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I much prefer the '90s episodes to now. Kimberlin Brown's final stint on Y&R for me is the last time I remember really loving the show. Although having said that, when Patty Williams was brought back I remember being enthralled with that storyline. I'm a sucker for a soap opera baddie :3

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I'm very mixed about that storyline. I absolutely cannot stand Daisy, and the whole concept of Sheila having grown twins with Tom and Sarah being Sheila's sister is still hard for me to swallow. Having said that, I loved seeing Tracey play a full-blown psycho. And that coinciding with Patty Williams posing as Emily, i think it was more the performances from Tracey and Stacy Haiduk that saved me from truly hating it to be honest. Same with the Pheila storyline. As much as I despise what they did with Sheila, even if I refuse to believe it was really her, Michelle Stafford just cracked me the hell up.

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I still want that chained up woman in prison (think that was shown on B&B though) that's supposed to be Sugar with Kimberlin Brown's face to actually be Sheila... I like the idea of Sheila still being out there, in case competent writers ever return to the show and can make something of it, and then they can say that Daisy and Ryder weren't really her children.

If they are her children though, then they really missed an opportunity to make Daniel's daughter the bad seed... her bloodline included Phyllis as paternal grandmother, Tom Fisher as maternal grandfather, Kevin as an uncle, Sheila as maternal grandmother (plus the Sarah, Ryder, Daisy crew)... they should have had Daniel leave her with Billy and Victoria because he didn't want to raise a kid, and then when the kid turned out evil and no one could figure out why, he'd have been forced to confess it was his child. That would've been fun.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Honestly, by this point I'd probably accept any excuse to have Kimberlin back on the show. After the hell Sheila raised in 2005 alone, the payoff with Pheila the subsequent year, I just cannot for the life of me accept that's where Sheila ends. I could easily buy that Sugar would go after Lauren, didn't she blame them for what Sheila did to her?

I don't remember anything of Daniel and Daisy together to tell you the truth, I don't think I'd watched it. I see what you mean though, there's a storyline with potential should they choose to return to it in the future. Speaking of bad seeds, I wish I'd been there to see Ricky Williams and his storyline. I only found out about it when I got a whole bunch of 2013 episodes, they had an interview with Doug Davidson at the beginning of one of them to commemorate the 40th anniversary and I saw a snippet of Ricky getting shot and flying out of a building.

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I could buy Kimberlin Brown as Sugar but I would just much rather see her as Sheila, you know?

The Daisy/Daniel storyline was... ugh... she basically raped him when he was drunk (or maybe she drugged him, I don't remember). Phyllis forced them to get married. He clearly didn't want the child or her. He delivered the baby in the back of the car and Daisy conked him on the head, abandoned the baby and ran away to Canada. Billy bought the baby and he and Victoria "adopted" her. Daniel was having memories and drawing the baby and then he realized that was his daughter. He didn't really want her and it seemed like he was going to let them keep her, which was nice, for a soap not to reunite the child with its biological parents at any cost, for once. But then Phyllis found out and went batshit (the end of Michelle Stafford's run, she was insufferable), and found Daisy and got Avery to get some kind of deal so she could get out of jail to raise the kid, and then she turned around and helped Daniel sue for custody... or something. It was so convoluted and made no sense, but was all about Phyllis being a bitch and making people do things they didn't want to do and then everyone thanking her for it. And then of course, Daniel ended up loving being a parent and went off with Heather. It was so random.

The Ricky storyline never really blossomed. The idea of Isabella's son being crazy and harboring resentment for Paul leaving him was solid, but then they introduced all this previous offscreen stuff about him killing his girlfriend before he came on the show and it went nowhere.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Yeah, I mean I guess since Sugar's already gone off the deep end and tried to kill once before, there's nothing to say she couldn't potentially try again. Having said that though, I'd just resent it, it'd make me miss Sheila even more.

Oh, good god. That sounds absolutely freaking horrible! Sounds as if they couldn't make up their minds about where they wanted that storyline to go, they were just pumping out ideas as they went along. No wonder I stopped watching, doesn't sound like I missed much.

Ricky just sounds like an absolutely wasted character. Which is sad, I liked Isabella's character, another long-term nut job in the form of her son would have been great. Same with Ian Ward, I thought all hell was going to break loose when he arrived on the scene last year.

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She turned a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity into a successful career in daytime television

March 03, 2013|By Jenniffer Weigel, Tribune NewspapersKay Alden Nelson's big break into daytime television sounds like a plot out of one of her soap opera scripts.

"I was doing a dissertation for my Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin at Madison on how daytime television serials can be used as mediators for social change," recalls Nelson, 66. Her research included a trip to New York to watch tapings of "Search for Tomorrow" and submerging herself in the world of soap operas.


"I'd read about how Bill Bell (creator of soaps, including "Another World") just launched a new show called 'The Young and the Restless.' This was 1973. They said he lived on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, so I called information and asked for a William J. Bell on Lake Shore Drive. I called the number, and he actually answered the phone!"

Even more amazing, Bell agreed to an interview. Impressed with Nelson's thorough knowledge of his shows and her desire to become a writer, he offered the young graduate student a primer in the craft of scripting daytime serials — and, eventually, a job. Nelson launched her writing career with "The Young and the Restless" in 1974; she was named the show's head writer in 1998, a position she held until she left in 2006. She has been a writer and script editor for "The Bold and the Beautiful," another Bell show, since 2007. Nelson has won five Emmy Awards and two Writers Guild of America Awards.

