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B&B: December 2013 Discussion Thread

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Monday was a very interesting episode... We actually had more than one storyline featured!

I liked that Katie mentioned that Brooke's efforts are not going unnoticed.

The stuff between Hope and Wyatt was great. I am liking them together more and more. Steffy REALLY needs to come back and take Liam and Hope out of each other's orbits.

Quinn and Steffy was fun.

Thorsten Kaye... He was excellent. Truly, TK played those scenes wonderfully. If only that was Ridge. Three reasons for that: 1) The accent is still horrible (although it seems that he made attempts at disguising/softening it) 2) As mentioned before, the styling is all wrong 3) TK played Ridge as a blue collar worker in a suit. There was no class, refinement or hoity-toity snobishness in his portrayal. That's essential for this character. But you guys are never going to admit that. ph34r.png

Anyways, I think Bell wrote his scenes the same way he would have written them if Moss was in them, so that helps. If they fix the styling and TK finds a way to portray that "richness" in the character, then I'm sold. And how wonderfully sneaky of Bell to use a classic theme that hasn't been on for years while Fridge was talking about being caught between two families.

Can't wait to see him with Brooke.

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OMG. The Brooke and Ridge scene WAS AMAZING! KKL's chemistry is ON!!! Kaye was superb too. I'm really rooting for them now and this is the first time I've had so much positive energy from a "couple" since the early 2000s.

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Damn you, Bell! Kinda-Sorta-Ridge was so touching when he wished he could have been there for Stephanie's death and kissing Eric before he left was very sweet. TK literally melted from the end of an episode to the opening of the next.

And, how lovely was it that you could hear birds and dogs and a helicopter flying when they were standing by the balcony? Soaps have completely forgotten the outdoors have sounds, too.

That ending scene! How ironic that, of all remaining soaps, B&B hasn't completely forgotten how to do unabashed romance. The music, the looking up, the realizing, the walking towards each other. Their chemistry (as predicted by myself and others) worked and TK is SO lucky to have an actress as giving and generous as KKL to play off of. And that lovely smile of Brooke's at the end. The fade-out shot was, deservedly, hers. A classic scene.

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