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AMC & OLTL Get Summer Run On OWN

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My biggest concern really is the time of day the shows are aired and as some have mentioned the availability of OWN as part of the basic cable package in some areas. On the other hand, I'm sure HULU is able to provide Oprah's finance people with exact data on peak viewing for each show and specific viewing habits (ie how many times a single viewer may repeat an episode). Despite unpredictable variables, Oprah's gotta feel the data supported her gambling on the shows. In addition, Oprah's audience may bring in passive viewers who may have their TVs on the channel when OLTL or AMC come on or there may be some who didn't even know OLTL and AMC were back on television. What I'm hoping is that the exposure will publicize the return of the shows and bring in lapsed viewers in addition to creating a new audience.

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This could happen. It is the numbers/ratings/hits that shows either succeed or fail on. There is still no indication that a second season is forthcoming from PP yet. Here it is almost July with the hiatus coming to an end in about 6 weeks before resuming filming in the middle of August. I hope by Sept. PP will announce a second season or 6 month extension or something to let the fans know if a second season is going to happen or not.

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Personally, I haven't seen anybody suggest they'll do huge numbers, but they could be a big success for a network like OWN. Also, my idea for having primetime episodes here and there would be even better now that there is a network. They just need to get into promoting the storylines and then they can have big event episodes to help boost viewers.

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It may be a good idea for me to avoid some of the other blogs and messageboards out there. I mean, some people are so relentlessly negative...wow!

It seems that some soap fans (probably the Hula crowd) don't seem to understand the difference between producing and distributing a program--there is a big difference.

It's understandable that some were stung by Oprah's initial statement...like what, 2 years ago? But she is not producing these shows, showing them on OWN does not change that, and if she's changed her mind in any way, in deciding to distribute them on her network, well, people do change their minds and make adjustments in life. I guess some are determined to hold grudges, no matter what. I wouldn't want to live my life that way (believe me, I used to be a champ at holding grudges).

Then there are people who say 'Whew, I can watch now that it's on TV!' This confuses me, if they're typing this statement on a message-board, they obviously have Internet access and all the tools they'd need to stream these show online. Were they crossing their arms and sulking until they got their preferred medium?

And then there are those who take time just to go to TOLN's You Tube page specifically to say that they hate the shows and will never watch them. What purpose does this serve? I guess it feels good to vent?

The analyst and writer in me, has a perverse desire to really find out where (on Planet Earth) these folks are coming from.

Some soap fans perplex me.

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Frankly, those disgruntled folks need to get the hell over what Lord O (rightfully) said. While I was pissed that OLTL/AMC were cancelled by ABC, I certainly never thought that she was obligated to save them (nor did I think that the folks on The Chew/The Revolution owed it to anyone to vacate the show to 'bring those shows back') and I definitely don't think that she should be eating any humble pie. If anything, Lord O is doing folks a huge solid by taking them on - especially when she didn't have to in the first place, regardless if OWN's ratings were in the shitter.

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