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B&B: December 2013 Discussion Thread

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But their shots look soooo off. LIke they photoshopped press photos and then fixed them digitally into the opening. They don't look like proper green screen shots like the rest of the opening.

EDIT: I've hated "Bridge" with a passion for years but that reunion was produced flawlessly. The music, direction, setting - Kudos!

Michael Stich is such a great director. I'd DIE to see him work on a big budget on-location show like "24" just once.

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The setting for the reunion was breathtaking! Wise wise wise as !@#$%^&*] choice!

When was the last time a BB thread reached this many pages?

Quinn with her "you need to tell Liam you can have kids" is right where Taylor left off. There is no difference in Quinn and Taylor.

Wyatt remains a creepy mofo that I can't stand!

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I didn't pay that much attention but will observe closer the next time they show it....

Yes, it would be interesting to see what he could do with something like that.

They've already set it up so that Brooke having been with Bill will cause some kind of drama.

Hmmm, just a few extra loose screws on Quinn!

He's a creepy mofo that has absolutely excellent chemistry with Hope & is the only one who's made her come alive!

Can you imagine Steffy & Wyatt? That could be hot :wub:

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What about Ally? Girl seems to have a crush on Liam. I say get rid of Wyatt and give Steffy a new nan or better rekindle her romance with Bill. As messy as it is, I think a Steffy, Bill, Brooke, Ridge quad could be juicy. I always felt Steffy fit in better with the adults than kiddies

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Believe it or not, Steffy/Bill is what got me watching BB a few years ago. Two weeks later, it was over, she bumps her head and is madly in love with that doofus! I think Steffy needs to be wacked on the head with a skillet. Perhaps, she will go back to the great character she once was.

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Agreed, I've never been a Bridge fan either. Ever! I was rooting for Bricky when Jack Wagner came on board until it became clear what a dud that was. But, man, I may have to hop on the Bridge after that "Logan" and the tender kiss he laid on her.

Yesterday's episode... the outside shots, the fountain, the sunshine, Brooke's red dress set against the stunning decor... it was not just some of the most impressive photography I've seen in Daytime but probably outranks most Primetime and generic movie fare, too. I got goosebumps from watching. Michael Stich has been at B&B decades and even in his studio-bound work, he pretty much delivers.

From your lips to Brad's ears! Steffy/Bill made my life a few year's back. They were FIYAH. To this day, I will never know why Brad Bell nixed the first promising pairing in years for this Steffy/Liam/Hope borefest. I remember seeing an SOD cover story entitled "Why Bill & Steffy can NEVER happen!" but I never read so I don't know why the kabosh was put on this pairing.

Steffy/Bill/Brooke/Ridge would be so EPIC.

That's good to know! I wondered what the general consensus was. My opinions on soaps are usually not representative of the status quo, so I'm pleased I'm not the only one liking this casting so far. One week ago, I couldn't have cared less if Ridge was coming back or not (although B&B had already been drawing me back in). Over the weekend, I just was not sure what to make of him, then decided to give him "a couple of months" to settle. laugh.png These last two episodes have been a shot in the arm for the show, that's for sure.

Another scene I thought was very good was when TKRidge was talking about Stephanie with Eric. TK did a good job of conveying Ridge's grief over the most important woman in his life for a long time.

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