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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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I never got the impression that KDP was throwing shade. Every time she's come back on GH she's gone out of her way to say how great the show is and how nice the people are and how RH and Laura Wright are doing good work together and make a good couple. But she's also been melancholy about OLTL being gone and not being able to play the character on a regular basis. From what little I have kept up on this, she made two fairly innocuous comments the other day which don't to me constitute any sort of attack. Fans tend to do those all by themselves, unless they are actively directed by crusading actors trying to campaign. And from what I've seen, KDP is not one of those actors. She said her opinion didn't matter and told an irate fan to speak her own if she wanted to. That's not Deidre Hall going all Che at her personal appearances in the mid-2000s.

I think she just shouldn't talk about her mixed feelings, because there's always people who will think KDP is Country Fried Satan no matter what she says or often from what she doesn't say. But whatever. She's an easy target but the facts have never stood up to scrutiny. I learned that a long time ago.

I don't think Todd isn't "Todd" on GH. I think Howarth's done a really good job on GH and I enjoy him for the most part. I do think RH and LW have chemistry and are really selling it, even though I think their romance is written really, really hollow and more rooted in their needs for other people who can't be there (Blair, Johnny, Jax, Jason). If I thought it was Todd and Carly forever I might be a little more frazzled, but I really can't be. The fact is that the way I see it, the show has been very respectful of Todd's history, and it's telling enough stories I really enjoy that my irritation with the superficiality of the Todd and Carly romance is negligible at best, particularly when you have two actors who are giving it everything the writing won't. They're not papering or painting over the characters' previous lives and relationships, or dragging Blair and Jax through the muck to sell it, and that's what matters to me.

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I don't find anything about KDP's comments wrong or inappropriate. She just seems sad she can't play Blair regularly. Unfortunately, the fact is Blair and Carly serve pretty much the same purpose on the canvas. To have both characters (especially involved with Todd) would just be redundant. I am not saying they are the exact same character or one is better than the other, but I really don't know what Blair would bring to the table. I am not a fan of the OLTLers on GH and I don't know what Blair would do besides interact with her fellow OLTLers and maybe Carly. Sonny is probably the only age appropriate/logical love interest for her and, let's face it, she is way too tall to be paired with him. I am not seeing the benefit of bringing her canvas long-term except to appease T&B fans and to have interaction with Starr.

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I don't see anything Carly and Blair have in terms of similarity, beyond age and kids. But I wouldn't want Blair on this show anyway, not with Carlivati writing. I am fine with Carly/Todd, although I think it's mostly a pairing based on a parody and shell of Carly.

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Sonny and Carly have been compared to as the GH version of Todd/Blair and the same was vice versa for that couple. Both couples were characterized by a cycle of intense fighting, breaking up, and getting back together. Blair and Carly fufilled similar roles as apologists for their men, even through the awful things they did, which they often supported

Both characters were introduced trying to get revenge on a family member. Blair came to town to hurt her aunt Dorian and Carly came to town to hurt her mother, Bobbie. Both women's personalites was that of a bitch. Both schemed, lied, manipulated, decieved and were known as trouble makers. Both women were also sluts who've cheated on their partners and got around. I guess Carly at least wasnt a gold digger.

Both women have also been neutered in recent years and lack the fire they once had. Blair today is weak sauce compared to how she was a decade ago. The same is true for Carly. Both have been written to be softer and more sympathetic and are less harpy than they once were. Both women are no longer vixens/trouble makers but persistent victims

One thing that has defined them in recent times is the incredible stupidity they display when it comes to the men in their lives. Both women used to be a bit sharper but they keep making mistake after mistake, falling for guys that lie and play them for fools, all while they defend them to anyone that dares question why they are with said loser. Blair's been like this for years, but since RC took over, he's morphed Carly into the same type of man driven idiot she is

Both women serve little role other than as eye candy for Todd. Blair's writing on OLTL in its final months wasnt about herl it was about Todd as is the case right now with Carly. All they do is react to him but they arent lead. They are merely props to give him a motivation. On OLTL, he was motivated to win Blair back and now on GH, he is motivated to be with Carly. They both fufill the same role in his life and storyline. RC has made them interchangeable. The only thing Carly lacks is the baggage that goes there but she benefits from actualy having GH history and a connection to the canvas, something Blair lacks. In that sense, she is more attractive as she helps provide an anchor for Todd to the show

Really they have NOTHING in common? They share alot more than just their blonde hair.

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I think Blair and Carly are very similar. The difference is that Blair evolved a lot more than Carly did, for her children and her family. In addition, they watered down Blair a lot in the last twelve years for Todd and for a series of poor stories. They were, however, both gold diggers for a variety of different reasons - Carly used to ride the Quartermaine train for everything it could get her.

If Blair was motivated enough, she could do the things Carly does. The trick is that I don't think she has the same killer instinct to burn her family in the ways Carly still will to get what she wants. The whole Jax/custody debacle was beyond the pale for me. Those boys grew up knowing Jax as basically their only dependable father, and Carly burned him to the ground. She still hasn't made up for that.

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I agree with the entire post, but especially all of the above. They are not the same character, but they absolutely fill similar roles and would be very redundant in a love triangle with Todd. I am suprised a lot of people don't agree the characters have major similarities. I honestly prefer Blair to Carly by a landslide, but Carly belongs on GH and Blair does not.

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