Bell died in 2005. Nelson calls their working relationship "the greatest mentorship a person could ever have." She has been based in the Chicago area for her entire writing career, living in Streeterville with her husband, Vern. They have three children. The following is an edited version of our conversation.

Q: How did you come up with that topic for a dissertation?

A: I was watching this soap opera called "Where the Heart Is," and there was this really fascinating, value-oriented argument happening between this mother and daughter, (who was) dating her professor. The mother was saying, "This is a really bad idea," and the daughter was saying, "No, Mom, he loves me!" So I said to my friend, "I really wonder how many people are having their lives more significantly impacted right now watching this soap opera than those who watched (President Richard) Nixon's speech (on television) last night?"

I was surprised (the dissertation proposal) was accepted. This was 1972: There weren't a lot of dissertations out there about social change, and nobody admitted to watching soap operas, yet they were extremely popular. When I started my research, there were 14 on the air. Now there are four (on network TV).

Q: Do you think a soap opera can influence social change today?

A: It still has the ability to bring awareness to people. We won three Emmys for best daytime show with "The Bold and the Beautiful." The first year we won was with a heart transplant story. The next year involved death with dignity. Bradley (Bill Bell's son, now executive producer and head writer for "The Bold and the Beautiful") likes to do a message story every year. This last year, we did a story about kids aging out of foster care, which is a huge problem. Having a message and making an impact with the story ... it's a priority for Bradley. He is such a wonderful man.

Q: Back to that first interview with Bill Bell. How did it lead to a job?

A: He asked me, "What do you want to do with this degree when you finish it?" I said, "I have always thought that I would teach, but now, having been to these studios where these shows are made and after doing all this research, I would love to write these shows."

He was amazed at how much I knew about his shows. I ended up staying 2-1/2 hours. At the end of the interview I was borrowing some scripts ... and he said, "If you're really sincere in your interest, I'll give you an outline like I give my writers and see what you can do."

Q: Not everyone would be so brave!

A: I had mentally decided that if the interview went well, I would find a way to say I wanted to write for him — but I was totally thrown when the conversation started out this way. And I am not a risk taker, so ordinarily I would not have done it. But I realized, "This question is now in the air, and if I don't grab this moment, I may not have another chance." It was sort of a heart-stopping moment I have never forgotten, and I was very conscious that I was stepping outside of my comfort zone.

Q: How soon after that did you get hired?

A: It was over Thanksgiving. So after the holidays, I sent him a script, and he special-delivered me back another outline and a note saying, "This is a pretty good first attempt — your young characters are pretty good. It's very overwritten. Here's another outline, and take a crack at this one." And there was a check for $50. I'm in

graduate schoolicon1.png, so that was like a million bucks! After a few more trial scripts he said, "This is your show. What would you do next?" So I wrote some story ideasicon1.png and sent those to him. Then one morning in April 1974, my phone rings, and I pick it up, and he says, "Kay, it's Bill Bell. I have a job for you if you want it." That May I packed all of my stuff in a van and drove to Chicago. My entire family lived in the Chicago area ... and I stayed with them 2-1/2 years.

Q: How did you negotiate writing for a show that taped in Los Angeles while living in Chicago?

A: Bill was very much the man in charge, and in daytime television back in the day, the head writer is the person who controls the show. He didn't want to raise his children in Los Angelesicon1.png, and he was able to do it from here. He never pressured me to move. I had little kidsicon1.png and ... he respected that I didn't want to raise my children out there.

Q: What's the best writing advice you've ever gotten?

A: Bill said, "Write for the ear, not for the eye." And then it clicked. Even now, I tell my writers, "Read your material out loud." Because if you can't say it, an actoricon1.png can't say it.

Q: What advice would you give aspiring writers?

A: Get a foot in the door. If you can get a job as a receptionist or anything in a production office or as an intern, get in the door. When I got the job, I remember ... my first day in that May of 1974, and I said to my mother, "I intend to make myself indispensable." I don't even know where that came from, except that I felt so fortunate that I'd gotten my foot in the door for something I really wanted to do. I intended to make it work.

Q: That attitude applies to any ambition, doesn't it?

A: I was the kid who did extra credit on the extra credit. If there was anything else I could do, I would do it. If it meant staying up all night, I would do it. ... There's a sense of entitlement we see a lot today, and that drives me insane. You need to be willing to put in the time, and that might be exhausting, but it will pay off.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Thanks for finding that article!

It just reminds us more and more how Kay should have stuck around a lot longer then she did, I don't blame her for not wanting to put up with all the B.S anymore, but it's still sad as she basically put Y&R on the map as much as Bill did...

What's so fascinating about that site is that you can find links of other articles from over 20 years ago....There's another Alden interview dated December 1, 1988....

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He's someone I wish we would see back on daytime or tv in general.....I have seen a few recentish pics and he's age pretty well....a little grayer, but that's normal....I rather see him pop up on another soap, then most of the people they cast now....

I think he visited the Y&R set not too long ago cause apparently there was a photo of him posing with CLB.....

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May 1988

Nina was ecstatic, but Phillip ran out of Kay`s mansion when she told him that the paternity tests show that Phillip is the father of Nina`s baby. Paul told Jack that his investigation of Brad turned up the fact that Brad had once married a shy but wealthy young woman after working as the family`s gardener. The girl`s family later had the marriage annulled. Traci admitted that she`s pregnant after John guessed that she`s going to make him a grandfather. Jason told Tim he has a publisher who is thinking about printing Traci`s novel. At Victor`s insistence, Nikki went to Casey for a medical checkup.

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