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Y&R: December 2016 Discussion Thread

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The worst part is that the writers who are being recycled seem to be chosen deliberately because they're the least creative and talented of the lot. I wouldn't mind seeing what has become the soaps' normal game of musical chairs, but it's the total losers who win. Every time,

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I enjoyed Friday episode but not today's...


Abby and Summer scenes felt forced and irrelevant, Kevin and Chloe suck as usual (doesn't look like SS has any plans to break these two up), Lane screwing on the sofa for the 100th time and their scenes seem to have no purpose and only serve as filler still, It seems like they're still going there with Nick/Chelsea which makes me a little annoyed.


Basically today's episode had all the worst characters on. Doesn't mean I'm not enjoying Sally's work so far. She still managed to make these dull characters seem somewhat interesting but it's still not good enough and she's not going to make them work on this show. Something major has to be done. 

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Unfortunately, they seem to form the majority of the writers that remain in the industry. The most talented are either dead or retired and most writers under 50 wouldn't consider writing for daytime anymore.


I attended a NYC based art school and my department there was a Writing for the Soap Opera 101 course on offer that was eventually eliminated. To this day, I found it shocking that there was absolutely no connection between my writing program and any of the NYC based production companies that produced the soaps!  There were internships for Comedy Central, David Letterman (who was still hosting at the time I attended the school) and others in terms of TV but none included any soap operas!


Such a missed opportunity!

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Yeah, I'm watching now and quite bored.

I think they need to switch around some episode guarantees. I mean Victor and Nikki were written out in two episodes for a vacation, Jill was shipped off ... not that a break from Victor isn't needed but the balance is already .... unbalanced. Yeah, it's been a week now but it seems all over the place.

I don't think Cane and Lily have any chemistry at all ... what a snoozefest these two are.

Who cares about some random girl falling? Why is this "viral"? Who cares???

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My wishes:


Colin on his deathbed to Jill: "P3 was a fake and Cane, who's so incredibly gullible and bought the whole story, is really your son."

Patty to Paul: "John Abbott was in witness protection because of the drug ring he discovered in prison."

Danny to Traci: "You remember what happened to Sharon with Cassie and Mariah.... Oh, and when you write about, I strongly suggest you try to sell the story to Spencer Publications in LA...."

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That part does makes sense to me though. In today's world, everything is a meme. If some sh*t like that happened on live tv in would be on the internet in seconds with some witty phrase over the picture. Someone would find it, post it and it would go viral. So I'm glad that Y&R is acknowledging the internet and memes lol

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While that is true, I guess I personally don't care. Idk. I think social media can be a very powerful and useful tool but I'm just seeing a really bad trend and it lets cruelty shine through. Abby and Summer laughing at Mariah isn't entertaining to me. Even though the meme of Mariah falling IS funny. We're just breeding a culture of making fun of people and hiding behind a computer doing so. It's gotten so bad.


So many lackluster characters and couples on display today. Still loads better than before but today was meh ...

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Yeah. The conversations are still more in depth and I can appreciate that but it's not working with these awful couples. I hope she has plans to end them. I understand the obstacle she is faced with though, because almost every couple on this show sucks. What is she supposed to do? Break them all up in 3 episodes? That would be too much. I just hope there are plans to shake things up. It's gone on too long now..


Nick and Chelseas scenes were somewhat better compared to what Pratt was writing though.

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Yikes! I bought that story the first time, and it would have been fine with Cane as Jill & Phillip Chancellor's son. But to reinstate that crazy story, after saying it was false, would be a disaster. Nothing from the last 10 years should be reinstated, now if they want to render them null & void that's a different story. I'd welcome a reversal of all MABs crap.


I do think there should be real Chancellors in GC. Phillip & Chance were important legacy characters that spanned 30 years.  Chance could be used with Chloe, Chelsea, Abby, Hillary, Summer, and more.


Phillip III could be re-cast, a little younger like Phyllis was. Wasn't Phyllis a touch older than Phillip? Y&R doesn't need to go out a get a gay character, they have one, who is an established legacy character. They simply need the writing and a good actor to get it going. It would be natural for Phillip to return if he and his Australian partner broke up (or  dies).

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Friday's show was ok. I haven't seen today's show.


Abby only works with family scenes. I don't know if its the actress or what. They need to fire the actress who plays Summer. She sucks. She is awful with Phyliss and the rest of the cast. Kevin and Chloe don't work at all...either as friends/ or whatever they use them for. Kevin needs to leave the canvas too. Sally needs to get rid of these character pronto!

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Today's CDN show is MUCH better than yesterday's (so far). The Newmans are on and Sally knows how to write for them much better it seems. Some of these scenes just feel so natural.. (Nick with his parents talking about Newman interprises etc) 

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