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I don't disagree Cheap but I'm going to try and tough it out. If there's an episode like the pilot I'll let you know.and I'm sure you won't have to binge whatever happened inbetween.

Yeah -- there's no umpf with this show right now and I don't know if that's because they're laying groundwork or not but my curiosity is still piqued.

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I only saw the first four, I still like it, but due to the pacing since the pilot it is better to binge. I think nowadays some shows are written to be watched in one sitting or within a short amount of time instead of week to week.

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We've constantly talked about Empire going too fast, skipping beats, and not building characters. Greenleaf does the opposite and it's called boring. 


But I will say this, I'm find Grace uninteresting. I prefer almost every character to her. 

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I have to agree ajsp.  I am really enjoying Greenleaf and hope there are no more Oprah less eppies.  


The only challenge I have it with Jacob and Carissa.  What are we supposed to be getting from these 2?  I think their marital woes and counseling is OTT.  Why are they in counseling anyhow?  


And I'm gonna need it explained why Grace is biracial!

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Just when I thought that there wasn’t much hope for their marriage, it looks like the writers have put them back together. I think that it’s harder to get a good read on them, because Jacob seems so directionless and dumb, lol. He doesn’t seem to know what he wants, and he doesn’t really seem to feelings about anything. Does he love his wife, his mistress? Does he really anybody, lol (besides his children)? Maybe tonight’s scenes between him and Karissa are the start of them repairing their marriage.


I want to know what Lady Mae has against Grace. I thought that scene when Grace asked her if she loved her was interesting. Also, I think that Charity seems really sweet. I like that her and the new choir director are bonding. I wonder if he will hint to her he thinks that Kevin is also gay, or maybe he will be there for her as support, once she finds out that Kevin is gay.


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I have a feeling the partner (who is more than likely white) of the new choir director and Kevin know one another biblically. I'm waiting for the moment they meet.  


Jacob and Carissa's reunion was too quick which tells me Sidepiece has a bun in the oven.  


So happy to see Maevis and it looks like she and Bishop had a thing before he got with Mae. 


Why was Sophia singing? Horrific! 

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I don't get Jacob either. Is he being set up for the biggest character arc/growth of the season? 


I also look at Grace and wonder who her father is. I hate when casting directors do this with black families. Don't get me wrong, Merle and Lynn do resemble somewhat by the forehead and facial shape but Grace just doesn't seem to fit in their family. I also assume her daughter's father is white. 

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