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"There's a new world comin..."


Run Nikki,run!


I didn't mind Bond at all.I saw traces of Deborah Adair in her performance. Who the hay was playing John Abbott ? Charism,a free. Would have liked to see Brett Halsey.

Same with Tammy as Patty.She seemed fine to me. She looked like Doug and Brett Hadley.

I guess with so many changes happening and ratings dipping Bill Bell must have not been inspired by those two for some reason.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Finished the first one. Were the last few minutes part of another episode?


Wow - never thought I'd get to see Victor's first meeting with Lorie. Were they both there to see Nikki?


I thought Victor came along later in Katherine's story with Derek. Did Katherine know at this point that Derek was going to try to get the company? I will never understand that casting for Derek...


So many times when I watch these old episodes, Nikki is in peril. In this case it seems to be from Wings Hauser chewing the scenery from under her. Yikes. I don't understand how he stayed in the role so long. 


It was nice to see some of the 'bad boy' days with Paul, and when Mary was allowed to be a real person, not a caricature. Tammy Taylor's very strong as Patty. I'm glad they had Paul stop calling her "Pip." Seeing her here, such a believable young character, just makes me sadder at how she was ruined. 


I've always liked Jerry Lacy, due to growing up seeing him on Dark Shadows reruns. Great to finally see him as Jonas. He does his best with all that expository cliche material, and he and Victoria Mallory have good chemistry. She seems more alive here. 


And good to see more of Lucas (Tom Ligon was so hot). The guy who plays Sebastian is good casting. Those scenes have a believable murkiness to them.


Could I  clip the ATWT/GL promo? 

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I thought the same thing about Bond, that  she reminded me a little of Deborah Adair...she was actually very good I thought.

wait...that wasn’t Brett Halsey as John?? I never knew then there were 3 actors who played him.



Edited by YRfan23
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Yeah I think the extra scene was from the April 16 episode that was listed with the other two...too bad it wasn’t the full show as I would have liked to see more of Victor and Lories first meeting...that was so unexpected..but not so much as Victor supposedly already knowing Nikki at this point??? That shocked me...I knew Victor and Casey had scenes when he first came to town but, now it’s Crazy to think that Bill Bell possibly Retconned Victor and Nikki not knowing each other until the Bayou...perhaps they just never met face to face, but still Victor seemed a bit casual when he mentioned to Casey “ give her my best”


it was great to see more of Derek, Jeanne’s face looked so frozen and stiff for some reason...i know this is pre facelift but her face seems like it’s stuck in a smile ..... I thought Katherine was playing Derek to get him out of the company but I guess that was later...


yes Wings Hauser was just so OTT and not in a good  way , he always seemed like an odd looking guy too.


i loved seeing the Old Williams scene...u can sort of tell they had already replaced the Fosters as the main working class family....Carolyn Connell was very good in the scene when she was trying to warn Patty about how different their lifestyles were growing up...Tammy Taylor was a good actress too, I could have seen her stick around for the long run...


i thought Victoria Mallory was very good here as well...this story must have drove people mad because I’m sure it was one of those stories that just dragged on...did Leslie have a breakdown that caused her to loose her memory?

i actually thought Sebastian was a standout of this Episode! Would like to see more of him...Edgar Daniels is the actors name.


yes go ahead!

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Finished both of them! THANK YOU @YRfan23  @ltm1997so much!!! There's something about that 1980-1982 period I love so much as it mixed in Y&R's old guard with the new guard. 


A few thoughts: LOVED seeing young bad boy Paul, a young Patty or "Pip" lol played very well by Tammy Taylor, and of course Mary Williams just being Mary Williams! I'm quite impressed by Tammy Taylor who I had heard bad things about from playing the first grown up Hope over on Days; I have to wonder what if if Taylor had been able to stick with Y&R and grow up with the role in a way Heather Tom did with Victoria a decade later. 


Greg and Nikki, no I'm not a fan of, especially not of Wings Hauser's Greg either. I can see what Bell was trying to do with bad girl Nikki marrying goody two-shoes Greg but the pairing feels forced and doesn't work. It doesn't help that more interesting men (Paul, Victor) are probably more concerned about Nikki than her actual husband is. The cult at the end of the second episode, ho boy! 


This is my first time seeing Bond Gideon as Jill and I was pleased! She looked beautiful and I really liked the scenes between Jill and Liz it felt warm and there was a great sense of love and forgiveness between the two. I had assumed Gideon was atrocious but this to me proves otherwise and I agree I feel some Deborah Adair qualities there. It felt like the best way to reset Jill was to take her back to square one. Was that Brett Halsey as John? I had assumed so, but if it's another actor I must say he does look like an older Terry Lester with a bit of a European(hint of German?) accent in there.  


Derek and Katherine was great to see. Actually while Caleb Stoddard will always be my favorite Derek I've seen from watching old episodes LaDue may be an odd casting at least I could buy he was a woman's hair dresser. 


I must say though, if I had watched this for the first time as a regular viewer in 1980, based on the John and Jill scenes I might have guessed that Jill might eventually bed John at some point but would not have predicted they would drive some epic storylines for the next 20+ years. 


Usually @DRW50 I find Tim Ligon's Lucas as an awkward man out but here Lucas is looking so sharp and handsome. The scenes with him and Sebastian are wonderful contrasted with Leslie and Jonas. To which I've known all about Jonas but did not realize he was played by Dark Shadows' Tony Peterson/Reverend Trask character. 





Edited by soapfan770
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I also thought Bond Gideon did a decent job. I guess this shows how important it is to actually see the material rather than just read about it. I would have assumed she was awful. I wonder if maybe Bell thought she wasn't quite tough enough or self-loathing enough to play Jill? She is a bit of an ingenue. Yet as you all mentioned, there's a lot of Deborah Adair in there. I also see Lauren Koslow (minus Lauren's brittleness). I really liked the scene with Liz a lot - the Jill/Liz relationship is a special thing and it feels very natural here. The scene with John was also alright. I don't think this guy was too bad. 


Had Mary had her miscarriage by the second episode? I liked the early scene with Mary and Patty. You don't get a lot of good mother/daughter stuff on Y&R, usually you just get conflict. 


The guy playing Patty's date looks familiar. 


Paul ends up in the cult too, doesn't he? Why? I had to laugh at his scene with hammy Greg, the back and forth "man!" that Chris Schemering complained about in the dialogue of this era. Hauser manages to give a competent performance in the scene with Nikki. MTS is acting her ass off there. 


The cult stuff worked much better before they started singing. Just too hilariously cheesy. Those off-key harmonies should have sent Nikki out the door. 


Going by these two episodes there is a huge array of storylines going on. I wonder if that's why the ratings dropped around this point. 

Edited by DRW50
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Wow, thank you so much! I never thought that I'd get to watch 1980 Y&R 

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My thoughts:

I liked Bond Gideon a lot. This was Jill's Linda Gray era before she became Joan Collins once Brenda Dickson returned. It was fascinating to listen to Liz Foster say that "One day Mister Abbott will be very happy he hired you." And after all these years we all still in the Jabot offices dealing with Abbott drama. 


The cult scene was perfect. So cheesy, so late 70s. Nikki's WTF look.


I loved the Williams scenes and I would love to see more of Tammy Taylor. 


Greg was horrible, such a drama queen. 


The Lucas/Sebastian/Jonas scenes reminded me of GL for some reason.


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