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"The Conners" Discussion Thread

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The sneering tone toward ODAAT in that article is offputting, if not surprising, given that CNN is a right wing network which has only feinted toward a liberal view after Trump put a foot in Jeff Zucker's ass. You don't have to be bilingual to understand all the jokes on the show (if you did I wouldn't be bothered, but you don't), and political topics are discussed briefly. And that he thinks talking about depression is also a sign of liberalism speaks volumes about his worldview.


It's questionable to compare Netflix to a broadcast television network. With that said, he's right - a lot of the people who claim to be progressive would rather just talk about the same handful of shows over and over again on Netflix, like Stranger Things or The Crown, and talk about how much they hate Fuller House, rather than support ODAAT. But it is what it is. 


I do think that some liberals have used Roseanne as a cudgel in ways that hurt their cause more than help - like that Slate person (although what do you expect from Slate) who ranted about the show having a boy who dresses in girl's clothes but still identifies as a boy. I also skimmed through some gushy piece somewhere about how you need to avoid Roseanne and watch Queer Eye and Queer Eye is everything you should ever want and blah blah blah blah, when Queer Eye is essentially just tokens living vicariously through straight people, for straight viewers. I think it's a fine show, and I watched it sometimes the first time around, but if Roseanne had gay men who popped up just to tell straight people how to dress and what to cook, it would be blasted to pieces.


I have no real desire to watch the revival (although I might watch the ones that talk about Mark) but I think a lot of the people who claim to hate it the most are secretly gleeful at its success, because it means they get on their high horses. The same high horses that rode roughshod in 2016 and helped get us where we are now.

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My point wasn't that people can't like all three and more that a lot of people tend to just focus on the few watercooler Netflix shows and not the rest, including a lot of people who would probably enjoy ODAAT if they ever watched. But I don't think the latter will ever be a watercooler type show so I'm mostly just happy they have managed to get three seasons. 

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I think ODAAT has been a watercooler show for a certain segment online and on social media - I just don't think it's as popular, obviously, as some others. But certainly most of the same critics praise and spotlight all of the above.

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IMO, this article is trash from the very beginning. You can't compare Roseanne, a revival of a show that ran for a massively successful nine-season run when TV was still TV, to a Netflix exclusive or, really, any network series that has debuted in the last 10 years. Roseanne's ratings are not a commentary on politics. They're proof that there's been an audience craving a continuation of these characters for the last 20 years. ODAAT or any of the other series never and will never have that built-in advantage.

I was okay with last week's episode but I do agree with everyone who says it seemed like a blatant love letter to the older, more conservative segment of the audience. I do not know what we're supposed to make of Harris. I loved Emma Kenney in the early seasons of Shameless, but I'm not enjoying her too much here. Darlene has never been my favorite, and she's definitely not here, either.

Looking forward to watching the latest ep. The beautiful and talented Glenn Quinn is missed.

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Yeah, I agree. I used the word interesting to describe the article for that reason.  It had some information I found interesting, but I thought the person who wrote it was kind of a jerk.


I think the idea that liberals lean toward escapist shows might be true. I certainly do. I'm also not that interested in comedy overall, but i watched them as a kid, so the reboots can get me interested if they are good.

It annoyed me that they tried to valid spanking as a good parenting choice.  Is there even one valid study that shows it to be anything other than harmful? At the same time there is a huge number of people in this country that considerate a valid option.  While I don't like it, it's the reality, and it's the type of issue you don't see all that often on TV. At least I don't.

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One of the reasons people were upset the show had Roseanne say spanking was a valid use of punishment was because it went against the character.  In the original show, Roseanne was against spanking and the one time she did spank DJ.. she felt horrible and tearfully said she was sorry for losing it on him.  


I will say that Roseanne is fairly balanced in terms of showing both liberal and not so liberal ideals thus far.  There are a lot of my friends that won't watch the show, and they're aghast that I would watch it.. but I remind them that my family growing up was essentially the Conner family (right down to the safe sofa though we replaced it in the 90s with a nicer sofa)... and that I grew up right next to the suburb that inspired Lanford.


I did watch a few episodes of Blackish.. and it's a good show.. but it's in a bad time slot up against CBS on Tuesdays.  ODAAT... I loved the original when it was rerun.. and I kind of wished that this show had taken a different title because it's a completely different show then the original (it's a victim of being a remake... and we all know the stigma of remakes even if they are decent).

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I agree about it going against Roseanne's character. There's a few characteristics they're forgetting from the original. As you said, Roseanne was against spanking because her own father used physical violence against her (something they didn't introduce until the 4th season, but it still remained throughout the series). 


Also, in the first episode of this reboot, the family prayed. The Conners were never a religious family. See the Season 6 episode titled "I Pray The Lord My Stove to Keep."  DJ discovers religion and asks what religion they are and Dan spouts off all the different denominations of their families. 


DJ: So what are we? 

Roseanne: Uh... we believe in being good. So basically we're good people.

Dan: Yeah, but we're not practicing. 


The only time I recall them praying was after they won the lottery, which didn't happen after all. 


One other tidbit I'm not fond of is dumbing down the characters because they're from small-town, USA.  Roseanne, Jackie etc. were always aware enough to know how to pronounce something like "fabergé egg." 

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When I was growing up, my parents weren't into religion.  After my mom passed away, my dad found his way into religion and I was surprised when he started praying before a meal because he'd never done it before nor had expressed much interest in religion, etc.


Maybe if the show had Darlene expressing surprise that they were praying, etc... and maybe Roseanne clarify that she and Dan found prayer and God during hard times (recession/almost losing the house, etc)... then I could have bought it.


What's even funnier is that neither Dan/Roseanne know anything about words, etc... yet know how to use smart phones.

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