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Exclusive: Camryn Grimes on That Shocking Young and the Restless Cliffhanger

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this storyline is such a hot-ass mess. Ain't nobody here for Nick+Sharon reunion, Sharon isn't the least bit sympathetic, no one wants/cares for justice for Phyllis, Victor and Nick are both asses... honestly, who are we supposed to be rooting for in this whole thing? TBH, I would love it if Victor's plan backfired and Cassie's double fell for Nick... I mean if you're gonna do mess I say GO FOR BROKE! laugh.png

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I think Victor will pay. if it is to be believed that Nick & Vikki have disowned him, he will pay be losing his children (and that's a big what if). That's the only way Victor can pay. Through his children. He thinks he won't because they have come back to him after every time, but unlike others in this thread who can see into the future, i'm waiting to see how it plays out.

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Nick & Victoria cut how him off? Please. How many times have we heard that? I was laughing because after the latest, "we'll never forgive you," I just rolled my eyes. I was so happy when Billy made a flip comment to Victoria Friday about it. It never sticks and, honestly, it shouldn't - TGVN has never pretended to be someone he's not.

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ummt, once Victoria finds out Billy cheated on ha, she will come crawling back to daddy and Victor will be 'proven right' yet again. And when all the Cassie stuff comes out, Victoria likely won't care much and be there to try to convince Nick/Nikki to not hate Victor too much... forgive and forget. But anyway, when it comes out that Sharon is partly to blame for Phyllis taking a header down the stairs and switched Nick's paternity for Summer, once again: Victor will be proven RIGHT. Particularly when that dummy (Summer) gets embroiled in that dumb cult... rolleyes.gif

that's is a BIG problem with Y&R, for me. When ever Jack or Victor are involved in any kind of big SL (especially when they are going up against each other) it's difficult to get invested because YOU KNOW Jack will get screwed, in the end, and Victor will come out the other side #winning, rinse and repeat. LOL

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Oh, you did not just [!@#$%^&*] say that to me.


Victor will pay for nothing.

It's not about seeing into the future (as your dig stupidly suggests). It's about observing the patterns that have permeated this show (and the character of Victor) for a decade and making the logical assumption that those patterns will continue.

Besides, you must have forgotten I pointed out that we still have to see how this develops.

Furthermore, a lot of the commentary I made was based on what we have now.

But the truth hurts. That's why you could only come up with that BS answer to my previous post.

Try again, boo.

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Victor is nuttier than Sharon.

Insanity- committing the same actions and expecting a different result-- did he learn nothing from the Patti debacle?

Victor needs to book an appointment with the next available psychiatrist because he just needs psychiatric help at this point. He is a bonafide sociopath (although a highly functioning one).

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Saw the clip online.

CG has a hint of edge in this new persona and I love it.

Like someone said above, I was watched Y&R regularly (though I did stop post-Sharon bust Nick for the affair and started back up MAB's run until last year) so I guess up with Cassie so as someone I have seen grow up in front of me, I am curious because her memory has been kept alive all of these years. I want to know.

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THANK YOU! I cannot believe that I am seeing people wanking over a doppleganger storyline! Maria did it and got nothing but criticizm, Jill does it and she's the best thing since sliced bread? I just can't. At least when Maria did it, you could watch the show and still know it was Y&R, even if the storyline sucked. Now we get crappy writing and the look and sound of second rate ABC soap.

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Aren't you all forgetting the rumored

It's just a dreadful show, IMO. But there are a few performers I can enjoy and watch. I mostly watch out of grotesque curiosity, to see JFP and her second-rate GH crew try to assimilate and terraform a proud Bell institution into their vague Guza-GH ripoff. Of course the real decimation came before them, under MAB, etc., but now they're sort of picking off what's left. These writers are nothing without a show and a HW they're familiar with, and their work and JFP's is bland and barely ever competent - droning as hell. GH may be terrible and/or laughable at the moment, but it's not boring the way this is. Now they're literally reheating a terrible subplot (Lily's double) that even Jill and Guza abandoned.

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I can't say I thought, "Wow, this is Y&R" when Sheila had a heretofore unmentioned twin who got surgery to look just like Lauren.

The story at least has potential to be interesting (whether it is or not will be another story) and I'd say it's true to what the characters have been in recent years.

Even though this likely isn't the reason for the story, I also see it as a finger in the eye to the disgusting and offensive fetishization of Cassie in the last 5-6 years, the nadir being when Cassie's ghost made it OK for Nick to whore it up with Sharon when she was mentally ill and wasn't even quite sure who she was having sex with at various times, because it was a love baby and a Cassie replacement.

It makes more sense than having Jerry Douglas come back as some drunk doppleganger who vanishes after two months.

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