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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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i think you are missing the point. He is trying to prove he's a good guy in Felix's eye. Revealing this secret should accomplish that goal. We aren't under the impression that he is a good guy now but that is the image he wants to sell to Felix and this is a weak way to go about that
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Some were saying that Carlos was for Carly (this was before he aired), and there are no words to properly convey how damn happy I am those people were wrong. This is one newbie I will never get used to. Hopefully, this filthy vomit inducing piece of garbage will kill off a few before his exit. There is just no way this guy is permanent. No freaking way!

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he doesn't look old but he looks old for her. They don't look like contemporaries. He looks at least 15 years older than her. I see her around 23/ 24ish and he has got to be like 39 if I'm being generous. She was so childlike , naive and inexperienced before her makeover. I find it hard to believe that this guy was involved with her. A younger, less shady individual would have been more believable as her ex. Someone like a Spinelli or Milo type.
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We don't know yet, Silas' dark past is still a mystery thus far.

She last aired August 28, when she and Scotty broke up and she left for her doctor's checkup in Paris. Genie's contract expired, so she's technically not with the show right now. I think I read her new contract starts in October so she should be back on air by the end of October or maybe November.

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I don't think Ron cares enough about Brad's character that he's giving him this good deed in an attempt to redeem him. I just think Ron is done with the story, and somebody had to reveal the truth, so it might as well be Brad because it was quick and painless and he created some reason out of thin air to explain Brad's change of heart.

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All "Cartini" stories lack emotional resonance and are mostly made up as they go along. I think it's more noticeable with this one because there's no one involved to care about and nothing of shock value to distract from the bad writing/acting.

I do think he probably wants to pair Brad/Felix as the token gays who can run around helping their BFFs or what have you. He may also be doing this because of backlash over Brad being written as sexually harassing men, including a rape victim.

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Ron is getting Brad/Felix together while wrapping up the baby story that does not involve either. Too bad there is nothing relevant between the baby plot and this new coupling to make this work. It simply makes no sense to tie these together. At the risk of having a vet onscreen, why not allow Lulu to overhear Maxie telling her mother what she's done and how it's killing her to be w/out her child? Why not let Maxie and Spin have it out and Dante overhears? There was so many ways this could have been done. The baby story had its moments, but overall, I didn't really care. However, after a year of this sh!t a decent climax isn't too much to ask!

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Dull ass show today!

Brad being involved in the reveal is UNFORGIVABLE! It was a terrible reveal in an empty ass church with no one there really to observe. Isn't that what reveals are about? Humiliation? I will give it to Dom, however, because he did a really good job. I'm looking forward to his scenes tomorrow.

And can we get Robin some scissors, makeup and suntan lotion, please? Good grief! She looked like she belonged in a box of chicken!

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And make sure Robin takes the scissors with her, because then she can pass them along to Elizabeth, Lulu, Britt, and Sabrina, none of whom seem to own a pair.

Shoulder-length hair is NOT your enemy, ladies, especially when all it does is hang down there like dead weight anyway! The hair and make-up people really should be fired.

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