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Y&R: December 2016 Discussion Thread

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I'm sorry, but the previous Chancellor Park set was horrendous.  So bad.  

However, there is a glaring production issue given that it's supposed to be Wisconsin in winter.  There should be an alternative indoor set or the existing modified to account for that.


JFPs "vision" for this set was a few cheap benches from Walmart with some faux ivey thrown in.  There's no way that was passable as a modern urban park, maybe if it were dedicated in 1970, but not now.


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Oh, that was much better. Hilary's long talk with Jack (four minutes!) was great and went a long way towards humanizing her. Their friendship is also convincing. I'm thrilled she managed to stick it to Devon.


Lily can die.


Victor singing along was so damn funny, I couldn't even breathe, and then he made me tear up when he spoke to Faith about the orphanage. I never thought Y&R would be able to make me feel again. MTS also delivered majorly with her expressions and that slammed door on Sharon's face (and, as a nice detail, she was wearing the necklace Victor gifted her before the trip). I'm intrigued at the prospect of Nick returning to Newman.


I'm excited for more soapy storylines to start now.



Had she stayed, and had classic Y&R continued, I have no doubt she and Victor would have eventually went into major conflict over it, and it would have been amazing. I don't know how it would eventually happen, but Victoria was primed to be the new Victor Newman (in her own way) when it was time. 


Talk about a recast decimating the future of a show.


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Yeah. It would have been. I do wonder where all this Nick/Victor company talk is actually going and how Victoria will fit into it, but Heinle's Victoria just isn't believable as someone running that company. Morrow's Nick is a stretch but they seem to be dropping the fratboy aspect. I liked the interaction today.


I loved Hillary sticking it to Devon at the end, her smile was everything. That's what I want to see from her and the talk with Jack was excellent. I still want her interacting with Jill.


And is it me or does Khalil's Lily look ridiculous as a so-called businesswoman? I guess because she still looks like a teenager to me. That's definitely a compliment to her but even as a mother or married to Cane, I just have a hard time buying any of it.


I really wish they'd just swap Heinle and Tom but it's been so long now it'd never happen. I still hold out some hope for Tom coming home but it's been so damn long and she seems comfortable as Emmy bait over on B&B.

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Yeah, it looks like they're going with the better of their two options. Given proper writing & direction, Nick will do for now. lol



She does still look young, but the Valley girl voice/speech makes it WAY worse. Why wouldn't anyone NOT laugh in her face?



Seriously. Just send Heinle to be B&B's Katie. At least B&B will force-brush her hair. I do agree HT seems comfortable but, in a world where a British man out of nowhere was brought in to executive produce Y&R, and classic Y&R writers were allowed to come in and turn the show around... well, I guess anything is possible.



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That's because CK is only 28 y.o.! She has been treated like a 40 y.o. matron for the several years. Lily should've been put in more age appropriate stories - like a hot model with a hot dating life, partying, etc. Instead they paired her with a guy almost 15 years older - the age difference is even creepier when Lame started. This isn't a CK issue as much as boxing in two characters in a dead end situation. Let's see if the new regime will be bold and put Cane with someone like Ash, Lauren or Vicky. 

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Yes, I get that part. And let me preface it with I'm enjoying their battle immensely. This is the most interesting they've ever been.  But they've done a conflict arc a few times with them and it's always the same. Hilary does wrong and Devon reacts then they flip the narrative to make Devon some unreasonable "controlling" person to have him apologizing to and begging her. Devon never wins an argument. He is never right in the writing. And its always done to make him look the emasculated fool. He is Jack to Hilary's Victor. There comes a point where it cease being entertaining and viewers stop rooting for the couple to resolve the conflict and be together. They want a divorce.  Devon and hilary reached that point with the audience 9 months ago. 



I like his new haircut. 

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So I've watched all five episodes since SM started, the first time I've cared to do this in a long time. I really love what the show has going on. And I think it will get even better.


I like Mariah but I don't love her. I think CG is a good actress but the character is kind of meh...I don't hate her by any means but she's just alright. But I'll admit I love the Mariah/Hilary rivalry. It's fun to see rivals again (like how it was with Dru/Phyllis or Sharon/Phyllis or Jill/Katherine or whatever.


I'm loving the characters of Hilary (she's one of my faves...always will be), and Lauren. And the writers have made me care about Jack, Nikki, Victor, Lily, and Michael again - characters who seemed kind of ruined over the years (although they're trying to give Victor depth again, I still remember him as the monster that he is...I think he's forever ruined).


Sharon might be the most improved character because she's not being all crazy all of the time. I can accept a happy medium. Phyllis might be the second most improved so far, and that's because she has a personality again. I was never the biggest Phyllis fan but it's waaay better seeing her like this than mopey and pathetic with zero personality. She's feisty and getting things done. Love that.


Edit: I forgot to add Dylan. I actually like him. I never thought I would but I do.

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I'm loving what's going on so far. It's better than it has been in years. JMO.

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