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Y&R: December 2016 Discussion Thread

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There's definitely more depth. Nick and Chelsea were likable and it didn't feel as forced. I liked he was there for her I guess.


I don't mind Kevin and Chloe but Kevin's lack of sexual chemistry with any female they pair him with doesn't help. I still miss Jana. She was his best pairing. I did like Kevin's concern for Mariah and that he was there for Chloe but he's still useless to me. I just won't ever forget how he was introduced I guess.


Devon and Hillary didn't get much airtime. I liked that he stood his ground and loved Hillary's disgust over Mariah getting sympathy instead of vitriol from the public. LOL. I think the setup for them hating each other is messy but I'll see how it continues to play out. It may not last forever. I still think the writing could be a little bit better for Hillary, she sounds like the wicked witch spouting off her lines. IDK. It's almost as if Morgan is playing against what she's portraying on screen. Something about it's not working yet for me. I keep going on about it because I'm trying to figure out just why it's not working. I have no issues with Hillary as a vixen or even as a bitch. It just comes off bullying with Mariah while when she snipes with Sharon it feels more equal ...


And at least Abby and Summer felt like real younger people today, even if it was laughing at memes. It sort of worked even if I couldn't care less about including social media into the soaps, I get that it's a part of our world now and especially for them and their friends and their ages. I don't really consider myself a millenial or a gen-xer.

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^ The Hilary and Jack scenes that air in the U.S tomorrow might ease some people's concerns about her being a one-note character. I get the feeling that they are going to delve more into Hilary's insecurities and her history. 

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Yeah me either. I'm sure @rlj would love scenes between Nick and a blow up doll too. Anyone but Sharon!


These Victor & Faith scenes are adorable. I love how he is talking about his childhood with Faith. 


Hilary is being written ALOT better in this episode. It feels like the focus has been shifted onto her instead of just Mariah. 

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Sounds good


I wasn't sure what to think when I saw the preview of Faith singing TBH


They really need to because when I break her down as a character it all comes from her own insecurities. I have faith they will develop her as an actual character.


What was so good about Nick and Phyllis? I'm being sincere in asking because I didn't find anything remotely interesting about them and I don't think they really have any chemistry. Nick and Chelsea were fine today. I didn't feel there was a hidden agenda by having them share scenes.

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^Yeah Faith is cute and all but that singing made me cringe..


Nikki to Nick: "Can you believe your father is opening up to Faith like that? Would you have pictured that 10 years ago? Even 5 years ago?" 


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 Why does this feel like shade on SS part.


Im also enjoying this version of Dylan. Somehow him being the underdog in the Newman family and showing his softer side has made him more rootable for me. It just goes to show you don't have to prop a character so hard to make them enjoyable. Just play on the dynamics that already exist. 

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You don't have to be so defensive ... I wasn't coming for you or anything. Clearly there's some tension between you and some members but I don't care about that. I did ask you what you liked about Nick and Phyllis yesterday and didn't get an answer though ....

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I'm happy with the new writers, even though I would call today's show a bit of a miss.  There was too much focus on GC Buzz. Hillary looked looked like a mustache twirling villain. As much as I love MM, she over played it today. You have to trust the audience to pick up on things without spelling it out without OTT facial expressions. Abby and Summer looked like little twits. Someone falling on their face just isn't that funny, even if you don't like them, unless you're completely immature.  Anyway, every episode can't be a winner and some of these stories are dogs that they inherited.

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Welp. They got all of the worst stuff out in one episode. At least it's done.


I like that Nick was there to support Chelsea but they have zero chemistry. I think mostly they wanted to set up Chelsea's deep desire to have her line succeed. But when you compare Chelsea's desperation to Lauren's, the difference in how good one is and one isn't, is ridiculous.


The best stuff was Mariah & Sharon's interaction. 


@ryanc Thanks for all the updates--I love when you give us little teases--but these are things that haven't aired yet. Maybe you can spoiler tag? 

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