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OLTL Shelved

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Let's be real here. You don't shut down anything that IS LUCRATIVE to prove damages [no matter how much money you won't be getting in a settlement]. My guess is that they could have gone either way with shelving the shows, and the only reason AMC was not axed is because it makes PP look less pathetic.

PP is out of money, and they are slowly shutting down this entire thing. This is just another excuse in a long list of excuses to avoid saying, "our experiment didn't work".

I actually give PP credit here because I didn't think either show was returning after hiatus. Be honest, who else thought the same thing?

VeRonica is more than likely creaming all over herself about this one!

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Just because OLTL has been shelved it doesn't mean Jeff shouldn't be trusted. He knows what he is doing and the bottom line is that he is trying to give OLTL justice by going ahead with the lawsuite. If he didn't care he wouldn't have slammed ABC with this. He would have allowed ABC to get away with everything. Not to mention PP even bargained with ABC to extend there deadline. AMC/OLTL coming back to our lives alone should be proof that they care. Besides, why would you not trust him? What would he get out of the shows failing?

PP is a company. A business What kind of for-profit business, weather it is part of the entertainment industry or not, isn't out for money?? I don't see why people are going hysterical.

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Far be it for me to defend that hack, but OLTL existed long before Todd, John and Starr! And anything moRon did, Frank was his co-conspirator. PP needs to admit failure here and stop blaming this failure on 3 non factors. And if Craptini/ABC were smart, they could back this sentiment up with THE FACT that these 3 performers have done NOTHING for GH's numbers, so their [non]value to OLTL cannot be proven.

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I agree. PP is running on fumes at this point financially. Their credibility has also taken a huge hit. I don't know anyone who feels JK is being completely honest and upfront. AMC may get a few more months of shows in before being "shelved," but I seriously doubt we ever see OLTL again. Unfortunately, this "experiment" got off to a very rocky start with way too many mistakes by PP. It's never recovered. I also think Agnes Nixon shares some blame here, too. Supposedly now she understands that the stories have to move more quickly with something "happening" in every episode. She didn't learn that when AMC was on ABC? The suits were always pushing for stories to wrap up sooner. OLTL was off track from the beginning. It didn't even resemble it's former self.

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How do we know that? People keep forgetting that PP produces two other shows: (Wilfred and Royal Pains) and are in the process of working on another one for ABC (Limelight). Losing OLTL doesn't mean they are shutting down anymore than the cancellation of Off the Map a couple of years ago meant that Shonda Rimes production company was a failure.

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Shows that are producing returns, positive returns. The soap experiment is not producing returns for them, and we have seen from day one that this has been a struggle for PP.

A former daytime soap is not important enough to PP for them to take funds from other shows to make this work. AMC and OLTL have budgets, and my guess is that the shows are barely breaking even or are producing consistent negative returns.

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It amazes me how people are so quick to jump to the absolute worst conclusions. PP should be applauded for bringing AMC & OLTL back but time and time again some people feel the need to vilify them and make them the bad guys. ABC cancelled AMC & OLTL in the first place not PP. If they are "shelving" OLTL for the time being so be it. Remember this is an ever evolving model for them and they will figure out what will work best for them. I have faith this will all work out for AMC & OLTL.

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^ But they are once again LYING about the reason, which is causing people to not trust them. There is no way a lawsuit that existed before season 1 is the reason for this. The show had Todd the entire season one and at this point can recast the three missing characters, if needed. The problem with both shows was writing, it had nothing to do with any missing characters from EITHER show. I also find it awful that they just threw this news into an article and didn't actually release a statement on this to help calm the fans and clarify.

The reason for this obviously is because they probably don't have the money to produce both and are just doing AMC until they can afford to do both.

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