a story can go at any given time.

It's not rocket science.


And if I come up with an idea, it's gonna be better than Mal's. And more expensive.

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Besides, it isn't the idea that matters, IMO, but the execution.  There are a MILLION romantic comedies out there -- heck, probably more -- with the same arc of "boy meets girl/boy loses girl/boy and girl live happily ever after," but some are simply better than others.


What hangs ME up when I noodle with notions for this-or-that story is not the plot, but the character(s).  I always want to create characters who don't talk or behave like any others you might've seen in some other movie (or tv show, or play, or book), but I always feel like my characters ARE derivative, so I give up.


This might be why I have not written any serious, creative work since 2004.

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I think there is plenty out there that is missing in terms of specificity of character.  The challenge is to write work that lets others (like producers) see the need for the specific character/story that you're trying to tell.

I usually lead with characters when I write anything.  If I make my characters unique, this tends to open up possibilities for the story without it being derivative but yes, it is a challenge and the nature of the business can be downright discouraging @Khan I understand this completely.

Maybe after all these gatekeepers are cleared out from these harassment scandals there may be people who are actually inclined to listen to different voices.  It's already starting to slowly happen (in dribs and drabs).

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