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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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I actually thought Alderson did quite well at the end, all that was required of her was to just stand there and look teary, and that's what she did. Do I believe that she is sad, that Morgan betrayed her or that her marriage is based on a lie? No. I doubt she can think 5 minutes past jumping Micheal's bones, but I think she looked at the surface of the text and proceeded appropriately. Ultimately none of the three in this pairing is working toward anything in regards to appeal. Kiki isn't even a real character. This teams imagination of Morgan has been poorly sketched at best, and Micheal doesn't work a tortured romantic lead on the best of days. I think the poster nailed it when they said that Micheal is dopey, instead of being a real heart-throb he is just Dillon Quartermain under a different name.

The sad thing is that Morgan does have so much potential as a character. All the things he said today, is a gold mine of story for the character. I don't think his story is that unlike those of AMC's Bianca, OLTL's Danielle Manning, or even GH's own Zander in regards to parental issues and partial parental abandonment. I just wish his characters destruction was turned inward instead of outward. I also hate how the fact that he was raised by Jax for much of his childhood before being shipped off to military school has been wiped clean. Morgan should have some of Jax in him as well. There's so much potential with all of Sonny's children to be really great defining characters for GH, but they all have continuously fallen short with each regime. The only one with potential is Molly and they will probably ruin her soon too.

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Team Morgan all the way. Mickey is mad at his kid brother for scheming in order to stop him from romancing his girlfriend?

Was Olive always this stupid?

I like this version of Sonny.

Carlos looks like the child of Jason Cook and Ted King. And I have to repeat my question. THIS is the man Sabine was involved with back home????

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The Good

I'm gonna give Kaka a bit of credit because while Eeyore was being holier than thou, she copped to her wrong doings. The bitch she wants so desperately did not do that. All he could think about was being lied to and not the lies he told. Bastard!

Lante - don't give 2 sh!ts about them (I have warmed to Dumbte in recent months. Julie leaving was so great for me and him), but that last scene of them sleeping with the baby was so beautiful. I just loved it and was shocked because GH has been shy of beautiful moments for quite some time now.

Morgan and Ava - really good on paper, especially the scene at the end, but the execution seemed a bit off because Maura looked so uncomfortable. It has the makings of a good story, but I’m certain the bottom will fall out just like everything else.

CarSon – WONDERFUL SCENES! Just exceptional. Mo and LW really work so well together, and they really pushed themselves and one another! Loved it!

The bad

Silas and Sam - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! I simply have no interest. Pair these 2 for the next 25 years as different characters, and they will never be anything more than the solution to insomnia.

Spixie – I hope they get that child back and leave town immediately afterwards. Spin should be disgusted beyond belief because he lost a daughter he didn’t know he had until she was handed over to their friends, yet zip zilch nada! Nothing they do together or apart will ever move me! Ever! I don’t want Dante to lose his daughter, but I’m willing to give something here to get something in return!

The Ugly

Sonny Corinthos! I’m supposed to sympathize with this man, but I don’t. Yesterday showed me things that I have ignored over the years but couldn’t any longer. He is a completely self absorbed stupid drama queen who does not deserve children or anyone! Sonny only stops taking his meds when he loses a piece of ass. Brenda left him, no meds. Connie dies, no meds. Michael is shot and comatoast for a year, and not only is Sonny functioning fine, he manages to get himself engaged to Kate, marry and knock up Claudia. Shooting Dante had no negative affect on this man. But he loses another piece of tail and off the meds he goes! Sonny hurts so everyone around must hurt too? Incredibly selfish, and disorder aside, Sonny is no different when he’s on his meds. I had wanted this story to be over last week, but now I don’t wish to have weak pathetic Sonny on my screen at this time! Can't imagine Craptini believing they can write him as a serious mobster now. What a joke, and I wish it were Alcazar instead of the piss ant Jeromes. Alkie would have all of Sonny's stuff by now!

Sonny has been an abusive unforgiving SOB towards women since the character came to town, yet the audience debates which self loather fixes him best. Carly knows him best and she can fix whatever ails him. No, it’s Brenda. No, I think it’s Connie! At this point who gives a sh!t who helps Sonny? Isn’t it about time he came through for someone else? Carly running around that damn living room chasing him like a he’s a child to take his meds? Pin him down and shove them up his ass! I don’t care anymore! And lest we forget, he threatened her life if Liv died and backed it up by going to her house weapon drawn just a few months ago? Has he apologized for that? Carly should never be put in the position of caring for this little idiot ever again. I’m done!

Finally, I am just so sick and damn tired of “who’s going to take care of Sonny”. I don’t need to see this story ever again because there’s really no point other than for Maurice to highlight Bipolar Disorder. There is no value to GH! If Sonny ever gets to this point again, I need him to go off to his island alone and take his revolver with him, disgusting little maggot!

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