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Exclusive: Camryn Grimes on That Shocking Young and the Restless Cliffhanger

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I knew it was gonna end up this way.... And yep victor is gonna say he did it to "protect his family" for the umpteenth time, then we will have to endure more mediocre actin from morrow and heinle As they "banish " victor from their lives for he millionth time while Nikki just whines and cries and has victor tell her to mind her own business again....

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So "Ghost Cassie" was never really a ghost? Do I have that right? If so, then I don't know what to say about that. I mean, the original story was putrid, but I don't know if ret-conning it as not really a "ghost story" was necessary.

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I think she must have been at one point, as Sharon has been seeing her for years, as has Nick. Presumably only the recent one is fake.

So we have yet another doppleganger. How many does that make now? This is becoming a German silent film.

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I expect this will go about as well as JFP and some of these new headwriters' brief attempt to utilize a Lily Corinthos doppelganger as played by Lilly Melgar on GH in the mid-2000s. She was given a name and a subplot, and disappeared without a trace.

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I've already commented a lot on this twist because I'm glad to see CG back in the Y&R fold. A lot of us are curious how she's grown up as an actress. My hope is that she is a polar opposite of Cassie - a girl with a real edge (think Vicky - AW or Rose - ATWT). There is a lot of potential here - Nick/Sharon trying to mold nuCassie into the sweet teenage girl they remember, Noah's feelings, etc. The question will be: do they make her an actual twin and she's related to Sharon/Faith/Noah or will she be Frank's daughter (no relation). I seriously doubt we're going to have another plastic surgery fiasco after Patty, Sarah, etc. Unlike the Philip resurrection, which destroyed almost two decades of story, this one will not impact that mark that Cassie's death left on the canvas. Plus, if it flops, she can just be written out quietly and we just have more fallout.

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I think the idea has some potential, if they take it somewhere, but if it's just a stunt and the doppleganger goes soon, then it's tacky.

I don't think it's that bad compared to some past twists, as nothing about the real Cassie's memory is being insulted. I can't even say it's OOC for Victor, who has been a monster ever since MAB.

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Many ideas have potential. That doesn't mean they should be done. And, really: How possible is it that this will not be some crazy stunt? CG even says it herself: The explanation is "pretty out there" and she's a "ballsy" character. Wanna bet this will translate into wacky, psycho shenanigans sooner or later?

Nothing about Cassie's memory is being insulted so far. Let's find out who she really is and what her connection to Victor is first and see.

Have to disagree with this not being OOC for Victor... MAB's whole tenure was OOC for Victor and he continues to be written that way. Just because it's been going on for years doesn't make it legitimate, after all.

The very thought of Victor hating on Sharon so much is nasty to begin with. He loved and adored Sharon. Always respectful, sweet and supportive to her. So the very foundation of this THRILLING PLOT TWIST is shaky to begin with. On top of that, Cassie was EVERYTHING to Victor. We saw that for almost a decade. Her death crushed, devastated Victor's whole family. So now he's using some lookalike or whatever the hell she is to break up Nick & Sharon? He's using one of the most painful things to ever happen to his family to keep two adults away from each other? And considering the mess he created with Patty he's taking another, similar risk once more?


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I see what you're saying, but I think in his mind, Victor got away with what happened with Patty Jane. He saw himself as having no real culpability, and, as he got that convenient heart transplant, he paid no price.

I don't like what MAB did with Victor, but a part of me feels like there was no going back anyway.

I don't know. Part of it makes me cringe. I don't want this to be like Rebecca on GH, where this double is a "bad girl" vamping and wearing berets. I also don't want to see her go psycho.

What I'd like to see is Victor no longer has use for her and pays her off to vanish. She does, for a little while, but then introduces herself to the Newmans as a long-lost relative of Cassie's. She becomes close to Nick and Sharon, and has conflicting feelings about what she'd done to Sharon. Victor is forced to stay silent.

It would be a powder keg that could go a lot of places.

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