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GH: November Discussion Thread

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she's not a paranoid bitch for thinking Lisa torched the house. She's a paranoid bitch for being convinced that Lisa torched the house even after being told that she did not do it. Im guessing Maxie is lying about lighting the candles, bc she wanted to protect Lisa. Robin isnt coming across too rational.

no, theres no posts supporting any craziness.

Exactly. They'd all do better if Robin would leave her the F alone. IA, Robin and Patrick are boring as hell as a couple and as characters. Lisa has been the most exciting thing to happen to them in years. Unfortunately she is stuck in Scrubs hell to give them something to do. I wish they'd just get her away from them already.

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Another exactly. If Lisa wasn't tormenting Robin, she would be Claire. Lisa isn't even anything special. BBr gives the character absolutely no subtext which does make sense since in interviews, it is clear that she is desperate to play down Lisa's craziness to keep stringing out this job.

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well she doesnt have to go into the mob story. In all honesty they should have written her out when she had her breakdown but since they are deciding to keep her, she needs to get away from the toxic Robin and Patrick. There's other directions they can besides them or Sonny's world. I think there is potential with Nikolas or Lucky. If they had any interest in writing for the Qs, one story idea I had for her involved being revealed to be Alan's child via an affair, but then I guess making her a Q is a sure way to get her killed off.

there is nothing special about Lisa as the character was created as a very cliche role. Im sure if it wasnt for Briana's amazing acting which has surprised and gotten people engaged and excited for her story, she'd have been killed off or carted off to jail/Ferncliff. I beleive BB is the only reason why Lisa still exists bc she impressed and the story got positive buzz

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But they wrote her into a corner last month. She should have been written out after that stuff. It appeared as if they were writing her exit story as they had her go out of hand in a way that couldnt be ignored. It would have been much easier to drop her rather back tracking and acting as if none of it happened. I think thats why its a surprise. She's not an established character so theres no reason to need to redeem her or try to find things for her to do. If they had gotten rid of her, I dont think in the long run people would care. If they had someone like Liz or Robin go crazy, do the stuff Lisa did and then got rid of both of them, then people would be bashing GH for trashing and destroying them to the point where they were off the show. Lisa? Not so much

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I agree all the way down the line. Unfortunately the problem in the Robin case is that Lisa had 4 strikes against her before she even started and that doesn't seem to change. We need another Legacy Kid to shove it to Robin - an outsider doesn't stand a chance.

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Oh, they actually did a Sonny-flirt thing with Lisa when she first arrived. I agree - that's a bullet dodged. I just wish we'd see more of Lisa as a person. Who is she? Where does she come from? What drives her passion? Who is she connected to outside of Scrubs? Just flesh out the character and give her others (ie. non-mobbies) to interact with.

And making her a Q would be great. She's certainly got the chops to be one, but not Alan's - Tracy's abortion story never did ring 100% true...

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Tracy had an abortion? Was that revealed when Lulu had hers? I was thinking Alan's kid bc it would force Monica to deal with the ugly side of her marriage and Alan wasnt as great as she's made him out to be in death. Lisa's this colleage she's respected but now resents bc of the truth. Edward would want her in the fmaily bc he's desperate for loved ones around and Tracy of course would want to get rid of her bc she's an interloper. BUT we've seen this story before in different forms. I like your idea of her being Tracy's long lost kid. Seeing her with her own daughter would be interesting.

And you are right; they need to flesh out Lisa bc all we know about her prior to coming to town is that she dated Patrick in college. When she tried to kill herself Patrick tried to talk her down and said it would hurt her family. Who is her family? She obviously has a life outside of this town and this man. Id like to see them explore it. Tying her to Tracy could be an intersting route and give her something to do that doesnt revolve around Luke. Maybe they can save that story for when he inveitably goes on vacation and she doesnt have to go into hibernation

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Yeah, the abortion came out during Lulu's abortion struggle - Tracy used it as a cautionary tale. Apparently the man beat her (which was another lost opportunity - Kristina's story) and had no support from him, friends or family so she aborted the child. That just doesn't strike me as Tracy, but that's Cannon as it stands.

Lisa is smart, like Tracy. Lisa has no use for Robin, like Tracy (who also has no use for Anna after the swing thing with Luke). Lisa is desperate to be loved and accepted, like Tracy…. so many ways to connect. AND we've seen that Tracy relates very differently to women then men in her world. It could be interesting.

Honestly, I want to know more. Lisa and Siobhan are two of the more interesting characters created in a long time (I used to include Claire in that one, but unfortunately we all know what happened there, sigh…). And if we get them tangling with Tracy, the merrier it all shall be. Monica is just to boiled chicken compared to Tracy. We need spicy women!

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