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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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:lol: oh boy. I used to watch Save By The Bell all the time as a pre-teen when TBS ran re-runs at 7am in the morning. What else was a kid to do while eating his cheerios before school? I can't believe Frons had a hand in that.

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What a sickening, pathetic screed.

This is a perfect example of a soap fan who makes me embarrassed to be a soap fan and the type of writing that drives people away. The moment you tell people how they should feel you've lost a huge part of your audience. You can't bully people into feeling your pain. And the overblown, end of the world, "It's the rapture of soaps!!" bullshit that comes right after serves no purpose except to make all soap fans look deluded and utterly narcissistic. The government should subsidize soaps? OMG, step away from the bong. I'm not surprised that this guy is a OLTL fan. He sounds just like Nelson and Jamey.

I'm too busy being disgusted by you to pity you.

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A bunch of online soap fans bashing Brian Frons and reacting to everything that he says and does not a PR disaster make. Most soap fans have no clue who Brian Frons is and never hear a thing that he says. Disney and ABC have bigger fish to fry. If anything, his bosses probably laugh and say better him than them.

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Normally you and I are likethis but I think once clients/sponsors started getting involved it became a PR issue. Not exactly a disaster but definitely a problem. I don't believe for one second that Hoover pulled ads out of some kind of solidarity but they ARE using AB C's bad handling of this to their marketing advantage. The money they pulled from ABC is a pittance compared to the value of the free advertising they've gotten. (My local paper picked up the AP story.) and when they do start advertising again it'll cost them less money.

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