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DAYS: May 2014 Discussion Thread

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Oooh, maybe Caroline did shoot Nick? I love that theory!

Yeah, who the hell has been saying GG is a good actor? He's always been bad. He just does a better job when he's able to add some humor into his character.

I don't find either Guy or Blake unattractive. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has different tastes. Neither man is ugly.

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Yes, she can shoot Nick, blank out about it thanks to Alzheimer's, and when they unmask her as the culprit, not only will she feel terrible anguish over something she is not able to remember (go get that Emmy, Miss Peggy!) but she won't even be arrested or face trial due to her diminished capacity.

Yeah, but how could anyone tell the difference between the real Rafe and the fake one? Both were pretty plastic and mannequin-ish thanks to GG.

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I have skipped DAYS for months now, but knowing that Nick was about to get shot, I had to tune in to see his wretched ass get blown off the screen. I thought the writers did a good job this week of building up to Who Shot Nick? And I can't blame any of them for wanting him dead. There was something so smarmy about Nick, something so unlikeable, something that prevented me for rooting for him (and I almost always root for the villain) that I watched with glee as Julie bellowed "OH MY GOD! HE'S BEEN SHOT! OH DARLING, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" as everyone who wanted him dead was conveniently located in the town square.

I only know that Kate didn't kill him. And that's because she's a professional: she'd have done it herself and shot him in the head.

Otherwise, the tone of the show seems to be heading towards a more exciting summer, and I look forward to that and the returns that are coming with it!

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Thank god Gabbi isn't as stupid as she's seemed these last few months. Giving in to Nick because she's terrified, I can understand. Pretending to think he's changed, so he doesn't send her to jail, I can also understand. I still don't like her that much, but at least she isn't being written as a complete moron.

I continue to love Aiden/Hope and Sierra. That little girl is awesome, she's going to be so much fun. I really hope they let her grow up on screen.

I never realized how cute Bev is. I hope she isn't pigeonholed in JJ's story and then dumped when Paige wins.

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