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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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A lot of fans hate Lori, hate Andrea, but you never know how much of that is the writing and how much is fandoms having female issues in general.

I just realized how many different types of people post in this thread. Very different people. It just confirms to me again that someone should have done an apocalyptic type daytime soap years ago.

(insert Ellen Wheeler GL joke here)

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I think GH could do a minor zombie apocalypse episode for Halloween some year, set at the hospital. Why not? Say it's somebody's dream after too much Halloween candy. Or do a little subplot with some virus that makes people go 'rabid' instead. I don't care!

And yes, Ellen Wheeler's GL did seem to be produced post-zombie apocalypse. That's why they never went inside; Shane Ellen refused to leave camp.

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I mostly blame the writing for both Lori and Andrea. Of course, the Shane fans were always going to hate her for choosing Rick, but on Talking Dead, it was clear that the producers were deliberately having Lori's act in ways that would stir up controversy. The look the writers and producers gave each other and the bungled explanation for her lack of support when Rick's confession that he had killed Shane made that clear. Andrea has now taken on departed Lori's role as unwitting "woman pawn." I don't think that it is a coincidence that they are writing both leading women this way. In contrast, Maggie who is a supporting female lead has become a strong, admirable, fighter, and devoted partner.

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I read a little about scenes that were cut, that the actors who played Lori and Rick wanted kept in - apparently her spitting in his face after he tells her killed Shane. Someone joked that those were cut because they would have made fans go Defcon-5. I guess Lori's motivations make more sense than Andrea's; on paper the idea of Andrea's divided loyalties and feeling left behind do make sense, just not sure if they have been shown well onscreen. But maybe the upcoming episodes will make more sense.

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I thought that initially TPTB did a good job of showing why Andrea wanted to stay in Woodbury. She was tired of constantly being on the run and Woodbury seems safe with a semblance of their old lives. On top of which, Michonne never explained the reasons for her suspicions to Andrea and the Governor had done a good job hiding his madness. Yes, zombie death match comes off as brutal, but as he pointed out it is entertainment and no one can really get hurt. However, all of this was undercut by the sexual attraction which made it look to some people like that was her main motivation for staying in Woodbury and letting Michonne leave alone. However, after Penny, the severed heads, and a captured Daryl, the scales have got to fall off Andrea's eyes or she will be a fool.

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Madmen isn't a hit, just like 30 Rock and Parks and recreation. Just bc u may win awards, doesn't mean people care. Hollywood pimps these shows out bc they win awards to make people watch, but never wins.

I tried to watch Madmen, that show was god awful boring! Hollywood wants people to think its a monster hit, when it isn't. The ratings are terrible, like bw 1 to 2 million. TWD repeat draws more that that. I think after this season, Madmen isn't AMC golden child anymore. U support the show that brings in the money. TWD has on the highest fee's for companies to show commercial during the show, beating out American Idol.

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Seriously, my Sunday night feels so blah now that Once Upon a Time, but mainly The Walking Dead is on hiatus. I was just surfing the Internet for Walking Dead stuff and found this deleted scene on YT. Have you seen it before? It is really good. So odd seeing how many of the group are dead now. Got to love this show. This scene would have given us the first hint of the Governor and his people who obviously killed the Vatos. I had totally forgotten about the plan to go to Fort Benning. Guess, that is out of the question now.


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I am reading speculation that the Governor publicly turned on Merle is part of a plan to have him escape with Daryl so that he can be their inside man at the prison. It does seem possible. I feel for Daryl if it is true.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I cannot see anyone other than Daryl accepting Merle. As things stand, they have no choice because they need Daryl desperately, but if anything I see a schism between the group and Daryl because Merle who will no doubt try to be on his best behavior.

I am also reading that the Governor will be around into next season so clearly there will be no easy resolution to the story as whole for a long time to come.

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