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Yeah, I really like GR and the Kevin character as originally written was compelling, but his redemption was handled badly. The scenes of him getting beat up in jail were some of the most beautiful directing that Y&R has ever done, but that should have been just the start. A bunch of scenes of people saying they feel sorry for Kevin, and Kevin whining about how he does not want to be in a jail cell (but yet continually committing major and minor crimes) didn't get the job done. I still think they should make him evil again.

As far Adam, I wouldn't even know where to begin. They should have never written all of that garbage to begin with. The original storyline of CE's Adam trying to find his place in the company was great.

Yeah the Christine getting engaged to Michael was one of those things I thought Y&R would never do. I never thought Christine would end up engaged to her rapist (well, near rapist)... but then they had Paul rape her also and then them getting married... really ridiculous. Especially now that I've just watched some of the 80s episodes that YRfan23 uploaded and saw what Christine had to deal with from Derek.

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But she's beautiful, angelic, virtuous, does-everything-right Christine...

Which means, she's always going to be victimized by everyone around her and will need to be handheld and babysat.

She'll take a quick break to lecture us on some Very Important Social Issue...

and then she'll go back to same old, same old.

I mean, what else is sweet, perfect Christine gon do?

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I don't know why she thinks any of this stuff under her dear sister-in-law, and what's she's doing now, to be considered "more" meaty. She should know better then anyone that what's happen the last few years is not what her father would have wanted, yet she seems to be going along with all the silly plot holes just because she prefers not to be the damsel in distress....but I have to give her credit if she really did helped to make them fire Maria because she wasn't happy with the stupid hit and run nonsense not putting Phyllis in jail....

here's 2/26/93. My last February 93 re-upload (and last one for that month for now). Unfortunately the last few minutes were cut off cause of the world trade center bombing reports.


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I mean, even mad hater Mary Williams was singing Christine's praises!

(It made sense with the characters involved but I certainly could do without it).

Thank God she didn't get it, if that's the case. First, it would have been completely OOC and, secondly, she wouldn't have pulled it off. So we were probably better off.

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The only thing I never liked about "Jiminy Cricket" Blair was how it always seemed to be her calling to raise social consciousness of both viewers and other GC citizens alike. But other than that...? I had no problems with her.

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Mary in general had issues with mostly anyone who dared come close to her beloved Paul! laugh.png

But she eventually ended up adoring Christine to the max, just like everyone else did. Barf.

You're lucky! lol Problem was, she was a very basic character, who was ridiculously propped for decades. But at least the writing for the show in general was good, and the direction much better, so that helped her. Back then when I was watching,I liked her well enough but the huge problems with her are obvious to me now.

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You know Cricket doesn't really "bug" me all that much either....I just wished daddy would have toned it down with having her on the show EVERY damn day.....I always cringe a little inside whenever she pops up in one of the old episodes....

I also think ( dare I say) Lauralee is a better actress then what most people credit her for...

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A few pages back somebody posted a link to a site with lots of Y&R stuff from the 70s and I now have some of those DVDs and have begun watching this. As for the full episodes, it's mostly the 70s episodes that have popped up online, although I think one was new to me. Mostly it's stuff dealing with Jennifer Brooks breast cancer, but you also have some Foster stuff in there. I know somewhere in the collection there is an episode of Y&R with Brian Kerwin as Greg Foster, but I haven't watched that yet. I DID watch the first batch of Lorie edits and it was glorious! It goes without saying that Jaime Lyn Bauer doesn't get enough credit for getting Y&R off the ground. I would even say she was probably more important than Jill or Katherine at this point. She has such gravitas and you see why they would write the entire family off when she left. She held up every actor she had scenes with and many of them were good actors. My favorite scene so far was seeing Mark break it off with Lorie because she is his sister.

Once I figure out how to post this stuff I will! I'm also still watching the Y&R uploads in this thread and am watching the episodes where Nina has shot David and Cricket is trying to prove he's faking his paralysis. You also have a VERY young Victoria home from boarding school learning about Ruthless and hating Ashley. I had no idea Heather Tom could be so young. It's so weird seeing her this way lol. She is still such a powerhouse even at a young age. I also like that they brought her on with such a strong focus on her relationship with Victor.

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I was the one who posted that link. Thanks for the reply. I tried talking to the guy who runs that site about getting the Y&R stuff, but never heard back. I didn't have anything to trade that he didn't already have.

Does the Foster/Brooks material have any of Nikki and Greg's marriage ?

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