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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Lucy drives me up a wall. I dislike her so much.

UGH at Dante's hair. He looks like an obnoxious teen.

Morgan's a dirty hippy, not a mobster. Poor Carly, having that loser as her son.

Kristen Alderson always talks way too fast and her hair is SO not natural! Ew.

Emme Rylan's pretty but I always feel like she's talking to the camera when she's onscreen.

Franco is revolting and annoying as hell. I felt like I was watching Todd and Starr today especially when RH and KA were together briefly, ugh!

Did like Bobbie and Anna! Even if I thought Jackie Zeman was horrible, I wouldn't notice with all these other horrible actors and actresses on.

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It has been Todd and Starr all week. I've meant to post that but I Starr was propping Todd's ass like the good old days. Sigh. And of course Michael comes around because you-know-what talks.

I agree about Lucy, Kevin and Scotty, even though Scotty and Lucy border on yelling and annoying. I swear they don't age. Lynne Herring looked great and I don't think she seemed to be wearing much makeup in the bed scene. Although it's hard to really care because they are just on once a week (or every couple of weeks) for like ten to fifteen minutes.

I wish they had done the Deception story. Even though it still probably would have been on as much as this Scotty/Lucy/Kevin thing is. Laura was virtually a day player anyway with no real direction and they had little interest. Once Ron didn't get his Luke/Laura reunion he couldn't wait to ship her off. He's so plot driven.

Jackie was better than she's been but they're not exactly giving her a ton to work with, either, and I agree her face movements probably hurt her acting a bit. Shame. She can been REALLY good.

Couldn't really care less about the Carly story. Over Heather. Can't stand Franco.

And ugh at Sonny and Olivia. I can't believe I was liking them in the VERY beginning. Olivia's now completely useless. Well, I guess she always was, but Lisa Lo Cicero always grabs me. I've always liked her so I guess that's why Olivia never really bothered me.

At least they remember Carly, Bobbie and Lulu are family. Too bad they aren't all interacting. Of course, again, it's for the plot.

I'm also not looking as forward to Lucas's return as I was. I really have no desire to see a triangle between Felix, Lucas and Brad. It was obvious why Brad dressed down Felix yesterday. Cue Lucas' arrival. I'm open to seeing where it goes and I'm glad Bobbie's son is finally coming back, but I don't see it being bearable at all. Are he and Daddy Jerome going to be bonding? Is Lucas going to work for the mob? Zzzz.

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Scott: “Cos you’ve got rocks in that pretty head of yours” ohmy.png

Lucy: “Well, that means we were made for each other.” biggrin.png

Kevin: “Oh, Lucy, does your husband belong in this romantic idea?” laugh.png

I am love-love-LOVING Lucy/Scott/Kevin. Among a sea of horrid, half-baked, illogical, badly acted sh!t, a simple story of an affair brings some light! I hope they don't destroy this. And I thought Lucy did look fabulous.

Kevin is great at his job: “It IS possible that your WORST FEAR has come true." rolleyes.gif

I like Bobbie's plea to Scott. Something in her voice really worked (cos they showed her back while she was pleading).

Lulu just switched the ho mode ON. There is no reason why she wouldn't tell Nathan that Dante is her husband, even if they are separated. I am NOT up for a Dante/Lulu/Nathan triangle. Noooo. Nathan & Dante showed amazing buddy chemistry and, as of right now, the idea of the fighting over Lulu is just ugh.

Yes. Just, yes.


Good, I thought I was the only one who felt that way.

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Yesterday was an enjoyable eppy. I watched it twice, but...

I'm gonna assume the camera person passed out once we got to the hospital scenes because how else do you explain the cameras suddenly stopped moving? Am I the only person who noticed the god awful camera work yesterday? They went from wobbly to extreme close ups. When Mo is wearing 7 pounds of pancake #19, let's not zoom in, please.

Lucy remains a silly over stimulated nauseating heffa! Kevin should leave her, but then we will never see him. And speaking of Kevin, my heart goes out to John Lindstrom because he has to spend most of his airtime with Roger Howarth's lousy ass! I am reaching my limits with this mofo! Mediocre acting (and no, he wasn't better on OLTL. There was just more depth to Todd most of the time). FrankenTodd just waltzes into Kevin's office and begins his slapstick. I swear, I can't stand the sight of this jackass most of the time! Not looking forward to every character kissing his ass when this is over. But I'm going to need one person to remind FrankenTodd that he is partially responsible for Carly's abduction and torture. Just one!

Bobbie/Jackie. All the right words coming from her mouth [or at least I think it was her mouth] but horrible execution. The character was slaying, but JZ? Not so much. Decked out in copper. Copper hair, copper purse, copper boots, etc. Who in the sam hell wears copper anymore, let alone so much of it?!

Anna and ChiaScot's hairline facing off. Good stuff. Loved it in spite of the shitty cameras! I didn't see Bobbie out of line with Anna. Bobbie was right. Anna moves when she has incentive and not one moment before then!

Carly's Kidnapping: The Resurrection of Todd and Starr Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Aint buying whatcha selling, Craptini!

Not sure why Puke and Felicia were on, but if it gives the illusion that GH loves its vets, so beit! Who am I to complain. !@#$%^&*] it! And if IB is not feeling well, please tell us because I don't want to continue to rag on how frozen he is if he's ill.

Detective West has failed another chem test, so I'm guessing he won't pass with any of the GH women and will burn the set down if approached by the right male. However, I'd rather he just leave. No place for that ottoman. GH has enough worthless props as it is!

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I agree that Nathan and Lulu don't work. I'm not sure if it's Emme being a cold fish or the possibility that Ryan's gay that does them in. Ryan has tons more chemistry with Dom.

We all know Frank believes he can force feed his dip [!@#$%^&*] audience but can we really deny Sabrina is a good person? That's not really arguable no matter how forced the writing is: it doesn't change the content.

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All Heather did was cut Carly? How the heck did she get all that blood all over the gun and enough to smear the car over a small wound like that? They made it seem as if she gutted her the other day



Acting on today's show


Barney has landed in PC

Elizatramp is pathetic and annoying. She releases Nikolas has a gf right? Of course she does. Her horny ass however doesn't care

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The blood on that knife looks like pie filling ,not blood. Maybe AJ would like to go skating, liz...at least he's single! Frankentodd should have been on a meathook when Sonny was talking to him. He's been way too neutered in the last year. Hopefully they'll give Heather a little rest after this OTT story. I love Robin Mattson, always have, but she needs a break!

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Is the show trying to have me feel sympathetic toward Carly by having her stabbed by Heather? It's not working. Carly is not a heroine. She never was. And now the show is reverting back to try to make her like one like it did when Sonny, Carly and Jason dominated the show. Ugh. And while I have always loved Heather Webber, this cartoon is nothing like the original version. Can these two just kill each other so I can have them off my screen? wacko.png

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