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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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LOL it's just delicious how so many people on this show are secretly plotting against everyone else. You have Emily working with her associate Nolan. Victoria running sh!t with Conrad (and Frank, if he's still alive). Now we have Ashley in cahoots with Tyler. And of course, Lydia's still a wild card. The fall out is going to be epic, particularly for Daniel. Everyone he loves and cares about is keeping secrets from him, except for his sister.

And of course, realEmily might be on to her own scheme, and who knows if Conrad's gonna grow some balls and turn against Victoria.


Edited by All My Shadows
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This is a tiny quibble, but I wish they would have shown a kiss or something--the cut away seemed a bit too Melrose--then again we saw them in bed later, so maybe they just wanted to leave the question of them getting together open till then. (I already can imagine some groups complaining about the gay/bi character being a badguy, but I admit I love it. On another forum there's a pointless heated discussion about whether Tyler is gay or bi lol). Interesting in that article posted Kelley says he's kinda modeled after Ripley int he movie version (which I think doesn't really make him gay or straight just desperate for connection to a psycho degree).

As for Nolan, I could see him being bi (though I'd rate him higher than a 3 on the Kinsey scale), though I do wonder how much sex he's had either way before. But yes great episode--why are they skipping a week during sweeps?? is it some awards show?

I like Jack-you have to have one nice guy. I did have two minor things--so Daniel was drugged and passed out just the night before, yet didn't even seem hungover and it wasn't mentioned in terms of his work? And... I can't actually remember my other quibble, lol. Oh still not feeling Declan and Charlotte--and Declan should learn to at least try to control himself during his first real chance to make an impression on Victoria--though I laughed outloud about the line with his Rose wine. They were better than previous weeks but between not liking the Declan actor, hating his James Ddean line delivery and not really caring it's kinda yawn.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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OMG another great episode. Nolan and Tyler? What a twist. The real Emily Thorn waking off Frank (wonder if he is really dead?) wow.

While I like Daniel, I have a feeling it's going to be a long snog for us Emily/Jack fans. sad.png

Don't know how I'm going to survive waiting for 2 weeks.

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One thing I loved about this episode was that Nolan got a body guard. Hate it when shows have rich people threatened and they don't run out and get protection ASAP. I'm hoping Jack eventually forgives Nolan. I want them to be friends.

Sure, it's Sociology 101 and Nolan probably made it through at least one year of college. Not that I think he's straight.

I liked Declan a bit more tonight. I'm glad he stood up for his brother. Sure, it wasn't his best move, but I'm glad to see he cares about someone other than himself. The way he treated his Dad made me wonder.

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Great episode! Awesome twists! I could see the gay twist coming, haha, but not Nolan's response! I get the ambiguous, bi vibe from him. Tyler a hustler of older gay men? Ha, I know a few of those in my neighborhood, so I'm used to the idea, heehee. Awesome twist. That and the real Emily Thorne. Such wonderful juicy soap twist goodness on this show!

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