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Y&R: December 2016 Discussion Thread

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It feels as if though the show wants Hilary to be this scheming vixen but has no one for her to scheme against and win out over so they chose Devon (as opposed to the only other option lily). It's odd. They do not seem like lovers. Not in the least. While I think devon loves her, Hilary does not come across as loving Devon. 


They write their story as if though fans are rooting for Hilary to win out against Devon and put him in his place. When really the audience wants Hilary to lose it all with Devon leaving her penniless  for Mariah. Writers seem out of touch. This seems more like Pratt's material. He had a tendency to write against fan expectations and desires. I thought Sally had better sense. 


And wait until you see tomorrow's show. Unless they plan to break Hevon up ASAP, Hilary's behavior is ridiculous. 

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All this focus on a fall is ridiculous. It's a plot for teenagers, not people approaching 30.


I think Devon comes across as clearly "right" while Hilary is more entertaining. He doesn't seem to respect or like his wife. It's weird. 

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Is it really a thing that the audience hates Hilary? I kinda get the feeling that Hilary actually has a lot of supporters and dig her vixen ways. I mean, I know that I love this character and prefer her this way over the Hilary/Neil/Devon era.  Is the "audience" really rooting for Hilary to lose it all? I'm legitimately asking.


Also Hilary and Devon are the best, sexiest, and most dynamic couple on the show atm. JMO.

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Yes, they are! Almost every place I look online except for here and possibly twitter. But all of FB hates her with a passion and wants Mariah to get her life. 


That could change on a dime though. They flow with the writing. 


Hilary doesn't like or respect him either. Very odd. 

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Regarding Devon -I hope that they write him strong. I like he isn't really budging on his vision, but isn't being a complete tool and willing to compromise to an extent. If they go the Devon/Mariah route, they should really go slowly - instacouples get tiresome real fast. It worked so well with Philly and then they undid it after all those months of the audience wanting it to happen.


Even though Aunt Jack drives me crazy, for whatever reason the chemistry between PB/MM is real and not in a gross way (like I felt with PB/GT). Maybe it's because Hilary is allowed to be vulnerable, but not weak with Jack. Gosh, I'd love to see her be the 'matriarch' of Abbott manor. Hilary = Jill from 30 years ago.... with her rightful place at Jabot. Alternatively, Bilary could make some real heat - Villy just doesn't work at all with JT/AH.  

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The Internet audience loves and hates most characters in equal extreme measure. Hilary has a fanbase, Mariah has a fanbase. I think that's healthy. When it becomes about couples vs. the larger canvas or characters vs. the larger canvas, that's when I find it unhealthy. Where it flows from here is up to the show, but I think the show is invested in both women. I can't obsess over it day to day because I've seen nothing ruinous to either character in the last week.


I've always felt PB and MM have chemistry, and I was for them going there a few years ago. But at this point I think the potential ship there has sailed, especially after Gina came aboard and had such fire with Bergman.

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I think for the general audience they tend to go where the show takes them. They love who the show tells them to love and hate who the show tells them to hate. 


Character and couple fans are totally different from the general audience. They ride for their faves no matter what. 


I tend to read comments under the posts on the Y&R FB page just to see what others are thinking about stories. That is where I make my conclusions about the audience. 

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If she leaves Devon (which is what I can see happening more than Devon leaving her), I would actually like to see her go after Billy. Something tells me they would make a really hot couple.


Sidenote: People will probably really gang up on me for this but in Hilary's early days, I really wanted her to hook up with Cane. There was a real and massive chemistry there. Yes, I know, most posters here seem to really hate Cane but I can't lie, I really wanted the show to go there.

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FB is just a crazy house. I don't bother with that.


I would be all for Hilary going after Billy or Nick. But I think they owe it to their fanbase to give Devon and Hilary a real shake, and I think they will either now or later.

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Oh, yeah, I'd definitely steer clear of FB for any actual conclusions on the general audience. Some of the dumbest things I've ever read about Y&R were in those comments sections. And then, the other week, dozens of people were attacking someone for saying Nicholas wasn't Christian's real father. Like, do they even watch the show and, if they do, how did they not get that?

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