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I was shocked to see those scenes many years ago because they have been around forever in Italian. It's a really bold story climax, yet the built up does not hold up to classic Bill Bell standards. It's like a writer's strike story finished within 5 seconds after the strike has ended which is kinda sad. That said; it's getting reallllllly wicked eventually and perfectly over the top in ca. 2 months' time.

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I'm actually liking pre-Thorne Macy a lot... she has an edge that the show sadly softened later on. 


One thing I will say I like about Bill Bell and the early years of Bold... is that he probably had intentions of pairing certain characters together.. but didn't telegraph it too much to the audience so when the characters did finally meet.. it made perfect sense.  He did that with Brooke/Ridge in the early episodes (they don't meet till episode 60.. but hints were dropped of her interest in his/Caroline's engagement.. but from an eager bystander pov).. and he does that with Macy/Thorne as well.  Developing Macy as a character first.. and getting Thorne to a point where it would make sense for the two to meet.


And I do like in the early season 3 episodes where Donna is in limbo with school, life, love.. and than she meets Macy.. thus starting her character's eventually next orbit (Spectra.. I think)

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I was watching the newest episode uploaded on Amy Silence's channel 536... and after seeing Thorne/Brooke together plus Caroline remarking how perfect they would be together... I don't get why the show didn't try to pursue Thorne/Brooke at this time instead of having Brooke go for Eric.  Maybe when this Thorne left, the plans changed?

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I've often wondered if Bill Bell's original intention in 1990 was to pair Brooke with Eric (elements of the Jill/Phillip/Katherine and Jill/Stuart/Liz storylines from Y&R) or if he changed the storyline because KKL became pregnant in real life.

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She does really look like her. Tried to compare the voice but I couldn't say that they are identical. Then, she seemed to have various tones of speak during Silk Stalking which is available on YouTube in its entirety. Judging by her IMDb credit, Kapture was already working back then, so I'm convinced by your unilateral feedback that it is her.

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Watched episode 544.. and wondering why the show didn't pursue Macy/Clarke... was Bell testing them out.. or just interacting two characters. 


Watching these early years of the show, it seemed as if there was more of a community feel and not so claustrophobic like it became in the 90s and thereafter.



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Are these old classic episodes going to be uploaded for years to come? How can we know that? I'm searching for information, but can't find any in English.  For now, we know they are being uploaded on Videoland by RTL, and they have started uploading the 3rd season, which means we'll be going to get up to episode 750 for sure and if they start uploading season 4, we are going up to episode 1000. In amazing quality for a show that is 30 years old. I've never thought this day will come, but it came. 

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I don't think we will ever get confirmation, let's just be happy that they continue to post the show online. For some odd reason previous reruns in various Euorpeans countries did not last longer than May 1992 episodes, but it might have been just coincidence. For now, I'm beyond thrilled that day ater day more classic are ubloaded by videoland.nl and more improtantly AmySilence...


It's been excatly three years ago that I discovered the MarekLogan YouTUbe channel and watched the exact same episodes hat just pop up on Amy Silence's channel  - but with the irritating Polish dubbing. It's a great to relive that.

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