Members DRW50 Posted August 29, 2014 Members Share Posted August 29, 2014 Damn at Cody being called out for incest on national TV. I was not expecting that. This show just does nothing for me without Zach's beautiful face and hair to Jesus. I'm glad Donny will get a cameo on B&B. That's great for him. I hope Amber and Zach do too, unlikely as it is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 29, 2014 Members Share Posted August 29, 2014 I think that Zach will probably be the other one to get a cameo on a soap too. They usually give to the the most popular ones of the season. I felt bad for Donny tonight. Seriously. You could tell he was seriously invested in Team America and wanted to make us all happy. Sadly, that didn't come to fruition. However, Donny should not fret because he's winning America's favorite hands down. He deserves it. And I'm sure he'll have many jobs waiting on him once he goes back home. I hate how Derrick once again lied in his goodbye messages? Does he think that America is stupid & don't watch feeds? Does he think that Donny is stupid? Has he forgotten that fallen, bitter Detonators will tell the truth in jury once evicted? Derrick trying to be genuine but really being disingenuous is not going to do him favors in the long haul. It makes the audience hate him even more. Christine getting the slut-shaming edit was funny. But her husband was putting up a front for the cameras and keeping it cute because on Twitter, he's normally one step closer to committing suicide or murder. I'm glad Julie told Derrick and Frankie that America denied their mission. I hope this sets in for them that we preferred Donny's mission instead and that America's pissed. No more money for these assholes. I hope Team America is done and over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted August 29, 2014 Members Share Posted August 29, 2014 Amen. to both ^^^^^^^^^^. Good for Donny. I hope Zack gets a part too. That would really frost Frankie's Phony *ss! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 5, 2014 Members Share Posted September 5, 2014 !@#$%^&*] this show. So they introduce what could be an amazing twist on the FINAL FIVE? Are you [!@#$%^&*] kidding me? This has "Save Frankie" written all over it and it disgusts me. It really does. So they can't bother to unleash this with Nicole, Donny or Zach still in the house but let's have this twist at the final five, when Frankie is the target? Come on. This REEKS. Really badly. Horrible producer rigging. And Frankie was so obnoxious tonight. I love how Julie ignored his clear attempts at attention. Did you see how fake he was with Victoria after Christine was evicted? I can't stand him. He is the epitome of attention whore. I truly think I'm done. I now wish we had All Stars. Go figure. I'd take shitty "All Star" people over these boring [!@#$%^&*] any day. Nailed it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted September 5, 2014 Members Share Posted September 5, 2014 Well that was the most predictable, underwhelming Double Eviction ever. Only good thing to come from tonight was Christine getting blindsided, her reaction leaving, and getting booed. It finally hit her that she was this season's Britney--the stupid girl that played the boys' game and got kicked aside. It really had to hurt that she also got kicked aside for Victoria. Yeah but after watching Nicole get booted [again], I am done. I'll watch the finale and only watch the evictions for jury segments but other than that, I am done. My viewership will go to Utopia, which is 20xs better than Big Brother. They've already has a physical altercation [on day one the feeds turned on] and tons of fights, which murders this season. Utopia cast the perfect cast to keep my attention on Sundays and Tuesdays for now on. Sayonara, BB16. Hopefully, the ratings drop heavily on Sunday when Utopia debuts and this leads to AG's termination, which is deserved after this stale, stagnant ass season. Bring on BBCAN3--the superior Big Brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 5, 2014 Members Share Posted September 5, 2014 After hearing about interesting feeds, not that I'll watch, just no time, but now I'm starting to consder watching Utopia this fall, which I wasn't planning on doing. BBUS desperately needs an overhaul. This season was a step in that direction (whether you liked the twists or not, I appreciate they were doing something different even if it made this season even more unusually unberarable). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 5, 2014 Members Share Posted September 5, 2014 I'm so burned out on these shows I'm not sure I'll try Utopia. I might, but I don't really like endless fighting or drinking on reality shows - I'm more interested in relationships. And when I try Utopia it's always stupid people arguing, some desperate woman riding a guy's cock, or that creepy man Red blathering about food. Every time I try their feeds, it's talking about food, or the Bible, or singing. It doesn't help that the producers keep tweeting that the show isn't like BB. I don't CARE if it's not like BB. I want to know what the show is, not what it isn't. All reality shows become heavily produced in no time at all - don't set yourself up for a fall that way. Get over yourselves when your show isn't even on the air yet. I enjoyed this episode more than I'd expected, mostly because Derrick won HOH when he clearly did not want to, and Christine was decimated. Still, I don't care about anyone left. The "button" twist is asinine when no one left in the house is all that well liked. There's a rumor going around that Christine was so shaken