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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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LMAO this is so sad... remember after she and Shane did whatever in that car -- she was this total badass shooter. So what if she gets laid again and then miraculously she becomes a force to be reckoned with on some other level.

Ann, I get what you're saying but if we're partners. I'd somewhat want to trust the person I'd been with for the past eight months than some shady stranger... no matter what come hither looks he and Andrea share. The whole operation was shady and Andrea tried to turn a blind eye because like you said she was simply tired of running. That's why I love Mich -- she was just not with it. She questioned everything and I would have loved for her to find his creepy head shrine and his daughter. The residents of that place are just so blissfully ignorant of any and everything.

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Daryl. In a poncho. And with a baby. I could not handle it. It was too cute!

Andrea is thirsty for some peen and blind to the gov when M has done nothing but take care of her. However, I wouldnt really wanna leave there either. The zombie cage fighting? Awesome!

Rick has flipped. And i kinda love it.

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It was great to see Daryl taking on the leadership mantle with Rick totally out of it. He was very sweet with the baby. I think it is very important that he feels responsible for the group since a reunion with Merle is on the horizon. This way Daryl is genuinely torn about whether to side with Merle and the Governor or unstable Rick and his friends who will desperately need him.

I think that it is unbelievable that the baby is as healthy as Hershel claims. I would have made the baby underweight and sickly so it would die of natural causes over the next month or so. I wonder if TPTB really intend to let the baby live in the long term because I cannot see how that is feasible. The group is already slowed down by Hershel's disability, a crying baby would be near suicide.

I love Rick losing his mind a little. He was already on edge over having to kill Shane, now he is feeling all sorts of guilt over Lori's death. It has got to be destroying him that he was so angry and dismissive of her and that they left things so unresolved. Rick simply cannot cope with his emotional turmoil at the moment. It will take time for him to get back to himself. Of course, that is a recipe for disaster with the confrontation with the Governor clearly ahead.

Zombie death match was hilarious and sick at the same time.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I get Andrea's sense of relief and wanting to stay and stop running, but it's coming from the wrong place. She obviously needs some loving, so her instincts are off. Michonne lives by instincts, so it's only natural that she be on guard almost all the time. Michonne has given nothing concrete, so until she does, Andrea has a right to feel safe right now. But again, I just feel Andrea's instincts would be back on once she gets laid.

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I can see how Andrea is seduced by the apparently safety of Woodbury. First, she barely escapes the farm alive, then she and Michonne have been running and hiding for months. It has got to be exhausting. No wonder her instincts are dull, not that they were ever good in the first place given her attraction to crazy ass Shane.

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I don't think the baby is as much a liability as everyone thinks. These people need some hope in their lives and if all babies are going to die instantly and not live at all, what is the point in going on and not just popping a bullet into the head? I literally creamed myself when Darryl picked up that baby and fed her. Have never been longing to have one of my own, but that was before last night, seeing Darryl I realized I just haven't met a worthy warrior man!

I don't blame Andrea at all. Before last night she has been given no idea that this Woodbury Bunch is nuttier than anyone else still alive in the new world. I don't think in the 8 months since Michonne saved her life that she's learned much about her or her pets. Yes she has kept her safe, but Andrea is obviously longing for companionship and is finally getting some. I think the rug muncher comment of Merle's was very telling and gives me the impression Andrea does go both ways but her and Michonne are not that close. Michonne's gut feeling would not be enough to make me leave either. Especially after the Hershel farm, where it seems to be a psychological norm that makes people keep their zombie children and wives alive, while looking for a cure, rather than chopping off their arms and jaws and dragging them around on chains.

As for the rest of the show, I think the prison stuff might have jumped the shark. Zombies are now dragging around their fresh meat and not plunking right down for the snack as they all have been shown to do to date? I'd sooner believe that Carol dragged her around the corner in an attempt to save her life. Or that Carl did not have it in him to shoot her in the head and instead shot her in the neck or shoulder and she dragged her zombie self away, but not before that Zombie had munched a good chunk. Otherwise it makes no sense, how would a Zombie eat her bones and all, in less time than those walkers that chewed a good amount off TDog but still left a recognizable body?

As for Carol, I think that red headed Junkie has nabbed her and hidden her somewhere. These men have been without sex for ages and finding an alone vulnerable female, seems more a ticket to sex slavery than a walker attack. I find it ridiculous they'd bury a scarf.

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