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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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When Kelly and Easton were on PC together, I was initially fascinated by their chemistry. Then, when Easton was around longer than a few months of story, it just became two bored actors whispering all their lines like they were at the Kim Novak Fan Club. And based on their GH reunion, that hasn't changed, for me.

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Nothing against Herbst but that last time I thoroughly enjoyed one of her performances was probably back when she was acting opposite Rick Hearst. She's boring and performs almost all of her material the same way.

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WTH was the point of Luke telling Lulu wasnt her brother only to tell her it was a lie? It seemed unnecesary to shock and upset her like that at all and would have made morelogical sense for him to warn her he told a lie and then proceed to tell her what that was

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I watched a little recently...

I really do like Starr on GH. I think she fits well with Michael and the story isnt bad because it lets her get mixed up with a lot of the other characters. I also think John fits nicely so far - we have seen the cops/feds come to town to bust sonny a lot, so its not like its unheard of or anything. He and Monaco still have it, and John/Sam needs to happen. Monaco shines, as always, but Sam wasnt a insufferable annoying selfish shrew for a whole episode - i dont think thats ever happened.

The Jason/Liz scenes were fantastic. It really worked so well. Them talking about robin, liz telling him about the funeral, him bringing up jake, her defending what sam did and him knowing if she was in sams place she wouldnt have done the same was all very true to their relationship.

Luke wants to rename jakes? are you kidding me? ugh. but i loved his scenes with anna. anna/patrick, patrick/noah was also nice.

maxie? i just dont care. why doesnt lulu have a story?

this kate/connie story is painfully bad the and the actress is atrocious. i hate that they have mixed it up into the one romance i was all for - carly/johnny. i did loved carly telling sonny he cant tell her to mind her own business and also expect her to tell him things he wants to know. carly has been great so far since RC came on.

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They can do ANYTHING with Lulu. Seriously, they can take her in any direction, with any story, involved with any character. JMB is being totally wasted.

So far Starr has interacted with Michael pretty much, but she can easily be tossed around town. Work for kate, bond over dead babies with hald of PC, etc.. Shes only limited by what they write for her.

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I think Alderson and Duell have some chemistry, but there are several other women on the show who are just like her. All the women seem to blur together.

They gave Lulu a lot of stories and I don't think JMB excelled at most of them. I guess they could have her reconcile with Luke, although it seems like Luke is already fully redeemed anyway, no muss no fuss.

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There really isnt anyone in Alderson;s age range tho. Starr is a lot like maxie & lulu tho, totally. its the typical young soap type tho now. its the new virgin.

I think JMB is great and has done steller with the [!@#$%^&*] they give her. Lulu is a disaster tho, one minute shes a mini luke then shes all broken like laura. there is nothing consistent in the writing for her at all. who is she? what is she about? when she was boozing it up they really should have taken the time to tell a story about someone her age being kind of lost and confused and unsure of where to go with her life. send her to nursing school or something in the end.

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The main problem is they're on a show written by someone who has no use for female characters, aside from rape and laughing at mental illness. GH hasn't had a head writer who cared about women in over a decade.

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The character of Starr hasn't interested me since she was a kid. The last time I liked her, she was falling down a flight of stairs. KA does nothing for me as an actress but annoy me, and having all of her early GH appearances be her screeching and hyperventilating between lines, has been a mistake.

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RC's Carly is the absolute worst writing for this character! I can't stand the sight of her, and this is coming from someone who could watch LW's Carly 25/8! The ill conceived rotten relationship with Johnny was for the sole purpose of keeping Carly from a black lover! Carly back with a mobster after all of her pronouncements? She has regressed severely and needs to be declared mentally unstable. This is equivalent to looking for true love on a death row website. Women like this make me cringe. The more dangerous, the greater the high. Carly's love for bad boys does not even fly anymore! She's 40 with 3 kids NOT 25! Carly is on just about everyday moving from one scene to the next contributing NOTHING! There is a huge difference in being a diva and simply a mean girl. Carly has become a 40 year old mean girl, and you best believe she will be bouncing on Sonny's pole before long. I don't even buy her BFF with Jason because after giving him devastating news, Carly goes over to Johnny's for a celebratory screw. There's not a feeling bone in her body right now! At least Wolf, with all of his faults, moved this character forward.

I was never happy learning the clown act known as Cartini would be coming to GH, and they proved my reservations to be on point! The show is a convoluted mess. Choppy editing, daily plot point dialogue, flashbacks for scenes that took place 1 day prior (brings back nightmares of Trassions for me), both black males have been removed from the canvas, (and of course, no exit story) the characters are opening their mouths but nothing is coming out, etc!

I'll just wait for the cancellation announcement!


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