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Empire: Discussion Thread


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I about died when they had ol' M. Emmet Walsh roll up trying to get in on it with Rhonda. What the Christ.

Every episode is better than the last - and this was easily the most emotional, on so many levels. Jamal's coming-out was an incredible, emotional, cathartic and joyous spectacle, while Andre and Lucious' confrontation highlighted Lucious' fatal flaw. He's a brilliant artist, a loving husband and a father, and a man capable of so much art and love, modern in his thinking and instincts in so many ways, but he's also a bigoted dinosaur drunk on machismo, hypermasculinity and womanizing. He has never gotten over the idea that he cannot be respected and admired by the rest of the world, and he's determined to never allow his sons to shed his overwhelming fear and insecurity - to make sure they carry his terror with them, inside. That goes for all of them: Jamal with his sexuality, Hakeem with Lucious pushing his worst attributes on his youngest son, and Andre with Lucious dismissing his education, his hard work and the woman he loves.

Bill Bell would be proud of them for displaying a powerful elder with these kind of ancient, deeply ingrained flaws. Empire is the future of soaps, and it's a damn shame that daytime probably isn't learning [!@#$%^&*] from it, even when it's reinventing the old rulebook and keeping a lot of the same basic principles. And it's too bad we ain't gonna get Carl to watch it til at least nine months from now.

Edited by Vee
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I just saw M. Emmett Walsh on today's first episode of the Doctors. That show is a treasure trove of day players that are now famous.

I don't think Rhonda would have wanted to do him in 68 either, though.

Jamal's coming out at a White Party was just too perfect. I liked the scene with Hakeem after he came out...great scene.

Poor Andre...he went from his bib wearing wife straight to needing a straight jacket. Cookie needs to share some of her love with that boy, before he's gone....

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I agree Bill Bell would be a fan of Empire. Today's soap execs are too stuck in a past glory to even comprehend. It's a pity. Daytime's format could learn so much from what Empire has accomplished.

Time for me to watch for the 2nd time. I don't know if I'm alone on this or not but I always watch the show at least twice.

Always did love the bond between Hakeem and Jamal.

So glad to see how the show continues to reveal how losing Cookie handicapped her children in so many different ways.

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So Lucious is mad at Andre for being married to a white woman? He is a dumb cluck. Considering that Andre has lied for him, I don't get how he thinks he can't trust Andre.

Cookie should not have been expecting much from Lucious, he did divorce her while she was in prison, despite the fact that she was always in his corner.

I don't like Craplocks (sorry, was not feeling that goofy hair) and I have a feeling he is trouble. I want Dora back, he seemed more decent.

Edited by ReddFoxx
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This was an epic episode - absolutely action packed, so much happened and all of it was amazing.

Andre definitely stole the show - especially his last scene. I jumped in my chair when he pulled that trigger.

Really enjoyed Camilla v. Cookie. Naomi did well with what she had to do.

I just know Anika is going to expose the ALS diagnosis at the wedding. Cookie loaded the gun and Anika is going to pull that trigger.

Jamal's coming out had this ferociousness to it, I absolutely loved the way that happened.

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This ho walking in looking like Shrek's wife

Love that they are working on the Cookie/Hakeem relationship but it seems a bit too soon

I cant beleive no one is doing a DNA test on that little. I can see Jamal getting all attached and then Raven comes back to drop the bomb that its a lie

Loved Cookie going in on Yoki

WOW, Jamal came out and I wasnt expecting it to be like that. Lucifer looked like he was ready to have a stroke right then and there

I feel bad for Andre. Dang, Lucifer hates on him and his romantic choices as well. Damn, he had more contempt for him than Jamal. Hakeem is the only one that gets his unconditional love. That last scene of him was intense. I thought he was going to kill himself for the cliffhanger.

Edited by Cheap21
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