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DAYS: May 2014 Discussion Thread

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I know Nicole brings bad things down on herself, but I'm really dreading her fall this time around. Just when she has friends (ok, mostly Daniel and Jennifer, but still) who care about her and think she's a good person, she's going to lose it all.

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Yeah. All of her growth in the last year has been totally wiped out. I hate that they had her do what they did after such a fantastic build up to Eric and Nicole as a couple. It's another reason I can't stomach my show at the moment.

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Good, she deserves it. She's been an annoying unbearable cow for the last year and IMO doesn't work as one of the Salem insiders. I cringe at her being written as Jen and Daniel's BFF and she's accepted by most if the town now. She works better as trouble making bitch that owns it and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. Nicole onscreen is a pod person and hasn't been too recognizable for a while

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Nicole in Dannifer's orbit has nearly ruined the character. I stand by in really enjoying the Eric and Nicole build up. I agree she works best as an outcast who's a bitch that swirls martinis and makes fun of the residents of Salem, but she has to grow up sometime. Characters need growth.

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Thoughts on the week!

1) Ok - I'm not a Josh Taylor fan, but the Roman/Ciara interaction on Monday was really well done!

2) They have GOT to overhaul JJ's story. I'm not completely opposed to Paige's character - but JJ has got to have an edge to him. He can still be "good at heart" but he has got to have an edge! Casey Moss plays it so well and the story leaves much to be desired otherwise!

3) I was waiting to make a call on JG's Ben...but I am glad we have a recast coming soon. Justin is attractive - but his acting has much room for improvement.

4) I am SO over the Danifer hour.. but this week's movement was good. I LOVED the Ericole proposal

5) Can I officially jump on the Lucas/Jordan bandwagon? Now that Sheryl is gone and Rafe/Jordan don't do anything for me... I would love for Jordan to be Lucas' new leading man!

6) It's worth repeating... Salem at night :):):)

7) As always, seeing Julie is pure gold. I LOVED how the writers respected the character's history - even having Julie talking to Nick about "Julie Oleson" being Tom and Alice's first grandchild and comparing the person "Julie Williams" is now, as opposed to who "Julie Oleson" used to be.

8) All the Nick buildup this week was amazing! The slap from Abby was great! His conversations with Abby, Sami, Sonny, Julie... all great! Both well written AND well played.

9) Blake did SUCH a great job this entire week! His acting was SPOT ON! I really don't want to lose Blake on this show because he is truly the best actor on canvas! That's a bold statement, but I truly believe he is the strongest actor this show has!

10) This goes without saying... but actor of the week = Blake Berris... and for "Line of the week" this week I am giving to Allie's scream! Whichever twin that was did a great job!

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LOL...I am about 4 weeks behind but had to see todays show since my DVR was acting up......He has a hot body...but his face..blah....lol

As to whether he is gay or straight...no clue.....lol....I remember when he said he thought he was one hot stud...lol...what an ego...lol

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Agreed. Blake was so good this week. sad.png Why can't this show cultivate new, long term villains? They had the right characater in Nick, who had potential to be such a great psychological villain, and they had the right actor in the role in Blake. This whodunit storyline is already awful - we're going to see everyone act all guilty and the motive to kill Nick was weak. Like how in the world was Gabi going to get full custody? And Will/Sonny have the backing of the Bradys, most of the Hortons, the Dimeras and the Kiriakis family. And they're all scared of Nick who has nobody? This makes me hate the Saints of Salem (Sonny and Will) even more.

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