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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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I still can't get over Brad revealing a secret that does not involve him. Maxie and Spixie have reconciled themselves with Lante having that kid, so what business of it is Brad's? If he wants to do the right thing, there's always the reveal that he didn't donate any swimmers to Britta's cause or their dirty dealings in regards to his promotion. But a secret of this magnitude being revealed by a newbie who's only doing it to get into Felix's pants? I know we want movement and all, but it still has to make sense, and THIS DOES NOT! How many others way could this have been done? I'm thinking about 35!


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Morgan and Ava? They are great! That had it working since day one, and they are pretty much the best couple on the show for me at the moment. I am sick of these soap couples that get paired without the benefit of a story (like Britt and Nik for example who have nothing to talk about except that they live together). Morgan and Ava got started with something to work with and it helps them greatly. Plus she is a little sleazy, he is a little hot, and they would make a great porn.

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I laugh at the thought of them trying to make Brad and Felix happen

I saw Sabrina's ex and he looks so old. Was she dating him in high school?

Ava's interested in Silas? Why? What were those secrets that they were alluding too?

Can Luke really be killed off for real?

How long has Laura been gone? (I know Chit will respond with a not long enough....lol)

Sonny as a characters seems so lost. It's time to retire him. He's in Luke territory of being irrelevant on a canvas which doesn't suit him anymore.

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i think her point is that this is not a selfless act . Revealing this truth doesn't prove that Brad is a good person as she had no personal gain. Remember that this is his motive for doing so and it's a selfish one with no repercussion to himself. Chit mentioned several secrets that Brad had about himself and any of them would be more appropriate to confess to , to show that he can change. Putting his career and reputation on the line with those would have been more appropriate to prove his point. As it stands, it looks like he just threw some strangers under the bus to get some d--k
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I think Chit's point is there's no real drama in Brad revealing this. It just makes him, and the reveal, a plot point.

There's no real drama in this reveal anyway because most of the people involved are so stupid, boring, and/or unlikeable, and the whole story is so contrived, IMO.

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A newbie should not be revealing this secret, especially when you look at his motives. To get into the pants of another newbie. There is no drama here at all.

So many are happy that this is no longer the CarSaSon Hour that they will accept anything in its place - this is one of those "anythings"!

Additionally, Brad's point is that he can show Felix he is capable of doing the right thing. This is NOT the right thing. Expose himself for the rat that he is and give that lab to Ellie, the person who truly deserves it.

There are quite a few reasons this just does not work!

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The other thing I don't like about this story is it just feels like such melodrama for the sake of melodrama, not because it works for the characters or feels organic. I feel like I am watching a TV show, and watching some bad soap acting. I don't enjoy that. I think stories work best when you can believe in them.

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