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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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And I think CBS Daytime did loose a small number of viewers with each cancellation. After GL death was announced, ATWT never went above a 2.0 HH again. B&B has ad all time lows since the end of World. I think their is some minor connection. It is easy to say 'all soaps are falling'; however, GH has made some gains this year.

I tink AMC will be the soap to leave. ABC can lie and say they made every effort to save the show via the move to LA and then, within one year, ax OLTL for being in expensive NYC. When, and they will, try to 'merge' these two shows it will be a disaster. I expect they will try to fuse at least 4 characters onto an already bloated canvas. Lucci will probably not be one due to her high cost. Plus, OLTL is swimming in vets.

Really hope Frons doesn't try to get all creative and give a merged show a new name like 'One' or 'Life' or 'All My Life' LOL

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ABC news in Western NY is reporting that another soap might be cancelled soon.

ABCD is expected to make a statement this week about AMC, but it's still more of the same gossip we've been hearing. The difference is this is a respected news outlet.

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An Ellen visit would have been cool but vet returns cost money and what network would want to waste money on a cancelled show? I wish they actually cared for viewers but this is capitalism.

Goutman really did try to shop the show. Like his vision or not, ATWT was is life and he's the one who saved the show from going outside faux reality style like GL. That stupid 2-3 production model was his solution but according to Maura West their really was no money so I guess there was little choice. Days has a budget of 100,000 per episode and ATWT was even less. During the final weeks the directors got more creative but almost no extra money was spent. The returns paid for themselves because a few characters, like Meg, left early.

Telenext wants the soaps dead. There was a plan to get a new GL going with new actors as a 13 episode syndicated show but Telenext balked worried about fan backlash.

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The AOL piece said the announcement would be yesterday or today. What time does ABC close up shop tonight? DC said what, another week or so, like next week? If there's an announcement coming, it's likely upon on us.

It's hard to believe at the end of the week, we're likely down another soap. :(

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I just had this thought come over me that's made feel clammy and queasy. What if Frons told D&D about the impending cancellation months ago, that it was essentially a done deal, thus the whole fake marriage thing, with the idea of having their real marriage take place in the last episode. OK, my mind is playing games. I'm going to stop getting caught up in the speculation :) which is all this really is right now.

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I would think Frons would want to make the announcement to the cast and crew at the very end of a week (although IIRC the LA announcement was made mid-week). Does AMC tape on Fridays or not? I thought they only taped Mon-Thurs, but I often see actors tweeting on Fridays saying they're off to the studio so I don't know.

I could definitely see the finale being a double Rylee/Jerica wedding.

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Guys listen, these horrible "reports" were ALL regurgitated from the Daytime Confidential article. The only real "source" was the AMC writer I would think..

There is no guarantee it will be AMC, no matter what those reports say. That Deadline report was just regurgitated gossip, and those other sites copied it.

One of the 2 shows is done, but I still cannot believe it would be AMC first.

I really feel terrible reading your replies. If its OLTL I just want it to be announced and over with.

I kinda feel that ABC will make the horrendous decision to combine the shows in some sense. The AMC name with maybe 6 OLTL characters brought on. No thanks.

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And thank goodness Telenext balked at the 13 episode syndicated thing. That would have been worse than nothing.

I just want to know, so I can get out the black clothing for the memorial service. So are we going to have a "wake" or not?

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Okay, this is kinda of what I've been getting flack for. The AOL piece and the other one that regurgitated it, were specific said their source said the announcement was likely yesterday or today. And I know DC had said it would likely come at the end of March. So whom are we to believe at this point? Who's sources are correct? We're all taking this at face value, but I mean, when a site gives a specific time frame and nothing happens (a press release could still happen, it's early enough on the West Coast) do we write them off, give them a pass or what?

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I can't relate, exactly how I felt about GL and ATWT.

I'm suprised OWN would not wanna pick up AMC considering it has about 2.4 million viewers. The network needs a 'drama' and a flag ship to draw viewers in. With new writers, a soap could be a great way for Oprah to preach her 'your better life' mantra crap. Erica could even go on Dr Phil to figure out why all of her marriages fail ;)

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I believe with previous cancelation rumors ABC tried to put a quick stop to them, with a strong denial. They just responded to the rumor this time, with the factoral statement the rumor is a continuation of an older story from the past month and they have no comment. So no matter who these reports came from its a telling sign ABC hasn't forcefully denied it.

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