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Yay! All that promotion worked. I wish she had put much effort in Style because I think that should've gone to number 1. I wonder why she made the decision to not promote Style at all, or premiering the video (a non-buzzworthy video) on a Friday (SIO, BS, and BB all premiered early in the week). She should be 4 for 4, but nope.

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I honestly think she didn't promote "Style" as much because of her mom being diagnosed with cancer. She was probably spending as much time as she could with her before beginning her tour. That's my guess, anyway.

Also, it should be noted that while the version "Bad Blood" released as a single is the version with Kendrick Lamar, I have heard the album version on the radio a few times recently.

"Style" premiered on a Friday because it was Friday the 13th, and 13 is, of course, her lucky number. Except here, of course, since it's the only single so far not to go to number one.

A lot of her fans seem to think "Wildest Dreams" will be the next single, but I'm still hoping she'll give "Clean" a chance.

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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That could be it but we will never know for sure. Her official reason for not singing it at the Grammys was because of "tour preperations" which is not a very good excuse. Not singing Style at the Grammys was a mistep by her and her team, IMO. Then she did an interview on Jimmy Fallon, but didn't sing. And then she chose to sing Blank Space at the Brit Awards, though it would have little impace on the American charts, but it was still an odd choice to sing that song instead of the song you just released as a single. And she didn't perform at the iHeart Radio awards. Lots of missed opportunities to promote it. So there was no live performance of Style, except for at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show but that was in early December.

I think that's why she chose that date too, but you release a video early in the week to take advantage of a full week of numbers.

I'm seeing a lot of fans wanting Wildest Dreams and New Romantics. I personlly wouldn't choose that. I'm hoping for Clean too. Release a slow song for once, Taylor!! LOL
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  • 2 weeks later...
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5 million! cool.png

Taylor Swift's juggernaut album "1989" earns a 5x platinum certification in the United States.

My dream last night: I was at dinner with Taylor, Calvin Harris and three other people that I don't know/don't remember. We were suppose to go out for dinner but decided to stay in. At the table I asked someone sitting beside me why we stayed in. The person said to look at Taylor's left hand. I saw something on her finger, and asked, "Is that an engagement ring?!" "Yup, we're engaged!!" Then I started to give some congratulatory speech, but I was really thinking, "You guys have been only dating for a couple of months! WTF!!" I wasn't happy. LOL That's all I remember. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Woah! Apple changed their mind!  #PowerOfTaylorSwift


Apple Changes Course: Will Pay Labels During Free Trial



Loved that letter she wrote.  She's such a great writer.   I'm glad Apple changed their mind because not paying artists for those 3 months wasn't fair.  And there needs to be a change in the streaming model.  Artists need a better deal.  I saw this tweet on tumblr, I don't know who is, but the amount he got paid is ridiculous.




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Lord knows I don't listen to a thing this young woman puts out, but this is really admirable! I think her reasoning was beautiful. She doesn't need the money at all and was looking out for artists who are not as fortunate as she is. Way to go!

I'm in awe :)


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