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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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I'm glad Monica threw out the trash. Finally. I also liked how Tracy was there for her.

The entire time she was fired I figured they would hire Silas, and I bet they do. Unless it's Patrick but I doubt it.

Carly looked so pathetic trying to justify the fact that she has the hots for Franco now. Ugh.

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LMAO! I have not seen it yet, but that just cracked me up! I knew this would be poorly done and the only saving grace would be the amazing LW/RH chemistry. If Franco could be redeemed (and that's a big if), Craptini don't have the skills to do it. Carly will end up looking worse than the serial killer. Wow! How'd that happen?

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Unfortunately, some time back in 2002, TIIC and RH became convinced he's a great comedian and he enjoys comedic material more than drama. What a shame a once great actor lost his acting chops, IMO.

Those Maxie & Britt scenes convinced me Britt darn well knows Lante are the parents and she's making a deliberate choice to keep the secret. She's just nowhere as good an actress as the gal who plays Ellie - now she sells a real anguish over her lies. I don't think Britt knows Robin is alive or really knew anything except her mom was obsessed with her trapping Patrick. For a doctor, Britt is not written very smart. Her mom keeps having to save her stupid scheming. Nik is so falling in love with his own baby nephew while sporting Patrick's #1 dunce cap.

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I admit a big part of my ennui may be due to disappointment at not watching OLTL and AMC's online versions right now, but the show seriously makes zero impression on me right now. Personal stuff (I'm heavy into grad school in my second week right now) probably plays a part. But I looked forward to unwinding with GH today, and turned off the computer, didn't answer my phone or texts, and the show just sorta.... was there. It was nice to see Monica and Tracy have a connection, though I feel it won't last. Mmmmm that's pretty much my only impression.

Of course she knows whose baby she has. That's been telegraphed from long ago. Britt could have been saved a while back, I feel, if she had grown more of a role in her own destiny but they lost that pretty quickly.

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Yes, he was dreadful in 2002, but I think he's done a fair amount of good work since then, including on OLTL and on both rounds on this show. And while he's very funny and does his best to sell a lot of the drama - something he's done since coming back to the network, as opposed to all those years ago - the writing and character are simply not there to keep him on an even keel.

I just don't care about Britt or Ellie anymore and I don't honestly think RC does. He "cares" up to a point but in the end those characters are always just puzzle pieces and they're already being slowly disposed of, like so many others on the show (T.J., etc.). And Emily Wilson is sweet but I can't care much anymore after what Ellie helped allow to happen, anymore than I can care about Britt because Thiebaud is simply not good enough to make this crap work.

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RH had the dramatic chops once to overcome bad writing. But, no longer even tries. He's become the poster boy for the worst of RC's parody type approach to soap writing. His Todd and Franco are silly creatures who mock the material and the viewers, JMO. On PP, I found RH toned down the comedy but lacked energy. I don't know if they worked him long hours but he often looked exhausted.

I wish I saw RC disposing of Britt but he's pulling another insta-connection romance of his, for her and Nik. Ellie is Spixie roadkill that's for sure.

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Im calling it now. Ava is going to kidnapped and/or try to kill Sam bc she feels she's distracting Derek from her. That's probably when they decide to drop the character and have her go full on psycho.

She waiting for Sonny in his house was a WTF. How the heck did she get in and if someone let her in, why the hell would they leave her alone?

I loved how Tracy said now all that needs to be done is for the two grifters (Kiki and Morgan) need to be thrown out and Monica was like they are on her list...lol

In what world would


these two ever happen?

Sonny calls Sean, Jason. Fitting since he is black Jason

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I see Leslie Charleson spent her time off "wisely". She's one procedure away from top billing in the next Planet Of The Apes movie. She looks awful!

Todd and Monica were nice, and I liked that Monica was reminded that her precious Jason took as many, if not more, lives than he (Todd) did. Jason is the good killer. Okie dokie! Not sure why moRon/RH refuse to take this seriously. I honestly don't. I'm out of words here.

Can someone explain Tracy's outfit to me, please?

Love love loved Carly/Liz. Just loved them together and would like to see more. Not as friends or enemies, but 2 people who are connected in some way and try their absolute best to get along. Carly really got catty because Liz was telling the truth. Everyone witnessed Franco's terror, so this could be another game to him. And I'm just not sure why everyone has AJ tried and convicted aleady. I don't think Liz should take him back, however. Not because he belongs with Carly (he really does because that is the far superior pairing) but because AJ said the absolute worst thing he could have said to Liz during his Pity Party For One! He could have said anything to her, but to toss her dead child in her face and criticize her parenting skills was the lowest. There's pushing someone away, and then there is crushing someone for no apparent reason.

CarSon wub.pngwub.pngwub.png I just loved everything about them yesterday. Mo and LW are really good together!

So happy Shawn is back! Missed his yummy ass. Why can't we see him in briefs? Hopefully, a love interest is still on the horizon for him (a real love interest).

Sam/Alexis'excessivemoistass/Derek talk - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wacko Ava and Julian won't be interesting until someone knocks her the !@#$%^&*] out! Can't wait til she molests Morgan though. It's inevitable!

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ITA about Morgan/Ava. They'll hit the sheets eventually. The vibe is totally there. And I wouldn't be opposed to it.

Sam/Alexis can take a flying leap. So tired of them. I have no desire to see Alexis in heat.

I wonder why they had AJ just go so far that Liz will look ridiculous if/when she takes him back.

Sonny was surprisingly bearable with Carly. Laura Wright works well with a lot of the men on GH. I never thought she worked well sexually on-screen with anybody on GL.

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I tried to watch today and woke up an hour and a half later. The last thing I remember is Kelly Monaco and Michael Easton both trying not to nod off from a xanax overdose.

Why are Carly and Franco so chummy? Will they please just say his middle name is Todd and go ahead and just call him Todd again.

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