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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I think you're dealing with a dynamic that has changed/evolved/deteriorated depending on his you want to view it. There was a time when people like Rick wouldn't have batted an eye and would have accepted him in where a Daryl back then would have probably killed the man no questions asked. Now it's just about survival but even with that while Rick has certainly become darker, someone like Daryl has shown a side of himself that may had never evolved or been shown before and Glenn has grown by leap and bounds, showing compassion, courage, and fierceness.

The show despite the gore and such which I know the diehards love, is a fascinating study of human nature, as you see how different types of people react in the face of survival and a kind of hopelessness.

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I agree with this. I have said this before, I think that you are the person you were before during the Zombie Apocalypse, but I think that extremely terrifying situations can take even good people to a dark place that they never thought that they would go. Yet, everyone does not end up completely soulless. Daryl and Merle are the prime example of this. Two brothers brought up together under the same ugly circumstance, but from the moment we met Daryl we knew he was nothing as horrible as his brother and now he has become someone heroic, while Merle has just gotten worse. The anarchy of the new world feeds his instinct for cruelty. Rick is harder, more ruthless, but his desperation to save Maggie and Glenn shows that underneath he remains the solid good man that he ever was.

I think that this season the show has found the ideal balance of action and human drama. It is compelling viewing. It is the best show on tv at the moment, IMO.

Edited by Ann_SS
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the guy is hold up by himself for who knows how long and a bunch of strangers just force their way in. It was his cabin. It's not like he went and trespassed on their territory. He was scared and frightened and for all he knew, they were gonna kill him for his supplies and home. He wasn't trying to kill them; he was trying to escape and that's when Michonne killed him

he wouldn't be a liability as he wasn't trying to be with them. Assuming they'd get out of the cabin, they'd go back about their business and he'd stay right where he was.
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I think most of these folks are in survival mode. The old Rick likely would have saved him. This Rick is more about protecting his shrinking tribe. Living in a world that's just about getting from day1 to day 2 causes different facets of your survival instincts to surface. I don't think them shoving that old man out of the cabin was meant to be shown as heroic or just, only about doing what one feels is needed to make it to tomorrow.

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Good point, but wasn't he zombie food anyhow? The walkers pretty much found their way to the cabin and chased the group there. It was just a matter of time, but that scene was needed to show where this group is now, "mentally" (for lack of a better word). Times have changed. Ordinarily, they probably would have taken the person with them, but he can't contribute to anything. And again, had they not been there, the zombies were on their way.

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Another moment that I loved last night is when Merle kept saying that no one was coming for them and Glenn retorted that Rick was coming and that he would kill him. I loved that Glenn's belief in Rick was so strong and true and that he was absolutely right.

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I really felt for Maggie. She had been terrorized by the governor. She could not withstand any more and could not lose Glenn. When the governor was doing that sick comforting thing, I cringed for her. I felt her relief and despair when she ran into Glenn's arms and he held onto her tightly. They are such a wonderful couple, so much love there. I really think that Merle seemed a bit ashamed at that moment.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I don't blame any of them at the cabin, that crazy fart was going to open the door and let the cannibals in. A crazy fart in an unlocked rickety cabin who was lying in bed with nothing to live for? Michonne made the right call. We also have to remember that Rick and co. just lost T-Dog and Lori because Rick threw a live man out the door and considered him toast, just as Merle did with Michonne, who he has reported to the governor is dead. Next week I think he's going to find out how trustworthy his lead enforcer is. Its going to be interesting to see who's hands Merle dies by and I hope it is his own brother who slices him open and tosses him to the walkers.

I really thought the Governor was going to rape Maggie. The Lead Exec on the show however said there is no comic book arc they will shy away from, which makes me wonder if he is going to rape someone this season.

Why anyone is surprised by Glen's Warrior is beyond me. He was the first down in the tunnels in the Shopping store in Season 1, the one who volunteered to be Well Zombie Bait. He might not be a leader, but its not always the power hungry who step up when needed.

Kinda glad its taking a break, can go back to waiting for it to be Friday instead of Sunday's again!

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Holy [!@#$%^&*] Maggie and Glenn were phenominal. She would rather be raped and he would rather be killed than give up their group, their friends, their family. Those scenes were intense and I am so glad they didnt have her raped, honestly.

The scene with them throwing that guy at the walkers... not even gonna lie, id do the same damn thing.

Good, solid episode. I am pumped for next week.

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TWD is stuck in my head. I keep wondering what the winter finale will bring us next week, but I am desperately trying to stay away from spoilers. No doubt we will get a cliffhanger and maybe a death. It seems way to early in the season for Merle and Governor to die, but I thought the same about Lori. Maybe Axel and Oscar are on the chopping block as well as red shirts from Woodbury. I have to think that Merle and Daryl will finally reunite, same with Andrea and the rest of our group. She will have to decide whose die she will fight on. I also can see Rick and the others rushing back to the prison only to see it under attack from the Woodbury crew.Thoughts?

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I think that Andrea is going to see the light. She has been dumber than dirt this season and yet, I understand wanting to believe in the governor and in some sort of safe harbor.

Daryl is awesome. I hope to god he chooses the group over his brother. I think he will, but it'll be a close call.

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That would be a good way for Merle to go out. Things have gotten so bleak on TWD that I look at Merle as a semi good guy for not threatening to rape anyone.

I haven't read the comics, so I don't know who is paired with who, but I am shipping Daryl and Carol. I hope they both live for awhile.

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