she tried to quit jury and they're having to talk her down. Not sure I believe it. Some fans are saying she didn't deserve those boos. On the one hand, it annoys me that I know the guys who deserve them, like Cody and Frankie in particular, won't get any. Yet she was just a vile person, especially her lies about Donny. She gave not one reason to like her. Not a single one. She was a nasty person and she was a shitty, clueless player too. One of the worst ever on this show. If you suck at the game at least be entertaining or likeable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted September 5, 2014 Members Share Posted September 5, 2014 Oh Frankie is going to get booed. Count on it. Twenty times worse than Christine. I think Frankie even knows it at this point. He knows he's hated and has known since he evicted Donny. Allison can pull all the strings she wants but Frankie is getting booed. Sadly, Caleb, Cody, and Derrick will get off scot-free.... for now. When they activate those Twitter accounts, they'll get dragged then. Amber fans are going to eat Caleb alive along with fans that don't appreciate his 'monkey' comments. Cody is going to get a mixed reception, but the negative ones alone will eat him alive. Derrick will get a mixed reception and he'll try and pander to the audience but it won't work. Zach fans [and they are ONE of a kind] won't live it down. Donny fans won't. Amber fans won't. Derrick, however, has the thickest skin out the remainder so he'll take it on the cheek and keep moving. And I believe the Christine rumor. You can tell on her face that she wanted to have a breakdown on the stage. She really thought she had the boys in the palms of her hands. Sad part is had Christine not gotten messy around the original DE [when she wanted to boot Zach originally], she wouldn't've been in this predicament. She allowed Frankie to lead her astray, only to take the fall. Funny thing is that Donny told her last week that the boys were going to boot her ass over Victoria AND during DE. She ran back and told Cody but look where that has landed her.... in the jury house. She'll be another bitter houseguest post season. IMO, I think besides BB15, this season will have the most bitter houseguests post season [i.e. Christine, Frankie, Cody, possibly Derrick, and possibly Caleb]. At this point, I want Caleb to win for the simple fact that he was supposed to go weeks 4 & 5, but they kept letting him slip by. I hope he is the one to stab Derrick in the back and take Victoria to final two where he wins it all. A sh*tty [but funny} ending to a sh*tty season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted September 5, 2014 Members Share Posted September 5, 2014 Caleb has played a decent physical and social game. I'd LMAO if he won. I sort of want to see Frankie and Cody get their asses handed to them in a F2 situation but at the same time I want Frankie nowhere near the F2. I wouldn't mind seeing Caleb also losing next to Derrick. He wouldn't believe it. I don't think Derrick will be bitter, unless something goes terribly wrong and he somehow gets booted. He will be liked, overall, by the BB fans. IMO. He's likeable enough that he'll be able to get past whatever initial hate he may get. I expect most of it to be about how he killed anything exciting happening this season. He deserves the win, I guess, but at the same time, is it because he's just that good, and he is good, or is it because the rest of them are just too stupid? Zach, Nicole and Donny will be the favorites. At least there are some. And imo, they are on par with other All Stars and I want to see them all play again. Frankie will HATE they are more popular than he is. He knows he is hated but really has no idea what he's going to get. Caleb and Cody are the new Judd and McCrae. Not horrible at the end of the day, but they're not that embraced by the fans and are more or less hanging on hoping they will be and are bitter and confused why they aren't being embraced. It STILL pisses me off McCrae slept all summer while Amanda stomped around the house bullying everyone into doing what she wanted. You know what would be the most hilarious and fitting thing ever? When Frankie is de-throned on Wednesday, wouldn't it be such a clusterfuck if Victoria somehow won and was the reason Frankie or Cody left? I'd die. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 5, 2014 Members Share Posted September 5, 2014 I laughed my ass off when Christine got booed! IA Caleb should win. Can't wait 4 Crankie to get bounced! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 7, 2014 Members Share Posted September 7, 2014 Frankie is trash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Bright Eyes Posted September 7, 2014 Members Share Posted September 7, 2014 Oh, wow. I remember people here discussing that Mama Elsa video in the RH thead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 8, 2014 Members Share Posted September 8, 2014 So,apparently these houseguests are so unlikeable, TPTB bring in past hgs? So sad! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted September 8, 2014 Members Share Posted September 8, 2014 Yeah I brought that up months ago in the housewives thread and earlier in this thread. I knew who Frankie's stank ass was when he was cast. A famewhore with vile ways. He's pure trash. I hope he is dragged from here to west hell after the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members John Posted September 8, 2014 Members Share Posted September 8, 2014 Is that video still around? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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