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Y&R: October 2015 Discussion thread

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Except there's plenty more reason to dislike Sage besides the obvious fact that many people want 'Shick' to happen again. Those reasons have been outlined several times in this thread. The actress sucks. The character sucks. Everyone kisses her ass. It all speaks for itself, really.

The pornhub bit had me rolling 

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I honestly doubt most SHICK fans even care anymore. Most of us don't even want the pairing anymore. If anything, we'd prefer for Sharon to be as far from the Newman clan as possible. Most Sharon fans (including myself) hate Sage b/c she's made into some martyr when she's done just as much heinous sh-t as Sharon in the short time she's been on the show. But we're supposed to believe that Nick can overlook what she does and marry her. Same thing when Nick was with Redzilla (Phyllis). He could overlook her shortcomings too. But heaven forbid Sharon does something. Nick divorces her and allows his family to trample all over her. 


That's why I loathe Nick too. All the sh-t he has put Sharon through and he can do whatever. I wish his ass was blown to smithereens too along with Victoria, Nikki, Abby, and Victor. Just take out the whole Newman clan.


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Point proven!


Sharon has faked her death and Victors death, faked a death cértificate and had a unknown corpse cremated, assaulted ä guard and drugged said guard destroyed NE, and burnt a ranĉh down, and decimated an 18 year old grls life, etc., way more than Sage has done.  The problem for some, whether they supposedly don't went Schick or not, is that SharShar ain't he center of The Newman world, the Newman men, including her son, ain't giving her any flying figs.  The cries of "if only the Newman would stop obsessing over Sharon" fall on deaf ears äs she has becomē a cray cray side note, hence the over the tóp Sage hate IMO. The funny part is hat Pratt and JFP pretty much told us this was happening.  Of curse this could change, but right now I am loving watching the Sharon/Schick pedestal so highly built by her fans topple over


Judging by JMs interview with Fairman, Sage ain't going anywhere IMO


I like Lily/Joe



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No surprise Chloe was the culprit it will actually be interesting to see Chloe in full psychotic glory and her downfall as I was so sick of her when MAB was trying to push her as one of her pets. They should throw out there she killed Ronan just to be edgy for Pratt's sake. 


Glad the Hilary mess is finally coming to a close at least she has been found although it seems a bit partially amnesiac perhaps? Yeesh I could see this one going through February sweeps setting up for the next disaster(probably a literal train wreck next or earthquake). 


The hotel fire actually might be entertaining as I've set my expectations to below zero for this event. Actually watching the Newman building go up in flames will be poetic justice. 


No doubt Sharon has been irreparably damaged over the years, but I still feel something of rooting value for the character. That said, I was alright with Sage when she was hanging around Adam and Constance. With both Sharon and Sage to me it's being paired with Nick that has become the problem. Sure Nick has forgiven Sage at the moment but how long before Nick will throw Sage under the bus deserving or undeserving just like Sharon, Phyllis, Avery, and Diane.  



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Second orgasmic post!


The Newmans used to be a dream soap family. Each one of them, together and separately, was capable of producing shittons of drama for the show, but they were also well-rounded, complex and had veeeery complicated dynamics and interrelationships. Now, the show has time for NO ONE but the Newmans, and yet they are all written in a horrifically empty fashion, to the point that they're just not viable anymore. 



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Has anyone seen this footage of Brenda Dickson being evicted from her house in Hawaii? I wonder what the story was there. I felt so bad for her, it's hard to watch. I'm sure some of you have already seen this but I'm curious to know what really happened.

She also said in an interview that Bill Bell is the reason for a lot of her financial problems and being unable to get work in Hollywood 

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The Newmans were never a dream family for me personally. Only family on Y&R I ever connected with were the Barber/Winters clan but I digress. 


I did used to love the Newmans but as you said, they've all been written horribly for the past ten years. Victor was a gray character where you loved him but you hated parts about him. Now I just hate the sight of him altogether. Nikki was always an icy cold bitch but she had a likability factor about her. Now she's just a miserable ass, murderous lush. Nick, though a slut, had morals and values. He was the total opposite of Victor. Now he's just a whiny slut, who produces half of Genoa City and scolds whoever crosses not remember all his wrongdoings in the process. And Victoria has been the most decimated out of the whole clan. Victoria was a mixture of Victor and Nikki; she had both their fight and drive but now all we see her do is cry and moan over babies and men. She contributed so much more to the show when HT played her. She is insufferable now. 


And to the Sharon haters, we hate Sage b/c she's a fu-king BORE and perpetual victim. No one blames the character for Sharon's misfortune. Most of us blame the writers for writing the same bulls-t for the past 7-9 years. Sharon is weak. Sharon cries profusely. Sharon does something stupid. Sharon gets scolded. It's old! Sharon is a 40+ year old woman. The stories they are giving Sharon are stories you'd give someone like Abby or Summer, who are both lacking story at the moment. 


I'd prefer for Sharon to be knee-deep in a business story, showcasing the businesswoman she USED to be. Or Sharon going to search for her father. A story that doesn't consist of a man and a baby. We're pissed b/c the character has been in f-cking limbo forever with no character growth. If they aren't going to do anything with her than kill her off. Either way Sharon Newman/Sharon Case fans are going to be pissed. I'd just rather SC to be off this sinking ship than continue to be given the same material year after year. 


Can we go back to the days when women on this show were smart and strong? But that'll never happen under Pratt b/c he (like many soap writers within the last ten years) only know how to write for two types of women--wanton women and psychos. And even then they fail miserably. 

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Sharon can't be knee deep in a business story now.  The writers have spent to many years writing her as a not very bright blond.  Not quite the dumb blond, but close.  Writers can't erase the past (Sharon sexing up every Newman male, including the in-laws Billy and Brad), and worst of all Victor.  Then there is her BP. It's just too much, Sharon is so badly damaged, I don't see what the writers could do at this point that would make that much of a difference.

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