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B&B: December 2013 Discussion Thread

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ITA. The thing with KKL is that people hear the breathy, Marilyn Monroe, wah-wah woo-woo voice and immediately think she must be the biggest bimbo on earth. In the early days of B&B, KKL's voice was, for some reason, clearer, lower, the vowels and r's were rounder, and I can only attribute it to Bill Bell's signature style and the fact that KKL was in lots of scenes with Susan Flannery and Joanna Johnson. Everybody spoke carefully and deliberately.

Her voice has gotten breathier as she has aged, but it is also worth bearing in mind that the quality of the scripts have deteriorated sharply in the past 15-20 years, and Brooke has been made to jump through one impossible flaming hoop to another. I imagine KKL has had to almost infantilize Brooke (and her voice) as some of her behavior has gotten more infantile.

FTR, I think she is an actress who totally embodies her character, to the point where it is hard to see where she begins and Brooke ends (with obvious MAJOR differences because, you know, it's B&B!). She has managed to synthesize the often schizophrenic writing, believably into one character!

Brooke literally gets swoony at the knees every time some big, strapping man tells her she is the love of his life. She confuses lust with love, and must have an enviable sex drive because every man who has ever loved her comes out of her bedroom wiping their brow and looking like they just found the Holy Grail. KKL conveys very divergent sides of Brooke -- the little girl lost, the crazy belief in Love, Love, Only Love. And then there's the narrow-eyed vixen, the mama lion, the manipulator who justifies some pretty terrible betrayals. Brooke believes that she is never completely in the wrong, that she didn't mean to do it! Because If It's Love, It Must Automatically Be Good, right? KKL plays it like she believes it, too.

Plus there's the fact that KKL is the biggest chemistry magnet I have ever seen. I think it's because she listens to what the other actors are saying in their scenes with her, she is focused on them and not just concentrating on her next line. So, for that, I salute KKL. She is entertaining, very underrated and refreshingly unpretentious about the role she is playing and the the show she is on. Campy is what you want? Campy is what you are going to get! But always with a light touch.

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Cat you are so right about KKL!

It is not her fault that the writing has gone wild since the 00s. KKL played a perfect mother and sister and I am sorry that this aspect was taken away from Brooke after she started sleeping with Hope, Bridget and Katie's men.

She is a very charismatic actress who knew how to sell Brooke any way the story dictated. Brooke the college student who wanted a Prince Charming, Brooke the businesswoman, Brooke the slut, the vixen, the matriarch etc. Perhaps with another actress the role might not have lasted this long or might be around like Thorne.

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I am sorry, too, that that aspect of Brooke has been forgotten, because it is what made me love the character -- and I was a big Caroline fan! Brooke was working to support her entire family. With Storm, she was parenting Donna and Katie while Beth worked. She of course developed a huge crush on Ridge and was seduced by the Forrester lifestyle, but it is worth noting that she was still quite virginal and quite innocent at 19. Still, she wasn't some insipid little virgin, she was studying chemistry and wanted to make a better life for herself and her siblings. She also knew she was somebody quite passionate, and Stephanie saw that sensuality right away. And feared it!

Brooke was truly multi faceted back in those days,smart yet taken in by Stephanie's fake offer of friendship, educated and yet still not good enough for the Forresters, manipulative and yet eventually recognising that Ridge's heart was with Caroline, loving Caroline herself (as a friend, of course, though sometimes those scenes between Caroline, Brooke and Stephanie could be... charged, shall we say?). And then getting swept away by Eric because by that point Brooke had become addicted to the Forrester brand of romance.

Very interesting character back then.

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I really cannot believe that we are facing a "will the wedding happen?" scenario AGAIN. I almost want Liam & Hope to get married so this foolishness can just STOP. But the location shooting was phenomenal. So, so good.

Are there even any words to describe just how perfect these two posts are? You captured every important detail. Thank you for putting it much better than I ever could have!

GOD.... He is so. f*cking. sexy.

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She's about 18-20 is my guess. On that same day Aly talked to Eric and Thorne about dropping pre-law because she was turned off by the internship, Eric or Thorne mentioned something about her graduating high school early. Freshmen don't usually get internships (although who knows in B&B's world), so say she graduated high school at 16 and is somewhere between sophomore and senior, and she feels awkward at school being younger than her peers.

In one of the episodes after finding out Wyatt was his son, Bill said (I think to Brooke) that Wyatt and Liam are almost the same age, with Wyatt being slightly older. I guess Bill got freaked out when Quinn found out she was pregnant, gave her the abortion money and moved on to his relationship with Liam's mom.

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Honestly, I can't tell what this dye business is. I didn't even know it was dye until you posted about it the other day. Hair color affects the way you look but I don't see it. (Which is good for me cos he still remains gorgeous laugh.png)

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