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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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I simply cannot relate to your perspective on this topic. Since when is daytime is supposed to be high drama and full of depth? It isn't and has never been, there has always been a variety of good and bad programming much like in prime time. There is no criteria for what are "better shows." Just because you don't like a genre or a specific program, it doesn't mean that other people don't enjoy it. Which show is better Judge Judy or Law & Order or Dr. Oz or General Hospital? People are not entertained by the same program so they will change the channel to watch something that you consider junk. It isn't about parroting anything, the ratings show this. There are lots of people who watch home improvement and DIY shows on HGTV during the day and it is highly unlikely that they will watch anything that the network airs.

As for The Price is Right, most game show fans will tell you that just about every game show dies a natural death, sometimes the new host isn't a hit, sometimes the games become repetitive. It has nothing to do with what CBS has let happened. It is a cyclical natural process which why there are few hysterics when cancellation comes for one show. Game shows are resilient. They always revamp and come back years down the line. Court shows which I love are also very similar in their ability to regenerate over time. Soaps now need to figure out how to do the same.

I don't think LMAD is the greatest game show, but I also don't think that people who enjoy it are dumb.

I'm glad you brought up Oprah going off the air. I wouldn't be surprised if losing the ad revenue from Oprah played a role in ABC's decisions to cancel OLTL and AMC and find cheaper programming.

The same thing has happened to some extent with NCIS which had good ratings, but an additional shot in the arm once the repeats started on USA.

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It depends on your idea of better. To me, better means decently put together and entertaining. I can go to GSN and watch several game shows that weren't exactly deemed high drama or full of depth in the 70's or 80's and enjoy them. The same goes for when they used to show repeats of some of the old talk shows, like Mike Douglas.

To me there isn't a lot of that on network daytime now. I think most of it is dross - poorly put together and thrown at viewers as if no one cares, based on some random person they assume will be a draw, or based on a way to fill up a time slot without taking a lot of money. It's a self-defeating process because when these things are done so cheaply, few people watch them, and more and more viewers go elsewhere.

Unless CBS had nothing to do with Drew Carey's hiring, I think it has a lot to do with what they let happen. The show was a solid success for years and then they hire a man who has no screen presence, who can't connect with contestants, and who is in the middle of an increasingly ramshackle show that is now going to focus on "variety" instead of game show format. TPIR was able to appeal to 2-3 generations, even those who were supposedly uninterested in daytime TV, with their old format and with a good host. CBS threw this away once Bob Barker left. That's more like a slow suffocation than a natural death.

That was when someone made an effort on them. No one seems to care now. That's the biggest problem with network TV in daytime. It's also why I can't automatically believe that these other shows will be a success just because they aren't soaps.

Neither do I, but the way CBS treats it, I think they would disagree with us.

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TPIR didn't die a natural death. Had Bob Barker not retired even at 90 he would still be the ringmaster of a thriving show. CBS hired a no talent nothing with no personality, a guy who seems to be the walking dead to host what was a carnival type show. They killed it, it didn't die on its own. Drew Carey destroyed the show, lets call it the way it is. Drew Carey has the uncanny ability to make Charlie Rose seem bubbly.

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I believe for oltl it may have been yesterday with Blair singing the old theme and saying it was too depressing. But since actors don't always shoot on the same day and scenes are edited, it may be a little difficult to pinpoint the first post-cancellation scenes for everyone.

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In LA, there's speculation that they will have news as well to fill Oprah's time. That means local news from 3pm-6pm and World News from 6-6:30pm. Too much!

I find it ironic that in Chicago, Oprah will be immediately replaced tomorrow with a local lifestyle show. Chicago won't get to enjoy any reruns through September like most of the country.

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I recently read a report regarding last month's syndication upfronts, stating that Dr. Oz had been secured by ABC 7 here in the Los Angeles area to take the Oprah 3pm time slot. Not sure if anything has changed since then... Currently, only ABC 7 and KCAL 9 (an independent that happens to be owned by CBS) have local news at 4pm. NBC & CBS stations start at 5pm. They all start their network news at 6:30, actually.

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Susan Lucci on The Talk tomorrow! Here's the promo:

<object width="480" height="270"><param name="movie" value="http://www.cbs.com/e/wICO1ahKTKoH_aHD8uutMAPUPwQXQo4t/cbs/1/" /></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed width="480" height="270" src="http://www.cbs.com/e/wICO1ahKTKoH_aHD8uutMAPUPwQXQo4t/cbs/1/" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>

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