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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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Damn, Carly is one dumb bitch! She was so thirsty to hop on the cock of the man who got her son raped. Doesn't get much sexier than that. She looks like a fool.

KA was freaking horrible today (and every other day).

I always hate when they show CPR on soaps. It looks so fake every time. Though who could even pay attention to Carly giving CPR today with Keku's shrieking in the background? Good lord! Michaeeeel!!!! Michael I love youuuuuuuu! Damn, I wish a shark would've eaten her!

Saving Kaka and Michael is just another reason to hate Franco.

Sonny/Olivia - SNORE.

Julian wants Alexis... what? He does? Did I miss something?

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I agree 100%! I'm also going to have to agree with Carl. While Julian is playing Alexis for a sucker, he will be stalking Carly. He was pure scum today, and not mob scum. Just scum! But what really got me was how they went from the Julian reveal to the conversation about Carly and Julian wanting Alexis? There are like several scenes or eppies missing!

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Because of his accessibility. Fans love the fact that they can interact with Ron via Facebook, Twitter and the like.

There's another reason which has to do with the general culture -- or its intelligence, or lack thereof -- and I don't want to go there. Suffice it to say, though, soap fans -- nay, anyone who watches a TV series or movie, or even reads a book -- are less discerning than they used to be.

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Also, KA gets bashed for the same reason teenaged girls in this country are being bullied online (often to the point of taking their own lives). It's the Internet, and that has made it safe, easy and even hip for people to talk smack about others underneath a cloak of near-anonymity.

And because the female dog can't act.

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Bad acting isn't a very good reason to send people nasty messages on twitter, especially ones that focus on their looks. Honestly, it's pretty crazy and there's no accounting for crazy, so I shouldn't have bothered to figure out the reason for it.

ETA: I don't consider bashing people on a message board to be anywhere near the same thing as sending them hateful messages. If an actor comes here looking I really don't have a lot of sympathy for people who chose to step into the lion's den.

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She's got lady parts. That's often all it takes.

Of course men get a lot of hate too, but she's always gotten the most of anyone from OLTL or in her group on GH. She's a mediocre actress (at best) and she has somewhat strange features, but if she were a guy I don't think she'd get as much hate. Even with all the stuff about her relationship with Chad.

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I don't condone sending people nasty messages on twitter. In fact a few times when I've seen it under the GH hashtags I've tweeted people to stop tagging the actors names in their hateful tweets as well. Some of those tweets can be pretty vile. I always bring up the fact that the women are judged more harshly then the men by both male and female viewers.

KA is not the only one who gets hate tweets it happens to all the GH ladies. Just pulling examples but Kelly Thiebaud's gotten her share, Teresa Castillo's had gotten hate tweets, when Lindsey Morgan was on this show I remember even seeing a few racist tweets sent to her , etc.

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