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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I have a difficult time caring what DC says about these shows, because when I think of DC, I mostly think of a site that, to me, never particularly cared about AMC, and only cared about OLTL when they could gush over how hot "Cartini" were. I think they would be happy to see OLTL and AMC fail because that would just affirm their idea that Ron and Frank were the ideal, and that they were completely and totally right in spending so much time and effort gushing over just about everything these two hacks have done for the last six years.

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Anyone who doesn't really know about ATWT's history, I cannot rightly respect their knowledge of the 'genre'. tongue.png Just kidding (not really).

Yeah, I do sense a bias there.

There are things that are good with these online iterations of AMC/OLTL and there are sloppy elements that need to be repaired but I can say the same thing about Y&R at this point. Y&R are doing some things better and? They have a bigger budget so I'd expect them to be doing many things more effectively. The point remains all of these soaps are struggling from where they were in their heyday.

There are a lot of people in the soap blogo-sphere and message boards who want to be right and constantly look to be proven right all the time--if a show that they didn't show much enthusiasm for to begin with, struggles, so much the better to prove their point, I guess.ph34r.png

I guess it's not just the networks that view these new shows as trying to steal their thunder.

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I just think both shows are a lot less 'busy' and messy in front of the camera - there's a lot of solid, smart storytelling. Certainly not all of it is perfect or enthralling (Pete and Celia needs real work) but I like the basics in just about every story, and a lot of it is just very good IMO. It's not as showy or flashy or overly labyrinthine as a lot of what the struggling network shows have put out in the last five or six years in an effort to just stay alive, but it's a lot more mature. I watch GH for entertainment, sometimes genuinely good and often unintentionally hilarious, but I watch the new OLTL and AMC for something that I find to be real quality.

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Exactly. I love the idea that teens per OLTL just get drunk and strip in front of each other or AMC declare each other the bestest friend ever/find insta love and take trips to NYC while sleeping on comforters. It's enthralling I tell you. I want the answer to all of these and it's quite apparent from screentime that the attitude you got is what's going on.

Year after year, decade after decade show runners/networks rarely learn. Step 1 Focus Group. Step 2 We found we need to appeal to the teen set (even thought it's the older ones that have $$ and spend said $$ on their products.) Step 3 genius exec 'I know. Let's show teens and the young set every episode. That will draw the viewers we need.' Step 4 . Our ratings aren't increasing I don't get the problem. RME

My favorite line from the early hears of Everybody Loves Raymond. 'It's not about the kids.' Thank you HALLELUJAH somebody got it. And I don't recall ELR hurting for ratings.

People complained about the Chew and other cooking shows taking the place of AMC/OLTL. Even Erika mentioned it a few times. She said - and she was right - there's a whole channel dedicated to that. Well there's the Disney channel for teeny bopper stories. People tuned in at the end of the network run and were glad to see so many characters that weren't given to them in favor of the new crop of 'young set'

I thought by the casting of the PP version that somehow they 'got' it when ABC didn't and would feature the announced cast that I can only imagine was meant to draw the viewers but here I am back in the world of 'we're trying to get our all important young audience so we'll feature teens adnauseum' rinse repeat. Make it stop.

I know AMC showcased teens from the beginning. And I never watched for them. Greg/Jenny were a bore to me. Erica's ADULT romances I watched for Brooke and Adam, Palmer and Daisy, Ross and Natalie, Chuck and Donna etc. That's what kept me tuning in - no matter what age I was.

(Oh and I'm well aware of LB's status at DOOL. It was just a wish. Wasn't there ANY good writer with a good history of AMC (ie 70's/80's on not named Megan McTavish) that they could afford?)

Can only hope PP learns before it's too late.

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I'm not seeing what the horrible sin is in AMC showcasing its new young leads and establishing them when the show has been on less than a month. People know damn well who Brooke, Adam, Dixie, etc. are and they're on pretty regularly, excepting David Canary who is at least semi-retired. They may not be on in four (or two, or whatever) day a week frontburner storylines all about them, but there is time for that. As of now, they are on shown with their families, their loved ones and/or their work fairly regularly, and the context has been building for their story.

I love Adam and Brooke, but expecting either of them to be running full-tilt in a huge storyline (which appears to be coming in the next two weeks, anyway, with

and the impending Chandler power struggle) all about them twelve or thirteen episodes in while the show just got J.R. out of a coma and started re-establishing the entire fabric of the show and introducing all the new kids is unfair. It would be an unfair expectation for any vet, unless you thrive on the feeling of being perpetually screwed and wronged. Which some people do, but I don't get it.

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I like the quality of both shows. It's the balance I don't care for. I'm hoping they learn to cutback on the teen set and rotate story. Not as hopeful after reading the response to SL's message to OLTL but I'm fully supporting the efforts any way.

I will say I'd like it better if they'd go back to no previews. I know it's going to be but having it 'rubbed in my face' there's yet more Pelia/Ajanda coming doesn't exactly gear me up to the next episode. At least without them I can dream Brooke gets some actual AT and story and maybe even Adam will appear.

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