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Y&R: March 2017 Discussion Thread

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I didn't get that out of it. I watched Katherine finally come to terms with murdering a man, She could never admit to killing him before. She told Jill she was sorry & validated what Jill has been insisting for years ( that Phillip loved her) to make amends. I thought this episode was excellent, given they had to write it around the crap of the previous writers. It gives both Jill & Katherine closure. The end of a 40 plus year story.

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Visiting my mom means I get to H8 watch Y&R on Pop. Thursday (US) - Good JW and use of flashbacks as long as not road back Colonoscopy. Billy/Chloe. Uncomfortable: the way Nelsea were interacting - especially at bar was 'forced awkwardness' as if Chelsea is an ingenue and Nick a pimply high schooler. Ridiculous considering the number of partners they've each bedded AND that Nick and Chelsea have always been natural friends. 

Best of the H8: Faith! so adorable with her impish coy looks. Sadly, pushing her to that mugging totally discredited enjoyable interactions between Nikki/Faith!/Nick. 


As many have said, many of the individual scenes are written with depth and mostly give us a much better sense of the characters than we've seen in a long time. The problem is that it just a bunch of people talking. And honestly, I have no urgency to tune in tomorrow. Not even to find out what fake retcon Sally created based on Katherine's memory. 

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Thank you.

When you give an honest critique that is not rosy, sometimes it seems that some want to make it seem as though that means that the poster wants the show to fail or something, which is, for me, untrue. 

Expressing frustration or wanting the show to improve on certain things actually means you want the show to improve and stay on the air (LOL).


When people say 'well, if you don't like it, don't watch', I have a feeling that the producers of Y&R probably wouldn't prefer that happen because if everyone that wasn't completely satisfied with the show stopped watching, Y&R would likely be cancelled, so those people probably shouldn't speak for the show, LOL.

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For those who are counting down, we're two weeks away from the annual March Madness break LOL. Mark your calendars, March 16 and 17 (Canadians, March 15 and 16).

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Which is even worse because Jill has essentially already had this very story with Elliot Hampton.


Yep. And even in the smaller more intimate scenes this regime skips important beats.


Kevin feels so close to Scotty that he's willing to put himself in mortal harm to rescure him yet he hasn't mentioned him at all since Scotty disappeared a decade ago?

Devon (who has severe abandonment issues) isn't more traumatized that the wife he is so attached to (despite all of her terrible behavior) is willing to walk out of his life?

The Newmans (who have historically disliked inter-familial relationships) suddenly are perfectly ok with Nick & Chelsea? 

Jack was willing to risk open war with Ashley & Lauren to buy a significant interest in Fenmore's yet was willing to sell it to Jill?

Scotty goes missing yet no one (not Lauren nor Paul nor Michael) tells Cricket?

Cane has no problem with Lily working closely with one of her ex's?

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I didn't even know that they were friends.


The purpose of putting Kevin in the story was to finally give Greg Rikkart his gay story by having him sashay in with that scarf around his neck and saying he was ready!

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