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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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SOAPnet's janky ass can't even be bothered to make this the "first panel" news item. It's not in ANY of the panels, it's kicked off down towards the bottom. Frons, somewhere in Africa there's an ostrich head that I'd love to see stuck up your ass, pecking away at all of your slimy insides.

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Well, I don't know that I believe that they'll be the focus, not with LB there to balance a bit. So yes, I do think there's reason to hope there. And I do. :) I just don't and can't believe they'll end up anywhere else. It just seems like the one thing we can count out. I just want balance, true to character interactions, that are based in history. I'm willing to except the show ending, but I don't want to be left sitting here going, "Where was David? What happened to him?" etc.

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I'm just hearing this. Unbelievable. I'm going to miss OLTL like crazy. To this day I still miss The Edge of Night.

Well, I have to January to enjoy the show. After this I won't be watching anymore daytime TV. I'm going to miss the genre.

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Mallory rocks :wub:

It's truly the end of an era and I am just...so sad.

And it's doubly sad and also [!@#$%^&*] enraging that Brian Frons still has a job.

First of all, the shows replacing AMC and OLTL? The Revolution and The Chew. SAY THAT OUT LOUD: THE CHEW. Did you just turn bright red and look over your shoulder to make sure nobody heard you say that? Because OMFG, that is just epically lame. The Chew! I ask you.

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You've told me this before... and I know why you feel that way, Eric. And this doesn't relate to the discussion between you, Kylie, and myself so much... but more about your "Pollyanna" comment: I remember a time when I posted a positive opinion on the board, and a couple of people responded as if I (and anyone who happened to agree with me) was delusional... I even remember someone inferring that I worked for ABC, and was promoting for them... and I'm pretty sure this just because I was looking forward to Lorraine Broderick's work airing!

Though I backed away from the board because I wanted to avoid that kind of conflict, I'm not mad about it... because I think the people who said things like that were really just incredibly pissed off by what happened under Pratt (or B&E, McTavish, you name it) and weren't ready to have any optimism just yet. And to them, I probably did sound absurd to suggest that LB could do something positive in setting the right course for AMC...

But I happen to think you sound level-headed about it, Eric... and you're really honest with YOURSELF about your feelings for the two shows, and you let that show openly here. I've always appreciated that about you.

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