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It was obviously a bad look for both Luke/Felicia, but it really wrecked the Felicia character and began her descent into cheater, bad mom, selfish person, etc.  It made her easy to marginalize later on because a lot of the audience wasn't there for her anymore.  I don't think Felicia ever recovered from this as a character.  It was that unpopular and that awful.

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It was such a strange time on the show.  They had Laura in limbo due to Lucky’s death, and because they were dragging out L&L reuniting until the Lucky reveal.  So she had literally nothing to do but cry and try to heal while Luke went back into fun adventure mode with Felicia.  To have them end up together was one of the worst of many Guza plots I hated.  I did think they had chemistry as scene partners, but not a romance.  And much like Tony Jones- once their character had been compromised, they were just boxed into a corner until KW left the show.

This was also when I finally started to turn on Luke.  I had always enjoyed him before this story.  But it ruined him for me.

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I think the idea of Luke/Felicia solving a mystery and going on an adventure started out okay and I remember liking them as friends just fine.  

Was it Geary that pushed the pairing?  Or was it Guza?  Or both?   There was no way to do the romance without Felicia and Luke looking bad, but the show went out of it's way to tell everyone how awful Felicia was in every way and just doubled down on the notion.  Like Felicia was the only one in the wrong. 

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It was basically an adventure story that started with Lila's memoirs then somehow led to Felicia/Luke teaming up to find Faison and possibly deadLucky and Felicia and Luke ended up having an affair/one night stand.   The trial is for Stefan's death which he faked for reasons I can't remember.  That is the shortest version you will ever hear of all the events but it's all you really need to know.  It was dumb. 

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Felicia didn't recover until Ron and Frank brought her back in 2012. They kind of rushed it a little because they rarely write in-depth scenes that last longer than 90 seconds, but they did rehabilitate her character and I am very happy she's back with Mac. I thought it would never happen. I despised her for what she did to him and the girls at the time, but I was equally mad at Luke.

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Mac really does get the short end of the stick in romances.  He never even got a child of his own.  He just raised everyone else's (not discounting his huge role in those kids lives-they consider him a second father), but it's weird for a soap to never give a long running character like that zero bio kids. 

She didn't seem very formidable against Brenda, especially when she got all weepy and insecure every time Sonny and Brenda were in the same room.  But in her defense, in this scene she literally thought Brenda was dead for years up until that moment and I didn't think her reaction was bad.   I do think SJB and even LW's Carly would have at least more of a bravado of confidence that TB didn't against Brenda.  TB was good against Sam, Alexis, Reese, et all though.   Idk, I think TB's vulnerability worked for Carly in that period of her life.  But, obviously, girl should be afraid of Brenda

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Not a fan of that VM hairstyle.  Sometimes it looked good but sometimes it looked like a frizzy mess.  It looks good on TB because her hair can look really thin and flat though.

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