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Shelly Altman and Jean Passanante Interview – The Young and the Restless

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Sigh. Such bullcrap. They even dared say that Avery cooking will be part of a huge umbrella story. Because that's all us, needy, pathetic, stupid soap fans need to hear to be appeased: 'umbrella story.' Please. :rolleyes: GTFO, bitches.

They think because they claim the Mariah 'twist' was planned all the way back in August, that it somehow lends credence to this insanity.

I see they've been schooled on exactly what headwriters on this show are supposed to say: We plan longterm, we do umbrella stories, we respect the long history of the show which has always been preserved. Those things were all true, once upon a time. If only they could actually deliver them.

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I fell asleep halfway through an episode the other day - it was the first time I'd attempted watching this shitshow in months, and it wasn't even a day with the riveting storyline about Avery's Internet cooking show. I also nearly fell asleep in this interview. Who cares?

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Jean proves talent because she likes to plan in advance thats what talented writers like Jean do. we need to be patient and wait she clearly has a plan and SA has proven her talent too.all we need to do is wait for teh story to unfold they respect historee and it works fine just look at all the ratings and demographics jean has clearly won.

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With the exception of two things - the Dylan/Avery storyline and Neil/Hilary, but compared to where we were two years ago, I can't complain. I actually like this Victor/Nikki "bump" - Nikki isn't doing the "I'm done with you because what you did is unforgivable." Instead, as was shown yesterday, it's "we are bonded, but we're not partners and I need time to figure this out." A much more adult approach, that then doesn't seem so ridiculous when they get back together. No show is ever perfect, but there are plenty of interesting things going on that make me want to tune in.

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At least we know that they were the ones to break up Neil/Leslie.. and I do like that they didn't confirm Hilary/Neil are end-game.

I do think their explanation for sharon's electric shock therapy was weak though. If you want to reset her character.. you should have had her confess to Nick.. explaining it was when she wasn't taking her pills... another DNA test is done.. and Summer really is Jack's kid. That way, the paternity change sticks.. and Sharon is redeemed for telling the truth.. and turning out she really didn't switch the results.. just thought she did due to her pills being tampered with.

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For such a lengthy post, it tells amazingly little...lots of obfuscation and contradictory statements.

They claim to plan things out well in advance but talk about improvisatory writing as if they'd like to employ this tactic more often. They want to convince viewers that they had the Mariah/faux Cassie storyline planned out well in advance, yet the convoluted mess that they've written for this character proves the exact opposite--a lack of planning and pulling ideas out of the air. They keep trying to convince us that they didn't change anything along the way, but I'm getting a feeling that the ladies doth protest too much...

I could never be a soapwriter because I find the idea of writing for an actress when actresses leave and get replaced all the time, beyond stupid. Write for the character and cast appropriately. If you have a decent actress, she will conform to the role-- that's why it's called Acting. Instead, you have both Cynthia Watros and Camryn Grimes having to carve out characters out of virtually nothing. And now Cady who seems to be playing a completely different character.

They sound like they're hedging their bets on Neil and Hillary, that they don't know which way is what and if it doesn't work out, they seem prepared to pull the rip cord on that relationship.

They claim they want to invest in their next generation, yet I see absolutely nothing that indicates that they're making an effort. Their Generation Next characters have absolutely nothing going on.

And despite, them trying to lure in progressive viewers with a hint of the possibility of a same sex story, there is no indication from this interview that this is even on their radar. I don't know if JP is traumatized by whatever resistance she may have faced from ATWT or if they figure that Y&R is probably the most conservative of the Daytime dramas left on network TV but I'm not holding my breath considering how they wrote for the last gay character on this show.

And Michael Fairman saying that Adam is a pivotal character..uh, okay dude, last I checked Y&R was an ensemble. Phyllis and Adam are not needed right now. What's needed is sharper writing for the characters they do have on right now.

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Bitch please...that hack couldn't write anything more deep than Luke and Noah jumping on a bed to celebrate their love and Janet the Queen of Italian Meatballs. If there were a such a thing as disbarment for incompetent writers, she'd have been kicked out of the industry YEARS ago.

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"The last daytime soap where Jean made her mark as head scribe was As the World Turns in its final years, and she is known in the industry as one of the top writers of character development"

Is that true? o.O

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