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GH: November 2012 Discussion Thread

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Are we sure Tomas/Lorenzo isnt Danny Roberts from The City/Loving?

I dont get the comparison to Tarty. Kate hasnt been kidnapped, raped and fallen for her attacker. I dont think there is any lesson being "taught" here other than him simply trying to create entertainment. Its really not that deep

She was chilling with her iPad, talking about going to visit her elderly uncle. That seems fitting that she'd be taking the time to reconnect with family after Edward just died and she hadnt seen him in a year.

I dont think the iPad getting on the page of Blair and Tomas was ridiculous. She told Sean that she was checking up on Llanview, bc she once lived there. The page was loading up when Carly interrupted her. The two of them marrying isnt national news worthy but Skye was reading The Banner, Llanview newspaper and it was listed under the Local news section. I didnt think it was odd for them to be featured. Blair is close with the editor

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The idea is basically that a woman's rape is not about her, but about the pain the man feels and/or his redemption, as Todd and Ford were redeemed, and Joe Jr was on a fast track to being redeemed before the story was scuttled. It's also about a woman being too silly and irrelevant to be written as sympathetic in her assault, as Marty was when she suddenly started dressing like Leather Tuscadero and getting punched out by Tea, as Tess was, as Connie is. The more irrelevant the woman's role in the story is, the more the show can push the idea that there's something silly, or crazy, or hot, or life-affirming, about a rape.

I'm just glad that Joe Jr is gone and his 50 year old son may be leaving, so that this trash is winding down.

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It's interesting how everyone can have such different views about the same thing because I haven't felt that the rape was about a "woman being too silly and irrelevant to be written as sympathetic". This entire storyline is about how a rape affected Kate so deeply that she created an alter. That's not silly or sexy. Yes, sometimes Connie is played for laughs, but there are also moments that indicate the lasting effects that the rape has had on everyone involved...not just the hardship it puts on the men.

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See what I mean? Once you open that door.....

Who knows? Maybe Ron will suggest Tomas was Luis and Lorenzo, and that "Luis" came back from the dead as his own not-twin brother.

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Loved the Carly/Skye scenes, I was totally Team Skye!

AJ and Michael :wub: .... I hope Michael starts to see Sonny as the psycho egomaniac that he is.

I really don't think Tomas will be Lorenzo....

And so glad Ellie knows the truth. I did NOT want them to drag that out any longer than it needed to be.

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An alter who has been treated as a joke from the start. Who then had another "hot" rape scene with Johnny, and is now married to him and desires him.

We heard Joe Jr say more than once that he hadn't raped Connie, and that created enough doubt to where many fans believed and still believe him. So if that was the show's message, they got it across.

I wish they could find a way to bring Paul Anthony Stewart in.

(not as a mobster)

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Connie's behavior made the story a joke. People were laughing and laughing at her throughout, even when she was acting out her own rape.

Joe Jr's behavior made many people immediately believe him, and root for him to be happy, even as the most support Connie's had is people wanting to do her roots.

I guess this will go off topic if we keep on, so I'll just say you won, and I'll stop.

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Of course not. He'll be this guy on the left:


And all this who-is-he business will turn out to be the work of these three:


Who, it turns out, are the daughters of this woman:


...with these men:




See there, Ronnie C.? You ain't the ONLY one who can do bad fanfic.

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The biggest problem with this Connie garbage is that there really is no basis for anything as the story has changed so many times to fit whatever FRon are "writing" at any given time. Kate had gone from being a virgin to sexing up Sonny is a meat truck to not leaving him behind to attend Harvard(?) to being raped and carrying a child that no one knew about. We just don't know what happened in the past, and the really tragic part you ask? Who in the sam hell gives 2 chits?! FRon came in and took a successful business woman to the bowels of hell, basically. They saw that she had two names an began salivating. Then they say the story was in the works when they got here so the audience can't accuse them of repeating the Tessica fiasco. So we are to believe this is what Guza had in mind all along and Wolf was just getting around to it, and as a coincidence, the Repetition Queens just happen to inherit the "meat" of the story? Whatthefuckever!

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