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GH: June 2014 Discussion Thread

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Nina is the new Heather!

Thank God I stayed away for a few weeks so I can just skip the painful MS acting and arrive at her doing a relatively good job as deranged, angry, hurt, vengeful Nina. I mean, Phyllis 2.0 has fully arrived but, hell, she was actually interesting. I loved her list and Rosalie's ultra sarcastic comebacks. Ah, MS, when she wants to play subtext and pain, she can sure do that.

They just bend over backwards to give Franco material, don't they? :rolleyes:

Ava better wipe off her prints from that knife real good otherwise someone will find it eight months from now in a lake and use it to set her up for a crime.

OMFG Plank of Wood and Dingo sparring match. Riveting.

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If people still think Ron has no agenda, look at all the pets that get days on end and other stories are lucky to get an episode.

I like Rosalie, lol. I hope she sticks around. I like Stafford more as Nina than I did for years as Phyllis (Phyllis the psycho bitch, yes please, Phyllis the happy homemaker, no thank you) but she's definitely another Heather.

Dingo is disgusting and needs to be off my screen. Nothing about him and his acting is appealing to me at all.

Michael Easton looks so bored and constipated all of the time. God.

Can we PLEASE put Patrick with Sam or Liz because he fits with them so much better than playing babysitter for a Disney princess. Ron must hate not writing for his precious because she's on maternity leave.

And why is Ava on so much? She does NOTHING. I see where they are going with Sonny/Carly/Ava/Franco. Blah. So Carly has no interaction with Ava while Ava is banging her dumbo son but now Carly's all over Ava like white on rice? Please.

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Levi is now officially my most hated character in the history of daytime television. I have watched DAYS, Another World, Santa Barbara, Passions, General Hospital and One Life to Live. And I have never hated a character as much as I hate this bastard. He emotionally abused a vulnerable woman and cost her a chance to reunite with her daughter. He is essentially placing her at risk of becoming a birth mother by coercion. That is one of the worst things a human being can do.

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I love KeMo! Yes she seemed a little tipsy but who cares, she was having a great time! Jason and Michelle looked very bored though...obviously they needed a couple good drinks themselves. But maybe this is the alcoholic in me speaking.

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And you know what, I loved that material for the first time in months! Roger came alive and delivered and I hope FrankenTodd does not back down!

Maxie, Dumb Ass and Dumb !@#$%^&*] are not watchable! A daytime don't. You can't just put 3 people in scenes, have them say words and declare a triangle! Insipid!

The only watchable parts of yesterday were Francly, Ava and watching her cause Vermin Corinthos to sweat enough to grow rice. Bend him over some more, girl! Then the punk calls Carly? Ugh.

The rest was just an exercise in fast forwarding!

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Meh. Franco's jealousy and Carly all schmoochy and sweet towards him trying to validate his manhood was nothing short of highschool [!@#$%^&*]. He actually did deliver but this is all completely ridiculous. Francly were hardly watchable but everyone is spot on with Carly and Sonny, though they're simply beating it over our heads that Sonny and Carly will eventually, someday, get back together. Of course it will be after Ava somehow turns Sonny against her. You know that's coming. Or Franco will go cuckoo (whenever Howarth decides to leave) over Carly and Sonny. It's all so predictable.

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